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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Deep Passes to TJ? EFF THAT. Number one, TJ couldn't catch crabs in a whorehouse. Number two, eficency is the path I'd choose for Kolb... Face it, the guy is never going to be a dynamic passer like Flacco, both Mannings, or Brady. -However, IF he's willing to give up on that dream, we might just be able to re-make him in the image of Trent Dilfer. Which would be good enough for me. Hand it off to Jamal Lewis, and don't turn it over! -I think it's the best game plan you can hope for with a new coaching staff, and a SHMUCK GM! Bargain Basement Buddy just needs to make a few more goofy decisions before we can turn this thing 180! -I grow more, and more optimistic with each WTF move by OBD.. PLAYOFFS BABY!!!!
  2. Personally, I AM STOKED! Kevin Kolb is just the type of bargain-basement, swap-meet talent that Buddy Nix habitually searches for. Kolb is one-dimensional, wildly inconsistent, and coming off an injury. -Bad news right? Not so fast. This situation is strangely reminisent of T-Dilf's departure from Tampa and subsequent arrival in Baltimore... If you recall, 2000-01 wasn't a bad time to be a Raven fan. That was also the year BAL picked up LB Adalius Thomas, (out for most of the season) and a very potent weapon in RB in Jamal Lewis... After Dilf got cut by Tampa, he was thought to be washed up. -Expectations for him in Baltimore were close to nil. Dilf wasn't considered a franchise guy.. But he went in there under lousy circumstances, and supported the D by being effficent, and keeping costly mistakes to a minimum... I'm not suggesting that history will repeat itself... However, I do see some interesting parallels.... That 2000-01 Ravens team may have been more complete, but the 2013-14 Bills can upgrade some key positions (LB TE WR SS) through the draft... Working in our favor is the fact the DEPTH at these positions is OUT-STANDING this draft! Think about it... We grab some weapons early this draft, then get Kolb to the point where he's EFFICIENT above all else... Fughettabboutit gentlemen, -we're GOING. Nobody's got a crystal Ball, but I see ways that the '13 Bills can be a very nice surprise.
  3. Are you FKM?... Murray looks like Luck compared to the kids in this draft.
  4. Here's the Maysonnet Snippet also. SORRY ABOUT THE EFF-UP! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2cHw9qAJpE Gotcha Jaybee. -Fixed
  5. Here's a very interesting, and fairly in-depth interview with Hermann... This kid is really chomping at the bit... -Sometimes a bit too hard. Still, considering it was being put on by a bunch of HACKS. -I thought he did well. I'm willing to call this kid a legit PROJECT QB. Ceratinly no worse than Brock Osweiller. Anyway, have a look, and sound off!
  6. Barkley is going to be a PICK 6 MACHINE if he's ever allowed to play at the Ralph. He cannot take the cold. He cannot take the wind. Plus, with a sketchy shoulder, he may not be able to take a hit. -Which considering our o-line status, makes him a huge liability. I've been calling this kid fool's gold for months now, and my opinion has not changed. We've been without a franchise QB for many, many, years., and one more will not make a huge difference. This is a key draft for defense. We should spend our high picks there. Why does the face of a franchise NEED to be a QB????
  7. How about Seattle KEEPS Flynn, and gives us the QB who took his lunch money. -We'll even throw in T-Jax for good measure.
  8. I don't know how I'll feel. Part of me is wondering why there has to be an announcement at all? Why can't the player just start living his life in the open air? -Be gay without dragging football into it.
  9. A kid with Teo's level of instinct can never be ordinary. I believe he will excel at some things, and not so much at others. Te'o will make some NFL DC very happy because HE WILL MAKE PLAYS. The question is, for how long? Teo will be a tremendous addition to any defensive backfield. However, the week-to-week onslaught of the NFL, could eventually wear him down in a very Merriman-esque fashion. He'll be a star no question. -His longevity as a star, in my opinion, is suspect. That said, I'd draft him anyway. His ability to diagnose offensive plays alone makes him an invaluable weapon. There's alot of intelligence, and (newfound) maturity to his kid. -Once guys stop planting blowup dolls in his locker, I think they'll come to respect him, and possibly follow his lead. For the record, I'm 100% for us drafting Teo.
  10. ? I thought of damn-near the same thing... Mine was "The Munster" -I was waiting 'til he actually made somebody's roster to use it.
  11. Regardless of what he's done in the past, the fact that Davis tore his achilles tendon makes him damaged goods... This guy is liable to hit the IR in week 1. -Why not grab a talented (undamaged) kid out of the draft? That's all I'm sayin'
  12. Ertz, Kelce, Eifert, Escobar... Plus a bunch more talented draft picks I can't think of off the top of my head. There's no shortage of talented TE prospects! Sure, no GM is aware of EVERYTHING happening in the league. Still, Buddy seems to purposely CHOOSE ignorance every chance he gets. But hey.... GOOOO BILLS!
  13. Can Fred Davis Play? -I think so, yes. However, given his injury history, I wouldn't consider this an IMPACT signing AT ALL. Seems like more Bargain-basement, swap-meet, talent courtesy of Buddy Nix. When Buddy finally gives up on the GM thing, he has a promising career as a dumpster-diver awaiting him in Alabama. You're a Shmuck, Buddy! -But we make the playoffs in '13! (despite your frightening incompetence.)
