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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Nah... I don't see Trump going all Barbarossa on Putin.... He'd probably do North Korea first. For me, it's NOT about the despicable nature of U.S. clandestine operations. -If it were, we'd have something to agree on. This is about Trump's perpetual displays of ineptitude, and political tone-deafness on the world stage... Every day he showcases his frightening lack of knowledge, skill, and patience for all things political... He could have opted to STFU next to Putin and go home a winner... But no... -Not Fred Trump's kid. Then, as if he wasn't disgraced enough, he offers up THE WORST 4th grade nonsense excuse as to why it all went down. Putin was probably ROTFL when he heard that.
  2. Just so I know, who's Hitler and who's Stalin in this scenario?
  3. LOL.... "I said would when I meant wouldn't" Just gets worse and worse for you Trumpsheviks.
  4. Wish somebody'd tell him that.
  5. You never know with Comrade Trumpski…. He's either talking out of his ass, or leaking classified information.... Every time he stands in front of a mike, something bad happens.
  6. Non-aggression pacts were meant to be broken... Hitler hated, hated, hated the Bolsheviks.... Proved it by annihilating the German communist party. But his war machine needed oil, and Joey Stalin was sitting on top of a whole heap. Was just a matter of time before he made the worst mistake in his *(cough) -career.
  7. Da! -Comrade Trumpov made nyet concessions, but did throw entire FBI under Russki bus! Trumpushka also make good hand-job under table for Tavarish Putin. Davai comrade Trumpov!!!! Davai!!!!
  8. When the Ravens took Mark Andrews, they gave their offense a very big bump. If that kid is anywhere near as good as I think he'll be, they'll own the AFCN.
  9. Won't be the last time she gets sh*t-faced on her birthday.
  10. Here was a decent game by Ty-fraud... (But a tremendous one for our defense)
  11. Early 20's... Flunked out of school.... Got ignored in the supplental draft... He probably has no choice but to go back home to East Chicago, IN... 2nd highest Unemployment in the state... Violent crime 137% higher than the national average... Kids like this require personal investment, and perhaps the occasional leap of faith... THE TALENT IS THERE. -Enough for a shot, at least I don't like his odds if he doesn't get an opportunity somewhere...
  12. They probably won't... Hope he ends up getting a chance somewhere. tho…. The defenders chasing him look like keystone coppers... He's far, and away, the best player on the field every time he touches the ball... I like kids who can utterly dominate their level.
  13. He was in the supplememntal draft, but not taken.... Which means he's free to sign with anyone.
  14. I'm thinking gratuitous beat-down for sure... Aaron Rodgers with can-of-whoopass type numbers... Not looking forward to it a whole lot.
  15. A Bit more on Martayveus Carter, A.K.A. Marty Carter, A.K.A. "The Party" A.K.A. "Ball-Mart". Ruled ineligible for the entire 2018 season... Troubled, but worth a camp invite, at least.
  16. Marty looks like a party... Invite to camp? Apologies for the bad words... I wasn't able to find a clean version.
  17. I wonder why no one took a look at RB Martaveus Carter in the Supp. draft? -Kid really looks like he can ball.
  18. Not expecting much of a game, TBH...
  19. Destination: NFC South... -Just Imagine a kid like that sitting behind a Drew Brees, or Matt Ryan... Plus getting time in with good coordinators. I wasn't crazy about his throwing motion, but I noticed it getting better.... He's a big kid still getting used to his body...
  20. Well duh, -Otherwise we wouldn't be seeing it, right?
  21. Major Kudo's for the new Avatar! -Suits you to a T!
  22. True. He was very Raw... Still, nowhere near as ugly as some kids I've seen... He got smoother as the season progressed, I thought.... Should take a big jump this season.
  23. Looking forward to Jackson to Johnson this season... That offense should be pretty exciting.
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