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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Ouch! -Brutal.... That's why I don't see how you can evenly enforce this.... So much of what you do out there is reacting to the laws of physics.
  2. Nah, our coach's last name was Murphy... He was a true sadist, though.
  3. Sounds awful... What were you trying to bring down?... RB? -WR? 80's for me... With a coach that did a couple tours in 'Nam…. Guy's face and neck were bright red year-round... Loved to cuss, too.
  4. Uh... Depends on when you went to middle school, and how deranged your coach was. From what I read about the rule itself, it goes beyond tackling.... It also seems to apply to RB's in full sprint outside the tackle box... No more putting your head down to bang for a few more yards, I guess...
  5. Putting your head down is kind of how your body naturally protects your eyes and vital organs from impact. To me its like trying to tell a shark not to roll its eyes back when it attacks... Eons of natural selection has perfected this reflex... Shazier's injury, as awful as it was, is just another "wrong place, wrong time" event we have to face sometimes... He was trying to hit a moving target, and something went wrong.
  6. -Or, make it mostly unwatchable? See the details on it here. I'm all for player safety, but at some point you have to accept that "full contact" means exactly that. What's next? -Tying hands?
  7. I always wanted to go back... -ALWAYS,
  8. Bingo... He's shining in situations where no one's allowed to even breathe on him. Let's see how he does vs. grown men looking to do him harm.
  9. Krikey! -The man isn't 45! He'll be just fine for QB's that couldn't hit the water from the beach.
  10. I remember that game! He was holding his stomach, smiling, and shaking his head!
  11. The "Rosen one" will be "that Rosen bum".
  12. I'm over Zay Jones... I used strikethrough to fix your post. -Although , you could add Reilly in Zay's place
  13. It happened from time to time in my day, but these millennial teachers seem to have zero self-control.
  14. At 16, your **** is probably harder than any road they can make... And the rest of you is damn-near indestructible. A hot teacher could have gotten me to go on a bed of nails.
  15. How do you not HATE yourself after banging any of those women. -And I use that term loosely. I'd much, much, much, much, much much, MUCH rather go without.
  16. Barnidge would be a great pickup.... Being solid at the TE position can put you in the playoffs every year... A solid TE can also be a young QB's best friend.... Once again Buffalo gets it wrong, by letting Andrews, Gesicki, Hurst, and Thomas go to other teams.
  17. 3-5??? -Wow... I can only hope we're that good this season...
  18. -You da man, Nole!
  19. No doubt Khalil diagnoses extremely well, and is in on every tackle.... I would say though, that he needs to wrap-up and finish a little better in order to be taken seriously at the next level.
  20. Wow... No shot for Martayveus Carter I guess.... We could have used an xtra RB in the stable.
  21. I lived in Missisauga for 2 years as a child...
  22. Rookies Da'Ron Payne, and Tim Settle will anchor one of the most terrifying defensive fronts in NFL history.
  23. I'll be glad to take 90's Sarah McLachlan off your hands.... Plus two pounds of that ham you people mistakenly call bacon... Oh, and all the Labatt's blue you can stuff in my trunk, back seat, front seat, and glove compartment.
  24. Possum kingdom had those paralyzing riffs.... Very hard to NOT listen to that song.... But there was just too much good music back then
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