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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. I mention it every chance I get... Nix screwed the pooch last draft and he knows it. Then to compound that egregious error, him and Gailey drove a dump-truck of money to Fitzo's house knowing full well he wasn't worth that kind of money. For his next disastrous trick, Buddy will over-draft a rookie QB, when clearly the correct path is to obtain a skilled veteran in FA. What a freakin' nightmare... Even the most uniformed pundit knows that the gold in this draft is at S, SS, and LB... Feels like we're about to blow another rare opportunity.
  2. This fanbase is so starved for High-level QB play, that we've forget sometimes what it actually looks like. -Good thing we have Brady in our division to remind us. Some of these posters havent watched Nassib for more than this past season. Some have only seen him in the pinstripe bowl! -But because he's local, available, and familiar to the incoming staff, WE WANT HIM IN A BILLS UNI! Well, what has this kid ever done to indicate that he's a pro prospect, Other than attend, and play football for a nearby college? I've paid attention to Nassib for four years. I've seen him do good things on the field as well as bad. -Believe me when I say that there are QB prospects in this draft ALOT better than him, that aren't going in the first. On his best day, Nassib is a 4th-6th rounder... We can get some serious Talent @ #8 Buddy. -Please don't screw this up.
  3. Knew about most of them, but ZAC ERTTZ???? You gotta be FKM... I'd draft that kid TONIGHT, if I could.
  4. IF I felt very strongly that a kid COULD NOT play at the next level, I'd do everything in my power to make sure my divisional rival drafted him HIGH. I'd feign interest in that player for the sole purpose of getting my rivals to to bite the hook. While they're wasting time on some fool's-gold recruit, My organization would be bearing down on the mother lode. We need a QB. That's a fact. However drafting the wrong prospect could set this team back another five years. Take your time Buddy. -Think this thing through.
  5. I Like Jones alot... but not at 8... Watched the kid play a ton, and can't get past the intermittent motor, and injury concerns. I noticed his spaghetti-arms also throughout the season, and I'm sorry but in today's NFL, your LB's need to work out. Also, I usually like a bit more aggression and nastiness from my OLB's regardless of scheme. I haven't put my mock together because of the sheer abundance of defensive talent this draft, but IMO, Jones should drop past 8... Maybe WAY past 8... There's kids out there, that may be better selections at such a high number.
  6. Davonte Holloman is a STUD. -if our knuckleheaded FO doesn't snag some of these SEC tackling machines, i am gonna flip the f___ out! This seems to be an excellent year for everything except QB's. -Never thought I'd be okay with NOT taking one, but I totally am
  7. Tarvaris wasn't an SEC Quarterback, so you may want to change that. To answer your question, Yes, he could... I don't think he'd be as effective as some other veterans, but he could start. The value I see in having Tarvaris around, is having an extra whip to push guys in training camp. I don't see him beating anyone who's worthy out of a job. Good Backup. I'd keep him on the roster.
  8. BINGO! -It's my ONLY concern with this kid. I watch alot of SEC football, and Patterson is, without a doubt a superior athlete. Still, his style, along the way he was used @ TENN make me wonder how fast he can adapt to the pro game. To be honest, he could use a little technique.... Anyhoo, I don't mind him on our roster one bit... If it's a choice between reaching for this kid @ 8, and over-reaching for Nassib just to save face, -I'll roll with Patterson ALL DAY LONG. Git R Done, Buddy.
  9. I agree with the part about us being bottom-feeders, but i think it's because of our LOUSY decision making in moment-of-truth situations. -If we were serious about getting a blue-chip rookie QB, we SHOULD have went hard after one last NFL draft. -We didn't. That was our shot, and we didn't get it done. -No doubt Buddy has taken some heat for it. So, in response to that, what does he do? THE EXACT WRONG THING. -Reach for a franchise QB that SIMPLY ISN'T THERE. What's so terrible about this: - Re-up our LB corp this draft, along with our SS, and DE (Mark Anderson's) position... Take a big, strong, physical reciever (The opposite of TJ Graham), that can go up and compete for balls... Pick up a VETERAN QB who can impart some leadership, and preparation to the 2013 Bills rookie class. (Also win us some games!) Then, if you want to, you can take a young prospect in later rounds. You never know. with a year or so of observation, he may turn into the next Brady. The important thing to me, is for us to hit the ground running in '13.... WIN NOW. -Why bog ourselves down with the agonizing process of breaking-in a new QB? As far as I can see, there are no Lucks, RG3's or R. Wilson's in this year's draft. IMO, reaching for one will only end in disappointment.
