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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Sounds like a darn good plan to me.
  2. I'm only now realizing how good we can be with a healthy Fred, and CJ. I don't see anyone stopping that ground attack, -not even the Niners.
  3. I woulda thought Stevie was a Range-Rover man for sure. Not a Hummer guy.
  4. At this point, there's WAY too many well-paid lawyers involved for the drama to stop. Twenty years ago that same hit would have made everyone's highlight reel.
  5. Probably what the league thought the first time they heard of "Traumatic Brain Injury" -Wonder what they think now? Small problems have a way of getting bigger. IF they're as arrogant as you imply, there may be even more trouble on the horizon.
  6. Hey, I can also NOT accept it, and keep watching too. -As a fan, I reserve the right to call Bullsh*t whenever a flag, or a fine goes against what I feel is the spirit of the game. You see, whether the league wants to confront it, or not, there's going to be a backlash for what many fans, (and players) feel is undue tampering with the sport. A backlash which has to be reconciled against the tens of millions in settlement cash going to current, and former players with symptoms of trauma, -which is what all this hit-fine crap is really about. As it stands now, the NFL is in danger of being crushed under the weight of these lawsuits. So, It's not pussification, as much as it is liquefication from the gound-up. From a financial standpoint, the league, and it's owner's situation is untennable. I'm not sure what part the CBA plays in all this, but at some point, It will come down to the acceptance of some personal responsibility on the part of players. OR the NFL, as we know it, could forseeably dissolve.
  7. There no spot on the human body that cannot be damaged when struck by another human running at full speed. None. whether you lead with the helmet, the kneecaps, or yes, even the shoulder, there is NO WAY to guarantee injury-free tackle football. Even shoulder takedowns are dicey, since a player tackling with his shoulderpads risks injury to his head, neck, clavicle, scapula, and sternum. You could concievably SHOESTRING TACKLE a guy and cause injury. Don't think so? -Ask Darelle Revis. My point is this: Danger is something that is inherent in ALL sport, to varying degrees. Anyone who's ever been beaned by a golf ball, smashed in the face by a basketball, checked into the glass playing hockey, or bulldozed while blocking home plate knows what I'm talking about. Sport is about pushing the human body to it's physical limit, -and then going further. The participants acknowledge the risks and proceed in the path they've chosen. It's a huge part of why we admire them.
  8. (*sigh*) For the record, I've definitely seen hits that I thought were dirty and inapropriate. -This, IMO, was NOT one of them. Hey, I'm all for protecting players brains, but who wants want to be the guy telling their kid about what football was like before hitting was outlawed? Not me. It's a tough-man's sport. Be one, or don't play.
  9. Wow. -You still haven't acknowleged the fact that I never said any of that. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that whatever you're smoking DOES NOT agree with you pal. You may want to switch dealers.
  10. I'm actually less than 22 percent class. Still, I may be able help you, chief. Your problem is that your'e watching the wrong sport. For a guy like you I'd recommend college Lacrosse, or if that's too violent, women's field hockey might do it for you. -Perhaps men's. If that STILL doesn't work you might enjoy track and field. In particular the LONG JUMP. Considering your knack for bounding to INSANE conclusions. *FOOTNOTE: the use of the word "chief" in the second sentence, was in no way a reference to any Native American tribal leaders living or dead. Also, no animals were harmed in the making of this post.
  11. And this sounds.... Gay.
  12. Beautiful Hit. -May have been illegal, but I certainly wouldn't characterize it as "dirty". This is tackle football, people. -Guys get lit up all the time, and that's a big part of why we watch. I'm very interested to see who picks up the tab for this fine. This is a fairly young team. If they develop a "band of brothers" mentality, they could surprise alot of people. Oh, come on! That used to happen to me all the time when I was a kid. -I turned out OK.
  13. Why doesn't anyone mess with Bellichick? He did the EXACT SAME THING Schiano did when we beat the Pats last year! When the spymaster tried to take out our linemen's knees, why wasn't ESPN all over that? -How quickly people forget.
  14. I Agree with the majority of this. I think our secondary really needs to step it up against the pass. Sanchez did whatever the f**k he wanted out there, and we simply can't win like that.
