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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Be nice if we could draft a HC, OC, and especially a DC. I wouldn't want any new talent to be coached by the current bunch of losers.
  2. Best? I dunno... Colin Klein is making a pretty good Heisman case for himself. Klein gives you the added dimension of mobility to go with his excellent ball placement, and mechanics. I'm definitely in the minority. but I'm still hoping we grab Logan Thomas early in the third. Like Smith, Logan's record has misrepresented his ability. Add to that a very inexp'd reciever corp, which has hampered his passing game. -He isn't perfect. but Thomas is the type of kid that an offensive-minded coach can do amazing things with. Big, physical, durable, and mobile. I think Thomas is our guy.
  3. This would be good news IF it was a genuine sighting and IF it meant they were bringing him back. I can see VY making MUCH better decisions with the ball than Gailey or Fitz.
  4. There will be in two weeks. I honestly don't see how we score on the Texans at all. -maybe a field goal or two, but a touchdown??? I just don't see it. Texans 52-12, in another record-breaking Bills embarassment.
  5. I say leave Fitz in vs, the Texans. -Let J.J. "Squatch", Mercilus, and Brooks Reed have their way with him. I wonder how many records Houston will set that day? That is going to be one loooooong day for Bills fans.
  6. That stat is 100% useless. Know why? Find me ONE post merger starter under age 35, on his THIRD TEAM, who threw 23 interceptions, and then started the following year. Cant do it? Well, there goes you entire bullsh*t argument. -I mean, we can sit here and bird-dog stats all day, partner. -Aint gonna make Fitz suck any less. Tomorrow, If Fitz is having a bad game (halftime) BENCH HIS @SS! The fan's deserve better. Even you, my apathetic, apologetic friend deserve better than the horsefeed you're getting fed with Fitz on the field and Gailey on the sideline.
  7. Whether I agree or not, Kudos to you for manning-up and conceeding that you may have been wrong about something. Tanneyhill seems like a strange one to me. I'm not a fan, but he does show some promise. From the #1 bestseller -WIDE RIGHT
  8. Sure. Round us up and shoot us because we speak highly of a young QB. By the way: www.victoriassecret.com Next time your panties get in a wad, go buy some new ones instead of whining about it.
  9. So, it's ok to compare Wilson to JP Losman, who sucked like hell, and doesn't play anymore, but NOT ok to compare him to a starting QB he'll be going up against in a few weeks? Whatever. I ain't here to call names. I even think that "hating" can be constructive if it's based in actual facts. You're entitled to your opinion. Still, it seems some people will find any weak excuse not to accept this kid as a legitimate NFL starter no matter what he does.
  10. How did Fitz do versus the Niners on the road? -Were you much impressed with that? The Kid is 4-3 as a rookie, starting for a team that drafted him as a BACKUP. He WON that job by soundly beating two higher-paid, (taller) veterans. One of which is currently warming the Bills bench. Last night, he got beat by a superior divisional rival. And while he made mistakes, several of his recievers dropped "DIME" passes that could have led to touchdowns. In light of these facts, comparisons to J.P. Losman seem uncalled-for. See how Wilson does against us, and THEN feel free to talk s#!t.
  11. For a second let's forget about the 1-5 train wreck teams that we barely beat, or the Arena-league kicker who saved us by doinking a game-winner off the upright. Let's look at our offensive body of work versus divisional Rivals, and true Playoff contenders. In games against the Jets 49ers, and Patriots, We were outscored 58-17 in the first half alone. Our Passing attack is currently ranked 29th in the NFL, and with an 81.5 passer rating, Fitz is tied for 21st. What do you expect to happen between now, and week 12 that puts us in the playoffs??? I suggest that the next time you want to use phrases like "TIED FOR FIRST IN OUR DIVISION", you preface it with words like "MIRACULOUSLY", or IN SPITE OF HOW BAD OUR QB, AND COACHING STAFF IS. -After all, that is the undeniable truth.
  12. I agree that QB's aren't pitchers. Heck, Baseball isn't anything like football. But trust me, If a former League, and AL MVP like A-Rod can get benched then so can a proven loser like Fitz. -This isn't Brady or Manning. Nothing in the history of the guy's career says "sacred cow" In fact, it reads more like DOWNED COW. He's a BAD QB. He's PROVEN THAT. Don't take it personal when folks want to see him benched.
  13. Sure, that could happen, but I just don't see it. If Smith plays like he played on Sunday, we'll be seeing alot more of Kaepernick. To avoid that, Smith should have his act together tonight. I wouldn't be surprised either if Harbaugh gives his defense a Greg Williams-esque speech before the game. Pretty sure they'll be all-in on Russel's @ss after that. Wilson is an awesome kid. Perhaps second-best of all the rookies. However, he goes down in flames tonight. He'll put up a fight, but I don't think he's ever seen what Harbaugh's gonna be throwing his way.
