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Everything posted by flaz

  1. I only rode a school bus in the late 60s, and that was always on a Friday, to spend the weekend on Burt Hill. My good friend Steve's father, Cappie, drove bus and owned a dairy farm. Back in that day, nobody wore a seatbelt in a car. We now know that seatbelts save lives. It is time your bus riding kids have the protection they deserve. I realize there was no fatality, but there was much luck involved with that outcome https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/11/us/ohio-bus-crash-video-trnd/index.html It also means taxpayers will foot the bill, and I have no problem with that
  2. I found no such tinglage from the two southern puffers I consumed 2 nights ago. I did however, get a tingle from my blend. In fact I have a little tingle as I type, from the coffee and blend I just finished
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=Clean+puffers+with+a+fork&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS591US591&oq=Clean+puffers+with+a+fork&aqs=chrome..69i57.18928j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_aAhCXtHWAYjG5gLa5qCwCg30 This is the method I used
  4. The annoying little bait stealing puffer fish is very tasty. I just fried up 2 and the flesh is mild and white The 2 I fried up were large, about a pound apiece. They are very easy to clean and there is no rib cage. Deep fried for about 8 minutes, with the breading still golden brown
  5. Thanks, but what I want is ways to cook them. Input will be appreciated
  6. The southern puffer is not poisonous . The puffers in the asian rim are the ones with the toxins. If you prepare those properly and cook them. the toxin dies. Raw is the issue
  7. In my life, I have eaten many puffers but this is a serious question. I live 300 feet from the Caloosahatchee river, on the Cape Coral side. I am allowed to fish behind my neighbors homes because I watch the neighborhood when they are gone during the summer. For whatever reason, it seems like most of the fish I prefer to eat, leave town at this time of year. What is left is a boat load of Southern Puffer, some as big as a pound and a half. I have heard they are good table fare. I have watched video on how to clean them , now I would like to hear from some other puffer eaters. What is your favorite recipe to make your puffer tasty
  8. Pissed I can't get Indy/Gags
  9. Are you still trying to go from banned to a mod?
  10. 72 at game time, our boys will enjoy the weather here! GO BILLS!!
  11. Have a great time! There may be a ticket available for the Miami. I find out tomorrow. I really wanted the Pat's game but Miami will do
  12. Would it make a difference if turned to Buddhism or became an agnostic. The guy turned his life around at this point, so it seems. I am rooting like hell for him. Keep your belief in the appropriate section
  13. Um, not sure I am the correct spot. I need to register fo hammers
  14. I have read every post in this thread and saw no reference to any particular Cell carrier. I am coming up from Florida and am concerned about signal strength on my Sprint android at the stadium BTW. I have the Ticketmaster app. Will that work at the gate
  15. Probably because he feels the Circus is just beginning with AB and the Raiders. Not ending just because he will play this Sunday! Like most of us
  16. Oh, if you don't like liver, you probably don't like rutabaga. Good, that means there will be left in the store for me
  17. Thirsty's here in the Cape has a female chef that makes it just right. I told her, last night, that she makes it almost as Mrs. flaz did. Unfortunately she hasn't cooked in 3 years The biggest issue with liver is overcooking. It becomes shoe leather past medium rare or medium. Well done you can drive a nail with
  18. No way do you put gravy on any liver. If the beef or calves liver is sauteed in butter to medium rare and served with caramelized onions, there is no stink and it melts in the mouth. A nice salad and a baked spud rounds out the meal. Heaven on earth for Mrs. flaz and me
  19. Football, race, politics, sounds like a Sunday afternoon in the deep south to me! The question is , which track
  20. I never suck up. I never lie. I am blount. I like this site. Take my point away please
  21. The Duke. He reminds me of Moulds. If that was said before, sorry folks
  22. Maybe Craft, he is a scofflaw under indictment for solicitation. The man has no morals. He hire two guys with no morals to form the triumvirate
  23. What ever. I'm going to sleep *****
  24. I too was witness to the shoutbox brouhaha. This is a total ruse to sway the opinion of the uninformed voters, much like the last presidential election. BTW, the pizza I make has no outer crust. All the goodies go out to the very edge
  25. Great diagnostics by the OP. The questions as we all know, does Josh take the next step and does he gel with his new receiver and does the new O line protect him? My hopes are high that it all comes together for a 9-7 or 10-6 season. A playoff berth would be icing on the cake.
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