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Everything posted by flaz

  1. No but it is a novel idea. Falcon heavy is on schedule. I have a clear blue sky
  2. I have read every post and it seems to me that the OP found it funny that to people with similar features were both frauds. I don't see race as being part of his point. JMO. Carry on
  3. Boyst and KW95 must be on a honeymoon island somewhere. Have not seen either in a month
  4. Close enough for a caravan to Atlantic City to work on the next Trump project I guess
  5. Thanks, Im one of the rare few that gets to spend a 65th birthday with his 93 year old mother. Maybe pick up some wings on my way to her house
  6. Happy birthday @mrags Some fine folks were born on this day
  7. Not bad Gug, but I enjoyed the 15 Banned Commercials Compilation, that popped up after, much more
  8. There was more to it than just that. My point is that he sounded ill equipped for the job
  9. I was about to start a thread on this subject but with a twist. Instead I'll just add my thoughts here.Living in a Miami market I just heard the introductory presser for Mr. Flores. I'll start by saying that I am thrilled that the Phish made this hire. The presser started with Mr. Ross stating the Phish had found a great leader of men. Our search had nothing to do with offense or defense. We conducted our search to find the the best leader for our organization. Then the GM spoke about how Flores was a disciple of BB and he will coach in the ways he learned in New England. Let me restate, I am thrilled with this hire. We all know the track record of assistants and coordinators coming out of New England, it ain't good. Now for my reaction to the presser, it was painful. Flores stuttered and stammered his way through 15 minutes (or more) behind the mic. He spoke in cliches throughout the entire time and if I hear another UM or UH, somebody will get slapped. In 15 minutes, there must have been 200 of each. Good luck Miami, I don't see this being a fun ride
  10. Turns out I voted with the majority. With that said, it sure seemed like game day posts and shouts were more on the negative side. At least up until week 17 anyway.
  11. Win. However, a loss with more growth from our young QB would be acceptable
  12. Old hands of stone standing in end zone until, Oh *****, the ball is coming to me. Then he broke on the ball to late Then tried to catch with his hands instead of scooping the ball
  13. I sure hope so, hes gotta feed the kids dontchaknow
  14. I just wish Ditka and Wannstedt would stop making crappy commercials for doctors and auto repair shops down here, they suck. Get well Mike
  15. You are correct sir
  16. This Butler kid for Iowa St looks a bit like Moss. 6 6 and is third in the country in receiving. According to the play by play guy
  17. Tommy wishes he was as pretty as me!
  18. He is actually doing a damn good job so far. No mistakes and right on time with his input
  19. I did a search and found nothing. If its already been posted, sorry. Its on FS1 and he is doing a respectable job
  20. Happy anniversary gal! I have a long way to go to get to 10 Hell, Im up to 155 posts after only 7 years
  21. PO was when his brother was still alive. Im just glad he is back and somewhat normal

  22. What a strange twist of fate this would be for my Raiders fan brother. He is dumping the Raiders when they move to Vegas anyway but here is the irony if this trade were to occur. At the end of the 1966 season, the Bills shipped Daryle Lamonica off to Oakland. My brother (a huge fan of Daryle) started the 67 season as a Raiders homer. He actually moved to that area (for other reasons) and has been a season ticket holder for nearly 30 years. He is a big supporter of Carr and hates Davis and Chuckie. This would surely help his transition back to the Bills once the Raiders have skipped town!
  23. Im truly shocked that you think Allen deserves the right to work himself through his rookie year. You and I both know for a fact that Josh is trash and should be replaced by Nate, with Anderson as his backup. Beane and McD are to proud to admit that they missed horribly on this kid and will probably be replaced in the offseason. Pegs and his hot wife have no clue how a real NFL team is supposed to operate. For them, the Bills are just a rich man's toy. We all know that once they tire of this shiny new toy they surely will sell the Bills to the highest bidder, who will ship them to Toronto. I feel bad for those poor canadian fans, they will be feeling the same pain we Buffalonians have felt for so many long years. Shame on you Fergy, you should know better
  24. Sure, I have an extra 5 minutes to spare!
  25. And rumor has it that Tiger cheated on this one too. He is truly an idiot!
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