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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. "My conclusions about all the qbs drafted since 1998 lead me to believe that many of you are approaching this topic all wrong. Would a franchise QB slove a lot of our problems? You bet. But you've been asking the wrong question all along when defining a franchise QB. For bills fans the question should be how many QBS in the NFL today could come into Buffalo without any other on field changes and win football games. I count 6 since 1998. That's right only 6. Both Mannings, Rodgers, Brady, Big Ben and Brees." -corey g Can't think of anything more illogical and reactionary than listing the leagues elite QB's and summarily proclaiming them good fits for our offense. I mean wtf??? I know you're only 25, but that's just pathetic. I can totally believe you've been watching this board for a very long time. Scanning the poular threads, -guaging reactions. You bided your time and came up with the most lazy, benign, and non-confrontational thread imaginable. Way to walk into a room on your knees, kid. You'll have a nice life here at TBD agreeing with all the homers and (most of)the mods. That's a pretty safe course. Me? I call a spade a spade. "many of you are approaching this topic all wrong" Really? How's that? You've already admitted that a franchise QB would "solve a lot of our problems". You've also said that Fitz makes "head-starching" decisions and isn't the guy for the next ten years. I'm not one for head-starch, but it sounds to me like someone has a problem taking unpopular stands. Then there was this... "After all take a look at the number of teams with iffy qbs in this years playoff hunt. Sanchez, Flacco, Smith, Tebow, Hasselbeck, Dalton. These guys are all asked to do little more than manage a ballgame, something Fitz would be more than capable of given good talent around him." "iffy"? Really? Flacco inherited a 5-11 Ravens team in 2008. He took them to the playoffs his rookie season, He also went to the playoffs the next season... And the next. Sanchez made it to the AFC title games in his first two seasons. Back to back. Pretty "iffy" if you asked me. Hasselbeck: This "iffy" guy led the seahawks to six consecutive playoff games, and a Superbowl. Now with the Titans, he recently iffied his way to a 23-17 victory over our beloved Bills. Tebow got handed a 1-4 squad. He's currently 7-1 this season as a starter. Again, the iffyness abounds. I hoping like heck we draft somebody as "iffy" as any of the aforementioned QBs. That would be better than Fitz, who I'd place somewhere between "suspect" and just plain "bad"
  2. It would be. But only if Hurd is on the field at the same time he's being mocked. From the looks of it, he'll probably be a prison wife, by this time next year.
  3. Right. So we build this awesome defense, and fortify Fitz's O-line with Norse gods. Great. Now, who's gonna put points on the board? How long before this great defense gets discouraged by the fact that no matter how hard they try, our offense won't score? How long before this awesome O-line realizes that no matter how much time Fitz has, he will still throw interceptions, or BAD incompletions? I respect what the OP has to say, but I've seen Fitz play up close. I've seen other QB's up close too. Fitz is terrible at just about everything. The guy has had seven years, and three teams to prove everyone wrong, but he hasn't risen to the occaision. I don't think this team's failure is totally Fitz's fault. Lousy management, and poor coaching should be addressed too. Both of those, unfortunately fall under the umbrella of bad ownership. -A constant spectre for this team. So what do we do now? Keep the fans interested, that's what. Do all the other things you mention, but draft a young QB prospect no later than round two. For all his experience Fitzpatrick has become a "white flag" wherever he goes. You can't make that the face of a franchise. He should be released at the end of the season.
  4. Will everyone stop being so dang judgemental. I mean, who doesn't pick up a few kilos of BLOW every now and again to distribute among friends? Grow up, people. -It's not like he shot himself in the leg, or anything.
  5. Yah, there seems to be a slight double standard in the way they handled the "Fitzfranchise" situation. Then again, they paid Brad Smith a nice chunk of change to do basically nothing. I've come to the conclusion that Ralph is really a Firengi merchant from Deep Space Nine. He only cares for, and about his bottom line. In his greed, however, he often makes impulse purchases, or buys products he cannot use. IMHO he needs to either replace Fitz with an android, or surround himself with a better galactic trade federation. Just sayin'.