  14. As much as I like Russell Wilson, tonight he gets it handed to him by the Niners. -Harbaugh ain't keen to lose back to back games, so that defense is gonna be out for BLOOD. Tonight could be the spanking R-dub's been overdue for.
  15. No one here claims to have overwhelming evidence that the three backups on our roster are significantly better than Fitz. What many here are saying here is, Why not have a look? After all, it was Gailey who hand-picked these people. If none of them are worth a damn, then what does that say about him? We know Gailey can't call a game to save his life, and we know that his complex offense has been outscored by divisional rivals 100-56 so far. (Most of that 56 coming in "garbage time" during blowouts.) It's simple. Fitz isn't a rookie. -He's a veteran. A veteran who's had years to learn an offense, and get comfortable with the players in it. At this point, If he's having an ugly game, for whatever reason, he should be benched. -if that means risking a game in which we're already struggling, then so be it. Fitz should no longer be allowed to feel comfortable while underachieving. Btw, that isn't hindsight. That should be the plan going forward. That is what we should do NOW.
  16. Oh, I think his detractors are saying alot more than that. Perhaps whatever you're huffing has impaired your reading comprehension. Feely, Kolb, and Skelton did more to help us win than Fitz did. -Not to mention Byrd and Spiller. But you're right. Fitz is listed as a Quarterback on the team that won.
  17. I have played organized sports. I do understand confidence. I also understand denial. Out of 14 total drives last Sunday, EIGHT resulted in punts, one resulted in a fumble, and one an INT (Brad smith). -Big confidence booster there huh? Fitz went three-and-out in 3 of our 4 second quarter possessions. I know. -The guy was on fire. Let's move on. Out of 7 drives in the second half, FOUR wound up being punts. All in all, Fitz was 18-32, averaging a staggering 4.8 YPC, and LIT IT UP for 153 yards. Can't say which I find more laughable. The fact that Gailey thinks we can win our division like that, OR the fact that you do too! I offer a truce: I'll continue to reject the stay-the-course mentality, and you continue to think that beating two 1-5 teams, and an arena-league kicker is actually something to build on.
  18. For starters, how about introducing a little accountability? Fitz has had two full seasons in Gailey's offense to get it right. If he overthrows a wide-open reciever on third down, or throws multiple INT's, someone should sit his @ss down. It doesn't matter who goes out there in his stead. Put another QB out there to let him know that there's a limit to how many chances he gets to do a job he's very well paid to do. -It's not perfect, but it sounds a lot better than this stay-the-course, apathetic bull**** to me.
  19. Quick question: Do you ride around with a flat, or shredded, spare tire in your trunk? No? So you have a relaible spare then? If you had a blowout, and didn't have one, what would you do? If your name was, Chan Gailey, you'd keep riding on that busted tire... hugging the slow lane, hoping somehow it will fix itself. You'd probly ride that sucker right down to the rims, damaging the entire vehicle, and with every mile, jeaporadizing more than was originally at stake. Fitz is a BUSTED TIRE. -Or more accurately, a re-tread that's falling apart on I-90. If we don't have a spare, the question is why not? And if we do have a spare, then why in the world are we not pulled over, putting it on? Either way. It's DRIVER ERROR. At the moment, you're 100% right because we're 3-3 (along with the entire division) But if we should slip to 3-6, Gailey should be canned, and Fitz benched. -Enough with the B.S.
  20. That can't be said about everyone. I've been vocal against the Fitztastrophe since coming on the board. OF COURSE something should be done. If only out of respect for fans who show up and pay money to see a football game. The simple fact is, our HC can't make ANY KIND of adjustment in a timely, or pro-active fashion. He runs the roster just like he calls the games. -He'll continue to stay the disastrous course, no matter how it affects the W-L column. Hopefully that pig-headedness works to our advantage this year. We could really use a new HC, and lord knows, a new QB would'nt hurt either.
  21. OF COURSE it'll stop a QB change. I wouldn't be shocked if Fitz played just good enough to screw us out of a franchise QB in April. Guy screws this team every chance he gets. Worse still, we'll be stuck with Gailey's ignorant a$$ as well. We need either a TERRIBLE finish, or a playoff berth. anything else gets us back in the same situation next year. GO BILLS!
  22. After watching the Sea-hag/Pats game, I agree that Russell Wilson will never be good. That kid is going to be FRICKIN AWESOME! Oh, he'll need the help of a motivating coach, and a stout defense, but R-dub will not let them down. Way to go, Russell!
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