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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. @ 56???? Wow...... You did your thing, coach... May you rest in beautiful peace...
  2. ATS (against the spread) -They're actually alright... With 14 starters coming back, (plus Anthony Johnson) that trend should continue... However with games @ Chippewas, @ Bobcats, and @ BGSU, a DD-win season may be asking too much... @ Temple 9/8 and @ Rutgers 9/22 will tell us a lot about this team.
  3. I'm sure he'll have a stellar career with MIA or NE..... The Bills ignore their own backyard.
  4. Bulls have 14 starters coming back of a .500 team... They get cupcake week 1 with Delaware State, then face a tough Temple team on the road. -Thing is, they're terrible on the road, so week 2 will be their first real test.
  5. I like them as a week 3 dog at AT&T Cowboys Stadium.... I know its versus Ohio State, but I don't care. They have a solid run game with 6 starters returning to anchor the defense at DE, NT, LB, CB, SS, FS, and CB. RT and Guard are also returning players.
  6. Our O-line was unwatchable in the wildcard game vs. the Jags... Our primary and secondary RB's are both over 30....We haven't figured out who the primary threat at WR will be, and we still refuse to upgrade our TE situation.... This team sets Quarterbacks up to fail at every level... I'll be happy if we score 1TD vs. Baltimore.
  7. Answer: Terror. VR/Vx has a shorter shelf-life... The Novichok agent used on the Skirpals is harder to treat with a longer shelf-life. As evidenced by the hospitalization of Charley Rowley, and the death of Dawn Sturgess. (affected by the same batch as the Skirpals) months later. It's the gift that keeps on killing. Markov got a pin-prick from the tip of an umbrella... -Clean hit... No one else got hurt. This latest series of nerve attacks have killed and sickened multiple victims apart from the intended target.. Putin is clearly sending the west a message. -And they still make ammo for Tokarevs… Though a Makarov would be the better weapon for a KGB hit.
  8. I'm not "advocating" for anything... I'm saying the UK attacks have far wider implications. Think about it... If killing is killing why not a couple suppressed Tokarev rounds to the head?. Putin knows that If you can terrorize a population without a nuke... You've got more leverage against the guy threatening you with one.
  9. Nononononono… The_Dude officially belongs to you and DC Tom.
  10. If Putin makes the jump from chem-attacks on a western ally, to chem-attacks on the seat of western power itself, -it'll be worth more than a few "missing" Russkies. A dude-level response would be sending "divisions" of volunteer retards to "ask" Ukranians if they need help with 'Them commie B!tches' ! -Effing Brilliant! LOLOLOLOL!
  11. I see... So if Putin Novachucked a couple dozen people on U.S. soil... No big deal..
  12. He's already doing it in the UK... -With impunity, I might add. Says the Rhodes-scholar who gave us the following gems... You are one tree short of a hammock, my friend.
  13. So Basically... -War. Beginning, of course, with atrocities committed against civilians by OTHER civilians armed with weapons we so considerately 'asked' if they needed. But that's fine... I'm sure Russia just looks-on as mass graves are filled with the corpses of their loyalists... -They won't retaliate at all... You bet your ass it does... If you think you can make KGB Lieutenant Colonel by spreading sunshine, I've got news for you buddy! You think Putin didn't KNOW Mattis would waste 500 mercs the very instant his generals disavoved them? Rest assured that images of those men being massacred lives forever on celluloid somewhere in the basement of the Kremlin. No victory without sacrifice... -Now they know exactly how the U.S. will respond in a sh_t fight... Hm... I'd say Neville Chamberlain was the one who didn't want war... Churchill seemed to know war with Germany was inevitable... Now hold on just a minute... The nerve agent attacks in the UK should worry you quite a f__king bit. If the Russkies have ways to deliver single doses of this stuff without being detected, they probably have ways to deliver millions of doses without detection. Imagine Novachuk-class chemicals loosed in a city the size of New York or London? I know many Americans would never get Putin... But trust me, he gets all of you....