  6. I agree 100% percent with everything except the "learns under him" part. Griffin has a better arm, better accuracy, and is a far better athlete in general than Fitz-spastic. Ideally, both Chan and Fitz should be GONE, so the kid wont be contaminated by their failures. I hate to get all "Outbreak" on you man, but you already know how #34fan does it.
  7. I think we have a real 3-4 OLB in Moats that we just can't develop. Again, why draft all this 3-4 talent just so you can run an ugly 4-3 with guys who don't fit the scheme? At one time I supported the change to this 4-3 "hybrid" that Chan was selling. I know now that I was wrong. I think we gave up on the 3-4 a bit too quickly.
  8. "Yeah, Fitz gave up a 16-0 lead. Don't even bring up the first INT. It was a fluke. Sometimes, you just have to say "It Happens" and move on. But, yeah, lets cut Fitz so we can have Tyler in there throwing picks." -The Cincinatti Kid. First of all, At 5-8, why does it matter who's in there throwing the picks? We already know Fitz-spastic is good for at least two per game. Honestly, what are you people afraid of? What we have in Orchard Park is a situation where someone needs to pull the trigger on SOMETHING ASAP. -Possibly on multiple targets. Without question, Edwards should be a goner. Perhaps Gailey should be following him out the door as well. Gailey was out-classed today by a coach on life-support. Offensively, he had no answer for Norv's onslaught. Our offense isn't just predictable, it's transparent. Chan keeps a disinterested, unmotivated QB at the helm of a lazy, and undisciplined offense. I've heard all the excuses before. "Ralph sucks". -Noted. "Our O-line's beat up." -Also noted. So, when exactly is the time going to be right for us to get out of this funk? Hat's off to the Bronco Fans. They knew what was good for their team, and they didn't hesitate to demand it. I wish there was some way to cut that out, and paste it to our complacent fanbase.
  9. I'm a football lover, and avid sports-better. I'll cheer for whoever's covering on my parlay, but I won't ROOT for anyone else. These are MY guys. -Even the ones that totally suck. I'll praise, and villify them right down to the bitter end. GOOOOOOOOOOO BIIIILLLLLS!!!
  10. Well, looks like another win for Tebow & Co.... Still wanna fight me on this issue people? I was AT the game, and it's a miracle there were not more that two INT's. Yah, the defense sucked, and the secodary was woeful. Still, what does that have to do with the inability of our Offense to score points? It's up to you now, fans. Start sounding off at home games. Let the FO know exactly how you feel. It's either that, or keep losing indefinitely. R-G-3! R-G-3! R-G-3! Relax, It sounds much better when chanted loudly at home games.
  11. Heshe? -Really? I don't think that's fair at all.
  12. I'd love for us to get RG3. I wouldn't want him to be coached by Chan, though. The only thing worse than passing on a stud like Griffin, would be letting his talent atrophy under a lousy coaching staff.
  13. I think Jamie Lee Curtis is deserving of at least an honorable mention in this conversation. She was really something special in the 70's and 80's. -"Trading Places" anyone? Anyway, nowadays she only does colon health commercials. I suppose a man could speculate for days as to why. I like to think that colon health is extremely important for a healthy body. As healthy as her body used to be, she might in fact be the perfect spokes-gal.
  14. Wow. Rough way to go. Amazing what people will go through to be like me.
  15. With the right coaching, he could be right up there with Emmitt Smith, and Marshall faulk. Provided, of course, that he stays healthy. Kid has kind of a touching backstory too.
  16. RG3 by a mile. But then, not if Gailey is still going to be our OC. I can't watch another young talent RUINED by our piss-poor coaching staff.
  17. Oh no you didn't... Fitz is smart, and capable of what exactly? Growing a maingey beard? Seriously, what has he done in SEVEN YEARS to indicate to you that he's capable of being anything else but a career BACKUP? I think if we ever get any kind of competent management here, their first order of business will be dumping Fitz, and going after a legitimate franchise QB. Keeeping Fitzy would be a 59 million dollar disaster. Their second order of business should be hiring dedicated offensive and defensive coordinators. We're working with HALF of one, and NONE of the other right now. I think if the FO focuses on acquiring the fundamentals, we have a shot at building something great in the near future. If not, we're gonna suck badly for a long time.
