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Slippery Rubber Mats

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Everything posted by Slippery Rubber Mats

  1. I'm in SoFla and it is raining like crazy. Even for down here, this is a strong one.
  2. I'm too lazy to look (and I'm sure videos exist) but I literally cannot remember what Star sounds like or what his demeanor is like. Not particularly enthusiastic sounding here IMO. Not great, Bob.
  3. I love that they are making Star available. "See? He exists. He's a real football playing man. Ask him questions about football, diet, run stuffing, short videos about running around cones, anything!"
  4. Get him in town, get some wings in front of him, problem solved.
  5. Right, but no one is claiming otherwise. He's seeing reports of a good practice and building a strawman argument.
  6. I think pouty face has been brought up enough at this point to where we need to see some video evidence. IMO of course. Bold claims being made. We know he has a face, and that’s half of it. But is it pouty?
  7. Bannan and Denney more than make up for the loss. How much does Williams weigh? Bannan and Denney combine for like 600+ lbs.
  8. "It was hot garbage, and I told them so," Williams said. "I told them, 'Don't worry about it. I'm just going to play this out and do whatever." We don't need that kind of attitude. I promise you he wont amount to anything in this league.
  9. Im completely happy with AJ being gritty here.
  10. He wasn't exactly languishing though. Cleveland was hi first team and he had a nasty injury in his contract year, and didn't get picked up. Still, as a good value free agent find I could see the comparison.
  11. While yeah Fitz will be Fitz, I think he's in the right division and right team this year to make the playoffs. Then he'll throw a few back-breaking picks in the wildcard round and move on to his 28th team next year.
  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but Hollister has 2 practices in May/June that reporters could see. How can he "look good" enough where anyone could make any kind of judgement about how he will fare this year? Offseason be crazy
  13. It was I really impressive article I'll grant you. But maybe we should wait for another article later in June before we are ok with making this guy a starter? I'd even like to see a July article. Maybe a few blurbs in there somewhere too.
  14. It's solid veteran list. Same sorts of dudes that get practices off during the season. Also dudes near the end of the line with no desire to get hurt at voluntary practices.
  15. Agreed, particularly on the D line. Last 3 drafts we've drafted the cornerstones of the hopeful future at that position. They def needs reps though, and will be deep in a heavy rotation once the games start.
  16. The way I look at this is: what couldn't they do at the old number (3+mil)? They need to pay Rousseuueoeu ~2. That would leave them with a million plus, so basically no flexibility at all after that. Now they'll have around 9 mil to work with. I could see a vet CB around 5-6mil plus rooks. Leaving them 3+ to do business with after that. Ertz seems like he could fit in instead of the CB with some cash left on the table to pay Greg and have about the same amount left over as before.
  17. Because "aging" doesn't matter if you only have him for one year, and obviously people are banking on the production drop being from offensive dysfunction in Philly. Whether or not you agree is a different matter.
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