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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. I bet this racist retard gets Chinese take-out twice a week.
  2. So that's your level of respect for the tens of thousands of Americans who gave their lives in places like Normandy, Iwo Jima, Peleliu, Guadalcanal, Saipan, and Okinawa to name a few... Can't say I'm surprised, but I am disgusted... Guess they should have all gotten doctor's notes for bone spurs...
  3. What a bunch of hard-charging 'tards… There's nearly 10,000 US troops still serving in Afghanistan, and around 8,000 in Iraq... They won't disappear because you morons cover your ears and holler like idiots. You mean the guy who's intel Trump refuses to believe?
  4. Oh, that's right... Dream up a victory! -Just like DT''s quack dreamed-up bone spurs... None of you Trump-chumps can defend your lily-livered commander. Come on! -Even a shmuck as big as you can count!.... Obama visited the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. -Twice..... Tough-talking Trump? -Zero. Seems like he only goes as far as Fort Drum N.Y!.... The man wants nothing to do with combat. -Unless it's on Twitter! -But keep defending the fraidy-cat-in-chief, loser.
  5. Hey Jagoff! -That is not now, nor will it ever be the point... The chickensh_t -in-chief dodged the draft... and he's still dodging combat zones to this day! When was the last time he visited troops in combat? -Oh, that's right. -Never. Bush, Clinton. -even Obama visited Iraq months after being sworn-in! Trump is a no-show. Why? - Because it's too dangerous, that's why... I'm sure he has a doctor's note this time too.
  6. He's so unloved by so many... Won't be long before even his long-time brown-nosers in the senate abandon ship.
  7. Turns out he pissed-off quite a few Repulblicans with the fiasco Polls indicate a less than united base. If he found the circumstances morally dubious, why not say that at the time?... It's not like he would have been all alone....Your President chose the chickensh_t way out. -Acccept it already.
  8. WTF are you even talking about? The draft-dodger-in-chief lost a large portion of that base when he submission-peed for Putin. It's only "brilliant" if you're A) a proper moron, or B) think this voting bloc is both blind and mentally retarded.
  9. Outrageously accurate... The homeless in the greater LA area don't have it that bad.. (generally speaking.) In Santa Monica, Venice, and Marina Del Rey, (actually, most of the west side), they're financed by hordes of wealthy sympathizers. Money, meals, clothes, and other donations get doled out regularly... LABillz knows this... He knows the homeless aren't motivated by politics. He knows the handouts come from the wealthy left, right, and center... 35 million people call California home... That's more than the entire population of Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland combined. You're going to see issues that won't come up among Idaho's 1.3 million.
  10. I't's the SAME f__king question, you assh_le… 50 years later he's still a big coward, and an even more accomplished liar... You're just OK with it because he isn't Obama. That's because Ali was brave enough to stand his ground, and pay the price... He spoke out vehemently against the Vietnam war, and did so without hesitation. He didn't need a phony diagnosis from some mystery physician. 1) You don't need to be a leftist to find Trump's behavior contemptable. 2) This thread is pretty firm on him not being a conscientious objector. It isn't a referendum on a war that ended 45 years ago. Look, no one here is surprised that you far-right tough guys wanted nothing to do with this war. However, if one of you jerks ran for president, this "fleeing to Canada" thing might come up. You may (quite justifiably) be called to answer for that. If, as in Trump's case, you display a litany of character flaws and anti-social behaviors, the issue of your 'flight' will probably never go away. Love it.. Hate it... -It speaks to your character. And for the highest office in the land, it couldn't be more relevant.
  11. I'm not so sure that assh_le is joking... Unbelieveable what's on this board sometimes.
  12. I don't know about the left, but we're headed to the Brigantine Del Mar for some dinner and drinks... Then a walk down the beach! -Better get yours in before... ...Idaho. Later, losers!
  13. Fine. Stay and share jokes about luring kids into vans with these low-lifes.
  14. So you have an even more retarded twin that posted the following? You're clearly trying to portray Trump as a conscientious objector. -Quit the goose-stepping and backpedaling. Hm. Fabulous Idea for a thread..
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you.... -Douchebags.
  16. Cowardice is a perfectly good reason to stay out of a fight. if Trump simply owned being afraid to go, we could put this to bed... You wouldn't need to cook-up some bullsh_t "conscientious objector" scenario.
  17. The other dodgers aren't attacking the credibility of others on a daily basis via twitter. She was good enough for Trump to have unprotected sex with. Generally speaking, I'm not certain war has anything at all to do with "morality". Yes you do. There anything you actually look forward to? -Other than death, I mean?
  18. I'm sorry, this thread is for adults who can read. You and west-tard should resume finger-painting.
  19. Except, by definition, he wasn't. A conscientious objector refuses to perform military service on moral, religious, or ideological grounds. At the time, DT didn't come forward with any statements indicating he had moral reservations to the U.S. presence in Vietnam. The record doesn't show any... The record also shows no reports of the "bone spurs" his deferment was based on prior to 1968. You'd think the avid tennis, squash, and basketball player would have experienced them before. Then there's the matter of him forgetting which foot he had the bone spurs on, as well as the doctor who issued the diagnosis! Is he a victim? -Or an ill-tempered, pathological lying, buffoon backed by low-IQ enablers? Discuss.
  20. You're the moron demanding answers to dumb, off-topic, questions! I'm not going down this road with you.... However honorable your service, you are now officially a douchebag.
  21. Except, shmuck, I did answer the question, -Right here. It's a fundamental statement of rejection. The kind your president was too afraid to make at a time when it may have mattered. Instead he paid a doctor to invent an illness that would keep him safe... Just like he pays whores and douchebag lawyers for silence on his misdeeds... Trump is the dictionary definition of chickensh_t... And yes, his strongest supporters are wired the exact same way. (This means you.)
  22. Just watch me run from Tasker's army of douchebag, incel, losers.
  23. Hog. Wash. I'll leave it to you to show me where Trump went on record as a conscientious objector during that war. Here's what the draft-dodger in chief said on-record: “I was never a fan of the Vietnam War,” he said. “But I was never at the protest level, either, because I had other things to do.” You assign this buffoon sensibilities he doesn't own, and could never comprehend in a million years.. -Kind of makes you a buffoon as well.
  24. I believe that is the dumbest, most off-topic, nonsense, question proposed on this thread to date. Congratulations! -You won something.
  25. Trust me, It was made for a dumb opponent. ….And his mentally retarded sidekick.
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