  15. We've gotta get after that Weeden kid and knock him on his ass. Plain and simple. If we start doing it early, and keep repeating it often enough, we might have a chance. I don't know if Spill has the same kind of day at CLE as he had at home vs. KC. I'd start out by softening-up their D line with Tarshard, then implement CJ based on what they give. I agree with everyone who thinks that this WON'T be a cake-walk.
  16. At the moment, you appear to be correct. T. Choice is a mediocre RB. However, more, and more he seems to be "choosing" NOT to stay that way. Yup, T. Choice is improving, as is CJ Spiller. I can see the confidence growing with each successfull carry. A big, bruising Bettis-type would be nice, but I'm not so sure we don't have something equally valuable in this tandem. I'm cautiosly optimistic about our ground attack.
  17. I'd like to take this opportunity to applaud the fans who booed. Way to stand up for your team! -Fans are demandinding a better product on the field, and now Fitz knows it. -If VY was still here, Fitz may have had an even bigger problem. However the bearded one made sure VY got the boot after pre-season.
  18. So, pack the box. CJ is a small guy that only requires a small hole. With three backs rotating, we're going to move the chains, regardless. We should have the highest expectations for players that show the ability to deliver. Fred has shown that, and (surprisingly) so has CJ Spiller. Honorable mention also goes to Tarshard Choice who is proving to be reliable when called upon. Let's not complicate things by using a QB in a way he'll NEVER fully adapt to. -Let's pound that pigskin, baby! Fitz's arm should be used very sparingly.
  19. Just two measly fistfights? -Pretty slow day at the Black Hole.
  20. This can really work with a third back like Choice. Work the sidelines with Chandler/dickerson. -No balls in the air for more than 10/12 yards. -SJ13 may mind the resulting lack of meaningful stats.
  21. It's simple. -we're a much better team when B!tch-patrick doesn't throw. This is the "A-ha" moment Gailey should have had eleven months ago. Fitz threw some decent ones yesterday, but if we had to rely on his arm, there's no way we win that game.
  22. I'm not a fan of David Lee's at all, -but the interim equipment manager really pissed me off today. I mean, NO FABRIC SOFTENER WHATSOEVER?! No wonder Fitzpatrick had so many incompletions! -Oh, and there's the "rib" issue too.
  23. He didn't throw it much so, yah, Fitz did OK... It seems he was able to control his natural urge to throw picks today. I was truly impressed with Spill. I thought Gailey used him a bit too much, but he sure looked good today. Ideally, I'd like it if he was rotated with Choice, a little more 'til Freddy gets back. TACKLE, BLOCK, -POUND THE ROCK!!!! Gooooooo Bills!!!
  24. Please. It's not like Gailey called the greatest game today. Some of those play calls were headscratchers to myself and the announcers. Dickerson coming out of the backfield... Wildcat w/Brad Smith inside the 20... Just weird, weird, s#!t. But hey, we won! it was at home against a horrible team, but I'll certainly take it.
  25. I like Geno Smith. He has a great arm, and is VERY accurate. I stop short of putting him on my list because of his sheepishness in the leadership department. It's a small thing, I know, but leadership at the QB position has BIG implications for a team like ours going forward. I really like the way Logan Thomas breaks the huddle. Despite having a crop a very inexp'd recievers this year, Thomas seems to be in command at the line of scrimmage. He is a big, physical, presence with a powerful arm, great mobility, and a fearless approach to the game. I wouldn't compare him to Ro-berger, but I think he has an equally high ceiling in terms of talent. College QB Stats are good to look at, but you really need to look at alot of the situational ones to get a clear picture. Completion percentage alone won't tell you JACK about the way a kid can manage a pro offense. IMO, strength of conference is also an important factor. Big ben played in the MAC, where he faced such vaunted competition as Ball State, Akron, Western Mich, and Bowling Green. -Good programs in their own right, but perhaps not as daunting as an ACC schedule that features Fla. State, Clemson, Boston College, and Georgia Tech. I've been assessing the way Thomas handles his tough divisional rivals, So far he's looked damn decent. I don't really expect a Frank Beamer QB to light up the stat-sheet every Saturday. Mike Vick, IMO was highly unusual in that respect. I'm really looking forward to see what Thomas does with the meat of his schedule. For right now, Thomas is the QB I'd want most to be on our roster. -NOT with Chan Gailey as HC/OC though. IMO, Gailey's coaching style is just as big of an impediment for this team as not having a franchise QB.
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