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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. I've dug Matthews since his Nevada days with Kaepernick... Him and Virgil Green were my two faves.
  2. Jerry Laid down the law... Wish he had more partners in crime.
  3. I dunno… Nick Mullens looks pretty damn good, for an undrafted rookie.
  4. I feel for the guy... I almost put 500 on the over. (40.5)
  5. A great group of players with some tough games ahead after Army. Central Michigan, Toledo, Kent St... A 9-3 season would still be a success.
  6. I always liked Drew Stanton... Way back from his Sparty days... Smartest move by Hue since benching Tyrod.
  7. Seriously, Is there any extra padding available for this kid?
  8. People keep suggesting that because he's young, he'll grow into this position.... I think it's just the opposite.... I think he's been out of position for a while now, and it's becoming more and more obvious that he's probably not an interior linebacker... I don't care, I'll say it... Tremaine can't shed blockers, can't diagnose, and isn't fast or physical enough to push through initial contact... I'd love it if he succeeded, but for the life of me I can't see it happening in the immediate future.
  9. If you win, and your wife finds out, -Cool If you lose, and your wife finds out...
  10. Rest in blissful peace, princess...
  11. Gun's N' Roses would SLAY that halftime show.
  12. Depends on how out-of-hand things get.... As of this moment the team has zero chemistry, and no desire to win. The QB's are on their backs all day, and guys are retiring mid-game... I don't think McDoomed has nearly as much time as some think.
  13. You'd need a boat to be rudderless.
  14. Cousins is overrated... However, that defense could conceivably rip a limb off Joshie-boy... They'll probably wear out the front four with Murray, and Cook... Thielen and the rest will be resting by the 4th quarter.
  15. Nate Orchard sucked in Browns TC... But he seems like a nice/process-type guy. FYI, this process is called failing.
  16. Hopefully Allen and Peterman won't get savaged that badly, but whatever. -I'm up for it!
  17. Locker room time bomb.
  18. It's nothing compared to the stupidity of snarkiness, which blinds morons to both subject matter, and context.
  19. t’s hard to even wrap your mind around this and consider how far our society has fallen. As I’ve stated here repeatedly, what adults do with their own bodies is up to them. If you want to have experimental surgery or modify yourself in some fashion that’s up to you. You can change your name through the normal channels and I’ll be fine with calling you by that name. (See: Chelsea Manning.) You can dress how you like and refer to yourself by whatever pronoun you wish as part of your right to free speech. (Provided you are polite enough to recognize my right to free speech and not agree with the description.) It’s still a relatively free country. But we’re talking about children here. We’ve seen this trend growing over the past few years. There are doctors administering foreign hormones and chemicals to stave off the arrival of puberty in children who have been convinced they were born with “the wrong gender.” In states such as Oregon, children as young as 15 were offered the chance to have sex “transition” surgery without the informed consent of their parents. Now we’re going to allow young girls to have their nascent breasts lopped off because they’ve become convinced that they were actually supposed to be boys? A recent university study showied that social media and peer pressure increased the number of incidents where teens claimed to be transgender in social groups, but it was suppressed. One university in England canceled a study on transgender individuals who “detransition” because they specifically said it would be politically divisive to publish it. This is insanity. We’re talking about children. If adults wish to pay to have their bodies altered to fit whatever social justice profile they identify with, that’s up to them and I wish you the best. But these are children. If their parents have failed them, the government and the medical community should not. What happens to young Sally when she “transitions” and has her breasts removed, only to realize in a year or so that she’d actually like to kiss a boy? The doctors performing these procedures shouldn’t just have their licences questioned. They should be in jail. And our legal system is failing them. One of the few topics which you and I are in total agreement . There's no way an eight year old boy or girl can fathom the consequences of permanent mutilation. It should be forbidden before age 18.
  20. Frazier will get corn-holed first, but the rest won't be able to hide their ineptitude... These idiots had one throw-away year (their first year) to tank without any judgement... We would have all happily blamed Whaley and Rex... Now, It's all on McBeandip, an they've got nowhere to go...
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