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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Stupid statement. But what part of REX RYAN was unclear? -Lest we forget that this is the same dumb jagoff that guaranteed a superbowl berth for his team last season. -How'd that work out 4 ya Rex? Incidentally, How may passes has anyone even SEEN from Brad Smith at the pro level? -Anyone? I haven't seen very many at all. Certainly not enough to make a critical assessment. I've seen a ton of passes from the prophet Tebow however. Mostly BAD ones. I like Tebow. He's a good guy. However no one on this board can tell me with a straight face that Brad Smith had anywhere near as many chances to establish, and Better himself as the "golden Child" did last year in Denver. Stick to toe-sucking, and Binge-eating Rex. Nobody cares what you think.
  2. Good list. However, I'm going to add Stephon Gilmore, and Tank Carder to it. If those two turn out to be total studs, then I don't see how anyone keeps us out of the playoffs.
  3. There's an awful lot of trust to being given to a QB who threw more INT's than anyone else in the league last year. THE LEAGUE. -But whatever. For the time being, Fitz is all we've got. I can accept that, and I'm anxious to see how Gailey "the guru" maneuvers this offense around a QB who, after nearly a decade of pro ball, is finally learning the correct way to throw a pass. IMHO, internal pressure will be the key to anything good that happens with Fitz this year. I feel that Thigpen should have been cut already, and V. Young placed directly behind Fitz as the undisputed backup. Brad Smith should remain as our 3rd string, and/or wildcat guy. Sure, I have my doubts about Vince Young. However the more I confront these doubts, the more I realize that they have NOTHING to do with anything Vince has ever done on the field. Vince can throw. Vince can run. Vince can win. Vince has problems reading a defense occaisionally, and Vince has deep issues within himself that need resolutions. But Vince can play. Fitzo would do well to keep that fact in mind. -All the time. Kinda nice to know that if our beloved starter's ribs start aching again, there's a viable option at backup that can, at the very worst, move the chains, and improvise an ugly win. That's all I really need. I could give two s___ts about Fitz's wonderlic, or Chan's complicated offensive schemes. All I want is for us to be ultra-competitive in our division, and for us to win games. If that means "dumbing down" the offense for a non-harvard grad, then I'm totally ok with it. Let's play football. GOOOOOOO BILLLSSS!
  4. Glad we got the guy, but I agree with this. He's no good to us if he draws 15 yard flags on every other down. -Wish he'd catch the ball in the air more often that just breaking it up too. Incidentally, is anyone out there Byrd watching??? -Whats ole Jairus been up to?
  5. Not looking for a ticket, but glad to see the fanhood so stoked. Btw, I think there would be something REALLY wrong if VY looked better that Fitz in a night practice. Not surprised at all about Merriman. As far as I'm concerned, he's the biggest pretender on the team. -Washed up. Guy is just out there to get a check. Wouldn't miss McGee if he got cut either. LOVE the thought of everyone playing so fast. Would reeeeally like some payback for our divisional record last season. Like Bart Scott said, CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  6. Is anyone actually surprised? This has been Merriman's M.O. for the past several years. I admit, I didn't think he'd pull this stuff quite so early, but I knew it was coming. The Bolts wouldn't put up with it. Why should we? Welcome to the collapsing world of Shawne "Man Down" Merriman. -Buddy, can we please cut this guy already?
  7. Ditto. Also, Fitz will be tested early at the NYJ away opener. -So will Chan Gailey. I've said before that whatever happens this season, the blame/acolades belong to the coaching staff. Particularly the head coaching position.
  8. TThey'll put him in a play every now and again to scare the s___t ou of us. -AND it'll work. There's no coverage that will work on these talented tight ends, and this confident, accurate Quarterback. This was yet another excellent pickup by the Pats.
  9. My concern for the young victim of this sex crime is.... Nonexistent.
  10. If I remember right, our D was really cranking out the turnovers at that point. And Freddy was a flat-out beast on the field. But hey, whatever. IF there was any magic at all from Fitzo, then Chan "the offensive guru" should have parlayed that magic into at least 8 wins. Sorry but the Bengals, and Giants game should have been ours. Clearly there was some disconnect between QB and OC that (along with injuries, and porous D) hurt us in quite a few games. IMHO that disconnect was the difference between 6 and 8 wins.
  11. If these charges are true, It could make Bryant very unpopular in a league stocked with big, fast, beligerent, mommas-boys. -Perhaps even a target for opposing players. I wouldn't be shocked to see Dez get a little extra "love" on take-downs this season.
  12. Chan Failey needs to set those high expectations for himself. He was actually the one to blame in many of those games where the offense under-performed last year. I'm not a Fitz fan by any far stretch of the imagination. Still even I can see that it's up to Gailey to make the right call based on the talent he's got on the field. Forget Fitzpatrick. He's limited. -We all know it. Offensively, the '12-'13 season is all Gailey's baby.
  13. The Patsies D ranked near the bottom last year too! -Not only did they make the playoffs, they went to a superbowl! Thankfully they lost in grand style. -Still, they WENT to the dance. Even a complete retard knows the Pat's SB run had alot to do with their starting QB. I'm not knocking you at all chief, It's just obvious to anyone paying attention that good QB's tend to OVERCOME. Whereas, bad QB's seem to always RATIONALIZE. Personally, I'd love it if I could say JUST ONCE that Fitzo kept us in a game, Or that he was the Mother-F#@*ing MAN when things got tough down the stretch. Don't look for that to happen though. -It may well be that Fitzo isn't this type of gritty, competitive, win-at-all-costs athlete. Which Brings me to our HC/OC situation. -If Gailey is going to take on both of these responsibilities, shouldn't he at least understand the limitations of his starting QB? How many times last year did we see him and Fitz going over busted plays with that stupid clipboard? -Didn't that strike you as weird? -Even unprofessional? It was like watching two guys on completely different pages try to work together. In fairness, that's not all Fitz's fault. I actually blame Gailey for the majority of those "busted" plays. But let's not pretend we have blue-chip talent at the starting QB position. We don't. Bottom line? -Barring outrageous luck, we go as far as Chan's playcalling will allow this season. High-power D or not.
