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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Well, It would certainly get people talking... Especially if he purchased dry Ice and a cooler yesterday!
  2. That's right, I almost forgot, -She may have verifiable dirt on him too! -Just sayin'.
  3. Hodge looks pretty good... If Johnson makes it unscathed to next April, he should be a lock for us.
  4. That's what's written there... "Sufficient credible evidence" Which could mean video, or even something else! Again, ANY woman, man, or child with a phone these days could make a credible source... They don't all need to be good Christians.
  5. Any woman with a phone these days could be a credible source. -Keep up, will ya!
  6. I never said it'd be based on solely on some Instagram post... I'm just saying that if she contacted the league with verifiable evidence, it could fall under the NFL/NFLPA's Reasonable Cause Testing Policy. (See page 6.) In which case he'd have to turn in a sample.
  7. So you're saying there's no way the league is conducting it's own investigation at this point?
  8. ---And Many more! -Hopefully not behind bars!
  9. So if she calls up the league with proof of Shady's PED use, they'll hang up on her?
  10. LOVE this kid... But we might be a few years too late... We should have picked him up out of UB back in '14!!!...-Too much talent gets stolen from our backyard. Let's not f#!* things up again with Anthony Johnson and Tyree Jackson in 2019!!!
  11. If McCoy's been "scared off" the PED's because of these allegations, we might be getting a completely different product on the field. If her attorney is allowing the league to speak with this young lady, she might be able to elaborate on those "needles" mentioned in her BFF's post.
  12. It's true... He might have a little more to prove these days.
  13. If that's the case, then she's a complete idiot... She's got nothing to gain from making allegations that can't be proved, and everything to lose, if the cops find that she set this whole thing up... Ms. Cordon is going to get her big butt cordoned-off for about 18 months in a Georgia prison.
  14. Only way Shady gets Carruth'd is if they catch the perp, and the perp implicates him.... Then Ms. Cordon will own Shady, and may also score a docu-drama on OWN.
  15. A, B, and C, are all issues Allen is likely to face if he starts this year.... For the record I wasn't a fan of either QB.... I believe in swinging for the fences for sure, but only when you get your pitch... We had a full count when Allen came in low and wide... I would have gotten on base with foundation players. You play that way, and you set yourself up for a 2-run, -3-run, or even grand slam... By contrast, striking out here could mean the ball game. -At least until we get another at-bat. -Which could be years.
  16. NO to Amy Schumer... Unless it came with enough alcohol for me to charge her with rape I'll take two Dana Perinos to-go, please. Kate Bolduan would get it. Eva Green can certainly get her turn as well.
  17. This Ceviche is something you may want to try.... The lime juice must be squeezed fresh from the limes... And It's gotta cover the Hallibut, seabass or snapper fillets. Generic Kroger Tortilla chips do well with this one... Cold Dos Equis Beer or plain-old Lemonade for a wash-down.
  18. This case needs the arrest of a third party in order to really get anywhere.
  19. Committing a crime while fully clothed. -Check your Bills regulation book.
  20. Cadet is only good when you get him in space.
  21. I cringed when the Browns took Mayfail. -It was like something poked me in the eye... If that's their future, I don't know what to say about the Browns... They did alright by picking up Stanton... He'll get some wins if he gets the chance.
  22. Ty-fraud had a laugh on all of us... Don't be shocked if Stanton is the starter in CLE by week 5.
  23. Fred's awesome... -Always felt like something exciting could happen when he was on the field.
  24. I saw this... What a moron.... -Trump's base. Where can a Trump staffer get a bite to eat these days? Sarah Huckabee looks like she's slimming down a bit.
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