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Everything posted by flaz

  1. Second egg hatched 13 hours ago. Harriet is out hunting for food and M is in charge of the chicks
  2. 1st egg has hatched and the 2nd is still viable. A bit of entertainment available during the shut down https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/
  3. R.I.P. He was a joy to chat with and will truly be missed. Take care and be safe
  4. I have our LeeWay pass here, works the same as your EZ pass, except it's 30 bucks. The cool thing is, you get a discount with the pass. The regular toll is 2 bucks, only 1 with the pass
  5. Happy Birthday Mike. Say Hi to Arnold for me
  6. My bad, you and Teef deserve better. This guilt will surely take it's toll. I hope I can survive it
  7. Thank you CC
  8. Well thank you very much! Would have much more enjoyable had we all not been preoccupied with a stinking pandemic!
  9. I think @Chandler#81 volunteers at the Players
  10. It worked this time
  11. No way this tops the previous post I can't post the close up for some reason. My brother sent me that from a hotel in Tel Aviv a couple years back
  12. Beginning tomorrow through April 5th. Charities will take a big hit from this
  13. If you touched the leader with your hand, yes. lol
  14. Everyone I talked to knew he was giving himself up. Did he do it by the rules of the game, no. But the intent was obvious JMO
  15. Harriet popped out another egg yesterday. They now have 2. All is well with the world!
  16. You want an egg, here's an egg layer https://api-nationalgeographic-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/news/2016/07/animals-platypus-evolution-science?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15826336756837&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  17. Sorry for the delay. Mom or dad must have brought a tainted rodent back to the nest. Rats are a big problem down here. Nearly every house has at least one poison box outside. Eagles are opportunity feeders, carrion being a large part of their diet. I hope this little one makes it, Harriet is getting up there in age.
  18. We should do a poll, my joke would win by 33 percent over the Ferguson
  19. The history of Harriet and M is a selatios. Our eagles were Ozzie and Harriet. M showed up and started courting Harriet 7 years ago, after the state stopped giving the birds names. They now have Letters and numbers. Anyway, M showed up and kicked Ozzies ass 2 years in a row. He wound up with the cougar (bird) and Ozzie is stuffed on a shelf somewhere
  20. The joke is, What is the difference between a carp and an attorney? Answer, one is a scum sucking bottom feeder, the other is a fish!!
  21. Mike is an eagle guy, Fergy is a scum sucking bottom feeder
  22. The Pritchett Eagle Cam is back in business. Their 1st egg didn't hatch. The second hatched and lived but died from rat poison. Harriet has popped out a new egg today!! Harriet has a new eaglet and the 2nd egg is viable https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/
  23. I stated that in my op
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