  10. If Marrone is smart, he fends off the pressure to draft a QB, and goes HARD on LB, S, and SS..... These positions are the buried treasure in this year's draft. If he's smart, he goes after a veteran who may be looking for a new home. Matt Moore, Matt Flynn, -VINCE YOUNG! IMO, a smart guy takes a chance on a young QB prospect NO EARLIER than Rds. 5-7
  11. I'm pretty sure the original title of this this thread was something like: "Russell Wilson will never be a good QB". Since that bunker of bulls#!t has been busted, the wording has changed from "good" to "elite". I'm predicting in five years the title of the thread will be: "Russell Wilson will never win a third NFC championship, or a second super-bowl" He's the shortest, and best of the rookies. No doubt in my mind he makes the MVP conversation in the next 2 years.
  12. He had an AWESOME rookie year, but whatever. -I agree you can't just look at that. You CAN, however look at how thoroughly he eclipsed Fitzchumstick when he had the chance. I lost count of how many touchdowns he ran for that day. You can also look at how this kid just got better and better as the season wore on. Sophmore slump? No way. Too much poise, focus, and maturity. You must be thinking about that Luck, Kid.
  13. And the missile it fires is a laser-guided smartbomb.
  14. True enough! Still, Clowney's power, pop, and agility makes the pundits mouths water. I wouldn't mind him on my roster one bit.
  15. I would like to take this time to apologize for the over-abundance of good scotch in my cabinets. -Thank you.
  16. Go ahead and say whatever you want, there's NO EXCUSE for passing on Wilson to take an unknown like TJ GRAHAM. There wasn't then. -There isn't now. In fact, by any stretch of any "NFL person's" imagination, judgement, or professional acumen (hopeful taught me that word,) THIS WAS A HUGE MISTAKE. -One of many for that regime. For his age, height, draft selection, NFL division, Russell Wilson has excelled. Period. -He's the class of the 2013 rookies. HE PROVED IT. Why in the world is this still being argued?
  17. What's important going forward is for Bills scouts to recognize that there are NO WILSONS, LUCKS, OR RGII's in the '13 draft. -There ain't even a Kirk Cousins, or a Tanneyhill there at #8. -It's a total wasteland. Please, Please, DO NOT REACH FOR QB WITH A HIGH PICK!
  18. Holla back at ya, Pete!
  19. It's TJ Graham. -And FYI, he'd be awesome if it weren't for the fact that he can't catch anything... At all... Ever.
  20. I'd like to take a second look at Vince Young... I think if Marrone had a brain in his head, he'd look up both VY, and Dave Garrard. We're not there yet, but making a youngster like Nassib the undisputed starter could be career suicide for a first time coach. if Marrone is going to be stupid enough to take Nassib with a high pick, he'd better hedge his bet with a veteran.
  21. First of all, Ryan Nassib is JUNK. Secondly, Glennon, while a better project than Nassib, is still a project, and therefore also JUNK. Thirdly, Did anybody see how Barrett Jones man-handled that 6'6" 350lb nose guard? And then STILL had the strength to shove his own QB 15 yards! -Kid is a BEAST. Trade down... Do what yo gotta do... Draft Barrett Jones.
  22. Great. Another regime eager to corrupt their purpose with misplaced sentiment, and "You scatch my back" politics. If this goes down the way they're saying, We'll be firing these guys in another three years. Having red hair, does not make this kid Andy Dalton. Ryan Nassib is one of the WORST pro prospects I've ever seen. He will be positively AWFUL as a pro. I'd rather we didn't, but if we touch this scrub at all, it should not be before the 6th round. RYAN NASSIB IS GARBAGE!!!!!
  23. With the exception of MAYBE Geno Smith, there are no franchise QB's in this years draft. Accept it, because it's true. The gold in this year's draft is at the LB, and S positions. Reaching for a QB at this juncture in Bills history is a TERRIBLE, idea. We missed on R. Wilson Last year, and that was that. Grab a couple of safeties. Rebuild the linebacker corp. Pick up a stop-gap veteran. -We could even give Vince Young another chance! This is such a SLAM DUNK, -Please Russ, Doug, Buddy. DON'T MESS THIS UP!!!!!
  24. OOF! That hit was the stuff of nightmares. I hope Clowney keeps his nose clean and stays outta trouble this offseason. -Cant wait to see him in the rooster's D next season!
  25. I second this motion. I'm not saying we should burn every vestige of his presence on our roster, but we should place them all in garbage bags, and head quickly toward the dumpster. Fitz is done in Buffalo... I doubt he has any future as a starter or backup with another NFL team.
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