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Everything posted by flaz

  1. 2 wooly bears for eyebrows, no thank you very much!
  2. The numbers are only for the panhandle. The state makes many billions to the economy
  3. Seafood, recreational fishing, tourism and ag. Does that make you happy
  4. The panhandle of Florida creates over 1.3 billion in revenue alone.
  5. Get off you high horse! What about the billions of dollars of damage done through the midwest from floods and tornadoes every year, earthquakes and fires in California. Wildfires throughout the country. Go smoke a bowl so your lunacy does not affect your drive back to the ditch
  6. The blue/green algae that is growing in the St Lucy an Caloosahatchee is not much better. It grows in thick matts in the canals and other slow moving waters. The health issues have yet to be determined, but it has caused many people to leave the area. Symptoms are much the same as black mold for those with allergies or sensitivity to the stuff. This has been the worst year in my memory. The mats are loaded with dead vegetation and critters. The fly has been a pain in my ass this year like no other, you can see maggots and flies all over the crap
  7. They think it has moved its way out of the gulf via the gulf stream. But who knows, The St Lucy gets the other third of the releases. We get two thirds
  8. I agree the the worlds temp is cyclic. Saying there is only 100 years of data is absolutely wrong. Science can accurately determine the temps on different parts of the globe within a degree or two, at a given location, by the flora and fauna living there. This can be done going back thousands of years and more. + Red tide is naturally occurring and could be fueled by water temp, but its more likely that the blooms are being fueled by nutrient rich releases from Lake O down the Caloosahatchee
  9. Hey bud. Mom and brother blew a tranny at West Woodlawn and Rt 77. They want 4500 to 5500 or so for a new tranny, but the car is an 06 Taurus and not worth the money in my opinion. Do you know a reputable car dealer in that area



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. flaz


      Can you recommend a dealer?

    3. aristocrat


      Scott Clark Toyota

      ask for DJ Durst. 

    4. flaz


      Thank you again. They will give him a call

  10. I'm sure this will be considered fake news!
  11. Just my opinion that Blo would be the last place he would end his career Not sure what just happened there. I answered but it didn't post I'm just saying Blo would be the last place he would end his career Well now, It's not just my keyboard that is screwed up. Time for a new laptop or a visit to the repair shop
  12. I'm pretty sure that is exactly what I just said
  13. I didnt say he would rather have been drafted by the Bills. Just sayn Time heals all wounds when you get the rings
  14. Me three, usually between 3 and 5. Just told Mrs flaz I actually slept till 6 this morning
  15. Ranch? YEWWWWWWWW
  16. It didn't really involve the stomach much, more so the knuckle/ruler trick!!
  17. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. There's no way in hell they could could be charging more than a rock of coke or meth
  18. A local sports shop put all their Jerseys on sale, 40% off. I bought a London Fletcher jersey. One week later he was gone. The Redskins got one hell of a player in that deal!
  19. That would be coo to watch, but it was announced 2 weeks ago that Springer has stopped taping shows. Everything you see, moving forward, is a rerun. I'd like to see on Dr. Phil though
  20. In the 40 years I've lived here, I have been to 8 or 10 games. I personally haven't had any problems. Oddly enough, most of the trouble I have seen was caused by Jets fans. They show up in surprising numbers and they are, um, Jets fans.
  21. Rushford had the most incredible playground that was built with two by fours. Castle looking thing with Tourette's and slides and everything. It's been roped off for years. When I drive through there I still drive by to look at the wonderful thing they built. Too bad it's no longer usable I agree Auggie. I mostly get slivers. But one year I got a chunk of bark stuck in my inner thigh when I slid down a tree. That was even more than a splinter. More like a sapling sticking out of my leg My mother arranges all my dock rental. The most wonderful mother on the planet!
  22. Listen gugny, I never brag about my dock. it's a rental dock and only gets used 2 weeks out of the year. And i call them slivers
  23. Thanks to the meads, Mike and jaybee for taking the time to meet to meet the flaz. 145 couldn't make it due to his Mr. Mom duties, although we tipped afew on Monday afternoon. All great folks
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