  14. I've been searching for a bigger sample of his pro day... Initial word was that he'd be busting TE drills. -Looks like he got some throws in also. On the bright side, I liked his footwork, and found his basic mechanics to be fluid, and sound. However, to be honest, I didn't see very many NFL throws in that snippet... Still, there's this BEASTLY aura around the kid that I just can't quantify... I see his game improving with more exposure to NFL coaches and trainers. Whether he ends up playing TE, or QB, I feel Hermann can win on the next level.
  15. Just updating everyone.... Here's some footage from Hermannn's pro day @ SUNY Stony Brook (RPI doesn't have one, but Stony Brook was gracious enough to send him an invite to theirs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQUflJxA3GQ This is a BIG STRONG, KID. -Key word here is RAW. -Balls don't come out crispy-clean like Geno's... Arms got decent power though.
  16. I sure hope you're right when you say our guys "wore down in the motivation department". But even if you are, it doesn't make Marcel Dareus a reliable 3-4 nose tackle. Sorry, I just don't see it in him. Oh, hell yes! I'd be 100% ALL IN on this
  17. You cannot successfully build something with a hybrid of Lego and Linkin' Logs... It wont hold together. The PIECES THEMSELVES need to be hybridized. Each block has to be endowed with BOTH faculties...That's why it never works for us... Now, Ziggy Ansah, and Margus Hunt? Those two kids appear to be naturally hybridized. Two sub-4.7 passrushers? That'd be some nasty sh*t to have to deal with.. Both are YOUNG, VERSATILE, and ATHLETIC enough to learn both techniques. Lots of you may LOL, but these kids are making waves after learning the game from SCRATCH. -They've performed at a high level, and prevailed by way of sheer determination. That's the tao of Russel Wilson... Pay attention to the guys who aren't supposed to be doing what they're doing, then see if you can figure out why... Once dumb-luck, and pixie-dust have been ruled out, you give the kid a legitimate shot. BUDDY SHOULD KNOW THIS! He was the one who drafted Darren Sproles as a punt/kick returner in 2005! Sproles was taken in the fourth round, and made third string RB behind Tomlinson, and Turner... -No one found out Sproles could ALSO be a 100 ypg rusher until 2007! Sproles is the best example of a natural hybrid I can think of. Yet, Buddy seems to have forgotten all about him. Bottom line... If we want a hybrid D, we'll have to acquire the players, because we sure as hell don't have them now. Without any new additions/weapons, Pettine will struggle mightily.
  18. Maybe he's changing positions to safety.
  19. On paper, it makes sense, but I just can't support a decision like this... Picking ONE successful QB from this crop will be hard enough.... Taking TWO seems wasteful considering the talent available at other positions. -It's a bad call. Feels like the legitimate starting QB's were drafted in '12, while the '13 draft features their backups.
  20. I'm trying my best to abandon the obsession with "schemes" and "fits" for these schemes... A good defense (DC) successfully exploits the weaknesses of their opponents. Period. -These weaknesses vary from team to team, so IMO film preparation is key. What concernes me, is that last year our front four simply could not get off blocks. From a physical standpoint, we were underwhelming. A problem with that, is that even if you are being held a little, you wont get that call, because you're not dominating your man. Now, you want those same guys to suddenly develop the freakish talent necessary to control gaps and create opprtunities for LB's? -What LB's???? It doesn't matter to me who's hands are in the dirt as long as the result is a turnover or wasted down. I respect Pettine's experience, but when I look around our roster, I don't see guys big, or athletic enough to pull off a "hybrid". My response to that would be letting Pettine go ape-s#!t in this draft and get those guys... NO QB at #8!!!! Instead, secure a guy like Ziggy Ansah, who in addition to showing speed, and versatility, also showed how hard he can be to handle as a passrusher. 3-4 OLB seems very possible with him... Or put him in a three point stance as a DE.... There's a chunk of your hybridized defense right there.
  21. I've made fun of Bianca and her burly build, but I'd never call her ugly. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder... Take Giselle Bunchen for example. -I think she's OK, but NOT smokin' hot like alot of people seem to think... Same with Kate Upton. -I'd hit that with ZERO hesitation (If I was single and had an opportunity) But there's definitely stuff wrong with her. (in my eyes) Her hips are a bit to narrow... Legs too skinny... etc.. Every woman brings something interesting to the table... The fact that someone does or does not live up to your "ideal" hardly makes their ugliness OR attractiveness official.
  22. Hate to repeat it, but it's a rough year for any team trying to land a franchise QB. -I'm not crazy about ANY of these kids. But If I have to pick, I can narrow it down to the two best.(slated for round 1) -EJ Manuel, and Tyler Wilson. I wouldn't be ecstatic, but I wouldn't HATE either of those 2 at 8.
  23. I see contact with the crown on some of these awesome runs. Just get rid of the position entirely. No more guys coming out of the backfield, period. Use RB's as an extra blocker/reciever catching only in the flat and out of screens.
  24. Watching ball-carriers try not to "hurt anyone" will be hard to stomach. There should be a 4-6 game "grace period" before regular enforcement. -That, at least, gives teams who rely on the run a chance to get their act together.
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