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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Great. -Another "for retards by retards" thread. Smdh..
  2. The machines are extremely clean... It's the 90k worth of chem going with each shipment that we've changed... fully replaced with environmentally safe fluids and grease. And yah, I fought for it.
  3. He inherited Obama's rescued economy! -Not the bag of sh_t Dubya handed off.
  4. -Oh right, like any of you blockheads are capable of refined criticism....-All you do here is douche-bag and stump for Trump... Nothing more. You're the kids in the hall with nowhere to go, and absolutely nothing better to do... Trump's fanatical retard base... As opposed to yours.
  5. Oh f__k off, Loserseeball, or whatever the hell your silly handle is... I don't require any credit from the likes of you, or any member of the aforementioned 'tard army... In politics, things get hyperbolic at times... People throw invectives, and make clear their thoughts. -Get used to it... You're not around here enough to ref these discussions or keep score... You're just another gutless simp who likes the taste of DC Tom's ass. -Eat up, now. Whatever, dude... You dopes are the ones reading Michelle Obama's lips, and hemorrhaging every time some jock kneels for the anthem. If you're tired of sticking up for the douchebag-in-chief then stop dong it... We design and export machinery to 11 plants across China... As of last Friday, all China orders are on hold.
  6. Shouldn't there be an update on this thread title?
  7. Trump's enablers head off to prison one by one, and you think nothing's changed... The tax evasion noose tightens around his organization, and you don't see an issue. You people are 'Jim'-Jones delusional
  8. Because you and your 'tard army are always on here defending the guy... Not a word of condemnation. -Ever... It's like watching North Koreans talk about how Jong il visited the sun... You're completely delusional.
  9. Trump board? Are we re-naming PPP in honor of a lying, philandering, tax-evading, draft-dodging, chickensh_t, cry-baby, coward? It's PPP, and we discuss a lot of topics here.
  10. Ooooh….. An 'elite' class of bellowing Trumptards… -What could be better? Answer: Just about anything.
  11. All hail PPP's 'Justice League' of retards! -Easy to see why Trump hates his own base
  12. Yah... Coming from the far right... The chunks just get bigger, and harder to sweep under the rug.... His handlers and fixers are dropping like flies... Shouldn't be long, now... As PPP's experts on both, you two have the upper hand.
  13. And legally paralyzed when a receiver is wide open... Drew Stanton could be the starter by week 5.
  14. Depends... Was the sex consensual? Who is this kid, and what's his/her standard of living? Is Trumpy-bear paying the correct amount of child-support? If not, it could definitely be a criminal matter.
  15. My bad.... "Ethnic cleansing" was the inapplicable term you were trying to invoke... It's tough keeping up with the sheer volume of you guys' bullsh_t sometimes. These farmers have been killing black kids for stealing oranges, and sunflowers for years... I wouldn't want to see them get hacked to pieces, but I'm not losing sleep over some country's sh_tty idea of land reform... If you ask me, land should have been a bigger part of the plan back in '94 when the new government took over. -Now it's late in the game, and everything's primed for ugliness and hysteria.
  16. You're. A moron. It's called crime, dumass. -Not genocide. Roughly 361,000 people have been murdered in South Africa since 1990, about 1500 of those murders have occurred on farms.. Of that 1500 more than 200 of the victims were Black... Posting an article where 2 old white people died, and caling it genocide is laughable.... TYTT has washed your pea-sized brain with 'Save the white people', nonsense... How about just admitting South Africa is a dangerous f__king place... -For anyone.
  17. Only by your douchebag, counterparts, Tom. Fine... Show me evidence of Serb-like ethnic cleansing of whites in South Africa, sh_tbag? -You drew the comparison, not me. And before you deny saying it, -it's all right here: I'm waiting....
  18. It should become a "what genocide are you f___king talking about", thread... Note to the OP... White people being uncomfortable does not constitute genocide.
  19. So basically... He won't visit the troops because he's too afraid... And being a coward yourself, -you sympathize.... Is it the 'sore feet' excuse this time, or just "cold feet" at the thought of possible danger. Who knows? -all I know is that all of his predecessors in the 2000's and 90's made the trip... But then again, they probably gave a sh_t.
  20. Your question is preposterous, and infers something I never suggested... None of you fake Afrikaners have shown me stat 1 from this so-called genocide. How many have died? -Where are the mass graves of Boers butchered by their neighbors? You guys are the ones trying to sell this genocide... Well.... -Where is it? Where's your proof that any white South African has been attacked and had their land seized?
  21. No it's not, you idiot... The "mission accomplished" speech was given on a carrier in San Diego... Not exactly a war-zone by Afghan standards. Odd, how you have no problem with Trump flying to Singapore and Helsinki to French-kiss scum, but visiting U.S. Troops in combat is a no-no... You people are garbage.
  22. It's too bad that the Afrikaner (as a minority) decided to use violence, and racism to control an overwhelming majority. It's also unfortunate that they thought everything would be all good after that...
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