  14. Or, just ANY mind at all, really.
  15. So basically, we should expect alot of TFL's... Cool... Thanks.
  16. Awww. -You shouldn't have. No, really... You shouldn't have.
  17. You got me... Admittedly, I don't G.A.F. about protecting the Ukraine OR the Crimean peninsula… I don't want any of our kids dying over f__king Chernobyl. This is about Helsinki 2018... The place where Trump publicly sided with an ex-KGB spy chief against his own country... Which makes him not a lackey, but a full-on Putin FLUFFER.... Oh, He talks a big game at pressers but the instant Putin shows up, he submission-pisses all over the floor. Don't be surprised if Trump actually THANKS Russia one day for their meddling.
  18. Mexico could be slightly more adept at this invasion stuff. -Just sayin' Hmm... Hockey seven nights a week year round, and weird-looking football games... -Hard pass. Ukranians have been hardcore Nazi sympathizers since WWII... In fact, these Nazi-types have historically been the ones taking the hard line against Russian incursion. But why would any of you morons know that? Ukraine has only controlled the Crimea since 1954... It's been Russian Territory going back to 1783! Even Kruschev gifting Crimea to the Ukes in '54 didn't mean squat since at the end of the day, Ukraine was still an SSR. You guys are woefully out of your depth with this sh_t.
  19. Could we slide Shaq down to DT Perhaps?... -Edmunds to DE, which seems like a better fit for him anyway?
  20. When I said "you've always owned" it was a direct reference to Putin as a former KGB Lieutenant Colonel "Always" meaning as long as Putin's been Alive, the Russkies have owned Ukraine lock stock and barrel. 1783, 1917. 1921, and yes. even after 1991... It's Russian turf... Accept it already. Have the troops hang out by the Vistula until Warsaw calls for help... Then have them hang out a little while longer. -Just kidding. 75-100 million people died in a conflict touched-off by the invasion of Poland... I'd bet the Russians figure that's more than enough for now. China is Russia's 2n'd biggest trade partner.... Iran isn't even in the top 10! -China's been Johnny-on-the-spot defending Russia against U.S. Sanctions... They share a robust arms trade with strengthening strategic ties within the region... Stay off Breitbart for a few days... -You might pick up an actual news story.
  21. I figured at least two people would have a problem with this, but that's too bad. This is a done deal... The Tartars ain't coming back... Much of the population identifies as Russians... Ukraine has the misfortune of being geographically attached to the most powerful Slavic nation in the region. -They're literally Russia's b_tch. Nothing anyone can do about it that wouldn't lead to war.
  22. Wow... Where do you load up on all this bullsh_t, anyway? - Breitbart? First of all, Russia and Iran aren't besties just because they collaborate over Syria... Russia has far better friends than broke-ass Iran. -China for example... Who needs a bunch of in-bred Mullahs when the world's #2 economy has your back? -I'd worry about THAT relationship before I worried about anything else. And what this nonsense about Putin taking Crimea? -How can you steal what was always yours to begin with? Wtf was Obama supposed to do, anyway? -Risk American lives protecting Ukranian douchebags from Russian douchebags? "Ukraine" must be a Slavic word for "no good options" because there weren't any. As for this "Sphere of influence" crap, -I'd encourage you go look at a map... There's only two big kids on the entire Eurasian land mass. If you're one of the many cornholistan-type countries in their midst, you'd better try to be friends with one or both.. -If not, you're either very naïve, or very stupid. Last but not least, It's not exactly true that Obama did nothing to stop Russian meddling. Once it was confirmed, he did reach out, and warn the Russkies to stop, Nothing good would have come from blowing the roof off the entire election, he might have been seen as meddling himself. But whatever... -keep pushing your Anti-Obama Narrative in 2018!
  23. Oh please... This wasn't a proud moment for Obamka either.... I didn't like it one bit until I realized it was actually a Break-up line. Barack was a candy-ass... -Not a dumass.
  24. No. -It matters very little what you say... Even the words of a completely daft U.S. president can move markets, inflame international tensions, and ignite general panic across the global political spectrum... Decisions regarding human lives, critical resources, and trillions of dollars, are made by what the President says. But by all means continue your far-right rim-job... Yah... Implemented by the previous administration! -Or were you referring to the house sanction Bill Trump reluctantly signed? Never mind, because it doesn't matter. -Trump even rolled-back some of the Obama administration tech sanctions! What he did was respond to Russian nerve-gas attacks in the U.K. -Because he absolutely had to... Btw, you should probably expect a couple of those attacks here since our weak-willed appeaser-in-chief prefers kow-towing over confrontation with the other block-bully.
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