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Slippery Rubber Mats

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Everything posted by Slippery Rubber Mats

  1. yo I want a life saver shirt but ***** me up on the arms say no more fam
  2. Yep, I agree. They posted a pic 45 minutes ago with his gameday locker, but Gabe has a locker too, so I think it's old
  3. The Saturday game last season had the seats covered in snow and it was loud as hell
  4. Here's the Fournette pic: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=916613166491702&set=pcb.916615926491426 EDIT it must be old Davis has a locker. IDK why they used that pic
  5. idk maybe that image is from a different week. that would be weird check out their account on facebook, post from 30 minutes ago
  6. looks like fournette is dressing edit he's got a game day locker on the latest bills facebook post
  7. Last year's Saturday game against the Phins we had to shovel our seats out at gametime. There just was no place for the snow to go so it went on the field in the form of snowballs lol
  8. Got up and went to work early so we can leave early to watch the Bills. Ritual-wise, this is all I can contribute. Hopefully it is enough. (I'll think about wings too)
  9. The pre game party in the bus lot 2 hours before gametime was absolutely wild. It was crazy all day but once the sun went down it went up another notch lol
  10. Bills Mafia did all the things that were required to put the Bills in the best position to win. We performed all the rituals: drank and danced for 5 hours in the bus lot with thousands of us gathered, played all the songs, drank all the beers, ate all the food. There's power in that https://www.instagram.com/reel/C10RNPhLhfi/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== It got even wilder when the sun went down as you might imagine
  11. Yeah I obviously disagree. Of course expectations change with context. But this is entertainment and I've surely been entertained this season lol. I'd only be "miserable" if this bills were uncompetitive. Anyways here to a win today
  12. its funny about perspectives. You found this season miserable? After the drought teams I find it really hard to be miserable during bills season. Frustrating in some aspects sometimes sure, but overall a very entertaining season so far for me
  13. ft lauderdale beach is certainly not. There's a strip of bars and restaurants with a bills flag above them and in particular elbo room and you just go there and buy alcohol and party. The pre-game stuff in the lots might need you to buy ahead of time, but that's because a bunch of them are catered to those on that trip. and you can still join it's just byob EDIT looking at the schedule now it is just rock bar in ftl beach that has tickets, but there is an open bar there. All the other locations literally next door will not require any tickets https://www.instagram.com/billsbackersmiami/?hl=en
  14. LOL yeah filled to the brim with bills fans yesterday. Will pick up again today after hangovers wear off I ended up going down there we had a blast
  15. Why can't we talk about injuries lol? We're not playing
  16. Tons of Bills fans
  17. Should be low 70's/high 60's by gametime. We're in a cold spell down here
  18. Exactly, first couple series rarely tell the tale
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