  14. This thread has got me riled. The Buffalo Bills could OWN upstate and Western New York if they just started playing good again. Anyone who was around in the late 80's and early 90's knows that. I've got nothing against the Canadians. They have clean cities, good Beer, and hot women. But let's not get carried away with this regionalization crap. The Bills are an American Franchise in a uniquely American sport. It's not our fault that you canucks play a crappy, boring, bastardized version of a game we perfected. By all means, enjoy our team, -but keep your hands off our stuff! The backlash may be more than you can handle.
  15. WTF is going on in this league????!!!! Can we go 24 f____ing hours without a player getting arrested?!!! Looks like more proof that the NFL off-season is WAY TOO LONG!
  16. If we start kicking a$$, all this talk about Toronto, L.A. and changing names will be history. Whoever started this thread, has horribly underestimated two factors 1)the loyalty of this fanbase. 2)the diaspora of the Bills fanbase. Many of us have relocated to other states. There's also a ton of true Billievers who have NEVER even lived in upstate or Western New York. I thank our cross-border fans for all their support, but the Bills are an ALL-AMERICAN TEAM. That means red, white, and blue baby! -NOT red and white. I choose to have the "if you build it, they will come" mentality. If we start out 7-1, I guarantee that many of us New York State ex-pats will start flying back for home games. To me, this is clearly a situation where the fans need to be re-energized, not re-located.
  17. I think the OP who labeled VY "mentally weak" comes closest to the truth. I'm not a fan of Vince at all, but in this league, you simply cannot ignore superior physical ability. I think Fitzpatrick has the respect of other pros because of his sheer brainpower. Fitz is highly intelligent, thoughtful, well spoken. EVERYTHING I'd want in a son-in-law (save the beard). However, once the ball snaps, it becomes clear that it isn't so much how complex you can think, but how fast. And even if you can think fast, -how quickly can you react? VY beats Fitzpatrick HANDS DOWN in that department. Have a look. To answer the thread's question, -yah, VY is a little nuts. -But so what? He's still done some pretty amazing things on a football field. -If he can bring his mental game up just a few notches, I think VY could still deliver the goods.
  18. I can't stress this enough: ALL of our guys on the defensive line need to be conditioned, healthy, and ready for the '12-'13 season Every last one. Our entire secondary has to be ready to go as well. I don't think we can spare anybody if this team is going to go anywhere near the post-season this year. I'm hoping this defense can offset Gailey's bad playcalling, and Fitzpatrick's shortcomings. If our players live up to billing, they can really give us a boost in big games.
  19. Powerehouse actor. Right up there with McQueen, Marvin, and Peppard. LOVE all of his T.V. and movies. Truly the last of his kind.
  20. Agree 1,000 percent. Merriman's duties should consist of two things. 1) rushing the passser and 2) crushing the passer. IF he can still do either of those two, he may yet salvage his career.
  21. As a relative of some of the sneakiest most opportunistic JERK cops in the state of New York, I can tell you that it is DEFINITELY NOT always that simple. Here's a news flash people. -Cops are human beings too. Just like you and me. They can have bad days. Some can have REALLY bad days. They can suffer from depression, alcoholism, Drug addictions, and mental disorders of every sort. For the most part, police officers do a tough job that works to the betterment of the community in which they serve. -I'll concede that much. However, if you think cops never give in to the temptation of abusing their power, you're crazy. Uniformed Police officers making an arrest can label ANYTHING resisting. It's your word against theirs. If you get manhandled for what a cop calls resisting, there isn't a DA in the country who will take that complaint seriously. If the cop has a record of serious complaints, then MAYBE something gets done, but probably not. Overall, your advice is sound, but it won't always guarantee fair treatment, or a happy ending. Your best bet is avoiding unnecessary police contact. Especially if you've been drinking alcohol.
  22. FYI, There's a second-shooter theory on that nightclub incident.
  23. I doubt McDrabb could even make our practice squad! I wouldn't have minded having him as a backup last season, (as opposed to Thigpen) but that would have been the only option for such a past-prime QB. And McDrabb is way, way, past prime. The guy is washed-up, finito, ibitty-beep that's all folks!
  24. Ganesh hit the nail on the head with both #7 AND #8! -Coaches don't teach killer instinct?! Try telling that to Greg Williams. No wait, tell it to Bill Belichick when he's up four touchdowns in the fourth, and Tom Brady is STILL on the field. Hilarious! Also, you stated that "The leadership was there" -Where was it exactly? or, more to the point, WHO? Fitz doubled-down on the INT's right after getting paid a DUMP TRUCK of money. -He didn't have a leg to stand on. Stevie was busy hurting his team with stupid penalties for showboating, so he couldn't be taken well... Seriously. Dareus was just a rookie, a talented one, but how much weight could his words carry for a team with a 12-year playoff drought. Freddy was leading by example when he got hurt. after that, he seemed understandably preoccupied with his own future. Hopefully, maybe, bringing in Mario, and Mark Anderson will address the dearth of leadership on that side of the ball. That leaves Stevie and Fitz eight weeks to get their together.
  25. What?!!! RG3 putts from the rough??? Wow, who would've thought?
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