  18. Good News: Your brain functions, Doc. Bad News: -It's in reverse. I'm not annoyed, by you K, I'm impressed. You seem to really excel at getting things wrong. Take "competitive greatness" for example. You were SO CLOSE to getting it, and then you inexplicably derailed yourself right on the cusp of a breakthrough. That takes talent. The exact kind of talent that's alive and well at One Bills Drive. So you see, I had to ask. But hey, you're not the first guy to suffer from a complete and utter lack of vision. I wish you the best. If I were you though, I wouldn't bank on it. Btw, Moonshine distilling is a multi-million dollar a year industry. But since you can't see it, I guess it must not exist either.
  19. I think I've got it now. To sum up: IT'S COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE, CAN'T BE MEASURED, AND IS DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON THE PLAYER. Do you work in the Bills Front office?
  20. Hey, I'm glad the team likes Fitz. I think Fitz can be a good source of information for the younger guys. I think his presence (as a backup) on this team will be important to the offense during any transitional periods. But that's all I see him as. -A No.2 guy on our roster. Personally, I don't see any shame in that. All good teams need reliable backup at QB. Someone who can step into a game and hand the ball off without incident. I don't see Fitz as anything more than that. If he proves me wrong, I'll embrace it. I don't think he will though. IMO What you see with Fitz is what you get.
  21. Rodgers was a guy who never gave up. For years Favre's presence blocked his ambitions as a starter. The Pack made their superbowl run with a bunch of injured guys, (including what were at the time) two key offensive peices in Finley and Grant. You guys keep using terms like "crunchtime" and "heroics" It's not about any of that. It's about the way certain players respond to adversity. Whatever form that may take. These responses are what identifies them as leaders. Contrary to popular belief, leaders aren't annointed by coaches. -They aren't just guys who tell other guys what to do. The most effective ones show their worth by the example they set to their teammates. In this fashion, leadership is just one of the many good side effects of competitive greatness.
  22. I appreciate you taking the time to tell me what I was thinking. For a rookie mind-reader it was a fairly good attempt. Now allow me to give my personal definition of "When it matters most in a game." The truth is, it's slightly different for every athlete. "When it matters most", is the moment when you have the opportunity to elevate your team, and change the way you are percieved as a player. Every team has obstacles to it's success in every game. Some more than others. IMO what makes a player, or coach, competitively great is'nt how they START with what's available, -It's how they FINISH despite what's missing. So, when exactly does it "matter most" in a game? To competitively great people the answer to that is always. That's why they typically make the most of their opportunities. Scoring, or otherwise. And another thing... Call me crazy, but I LIVE for those legends, and fourth-quarter comebacks. Take those away, and you have exactly what Bobo has. A bunch of stats that, however encouraging, ultimately translate into hopelessness, and losses on the field. I'll take my romaticized legends any day over that.
  23. YAY! Another rabid Fitzophile! Never mind the fact that this thread isn't about completion percentages, or QB ratings. It's about delivering the goods when it matters most. I'm content to let you go right on tracking the stats of this prolific under-achiever until he's waived by his very LAST team. Keep right on making those excuses until the fifteenth or sixteenth year of our playoff drought. -I'll NEVER tell you to STFU. Why? Because posts like yours exemplify the worst in blind, ignorant, homerism. They serve as an example to this board of the exact kind of thinking that keeps us where we are as a football franchise. You sir, represent all that's dull, short-sighted, and backward in every failing football franchise in the NFL. You are the cart in front of the horse. You are the little picture. But hey, go ahead and stand by your man. Just to be clear, the man we're talking about was a seventh round pick, that was eventually traded for another seventh round pick, to a team that ended up not wanting him after two years, and who subsequently landed on our roster as a BACK-UP! Believe me, if Trent were just a little less TERRIBLE, he'd still be one. "Continue Adding talent"? -Why not? Just make sure one of those additions is an NFL calibre QB. Ideally someone who can put up numbers on something besides paper.
  24. I wouldn't mind having him. Thing is, I don't trust this corp of coaches to develop young talent. I see a kid like that gettting frustrated, becoming unproductive, and eventually leaving for new team in several years. I hate to sound negative, but you can't say it hasn't happened before. Young players just don't flourish in the Bills system anymore.
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