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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. All depends... So much new energy coming to training camp... It's going to be ultra, ultra, competitive.... Kids will be trying to kill people in preseason games... They look hungry. -Waiting explode...We have a DC with experience coaching in the AFCE. He knows what gets it done... We have a QB that is deadly when he's on the run, and a guarantted1,000 yard rusher, that just needs a line to block for him... We don't know what we'll see. The good part is, neither does anyone else in our division. None of the opposing coaching staffs have a clue of what's going on in Bills nation. I think our biggest roadblock this year will be the Miami cod-piece. Like it or not, they'e going to be formidable... If Tan-man learns how to use the weapons at his disposal, they will upset the balance of the AFCE. Either way, We're absolutely going to the playoffs... Won't matter how many wins we have come January.
  2. I don't think this kid is even in the LEAGUE in 2016.
  3. I hope so too, but I doubt it... I'm not so sure this kid even makes the roster this year. I'd like to see Pettine be more judicious about who can play where. I don't see bradham as a fit in a defense needing hybrid, flexible players.
  4. The offseason is too damn long. Period. These kids should be focusing, and busting drills during these long hot days... maybe if they were, they would lack the energy for late-night boxing outside of bars... Which reminds me, -where the hell is DaRick?... Anybody seen DaRick?
  5. We want red helmets, and 90's Royal Blue jerseys with the NORMAL collar. -Oh, and red socks. All else is FOLLY!
  6. Can't question Wood's potential.. Still, he acts and sounds just like a 12 year old girl.... I hope he doesn't play as sissified as he talks.
  7. Great buzzkill thread. With all the excitement circulating, the fanbase needed something to settle us down a notch... I will certainly consider the depressing (but relevant) questions you've raised. -Thanks.
  8. I want bad-ass LINES! No, not the fat white ones from the eighties, but O-line, and D-line.... I wanna see our guys coached up to their potential and beyond... As excited as I am about the new-look Bills, I would be over the MOON, if our lines delivered studworthy performances from week to week. That's where I'm thinking the improvement will show up FIRST. -Man oh man would that make me happy.
  9. No surprise considering the kid's past... He loves the street life....You can legitimately label Hernandez a "thug", and not be judging him unfairly -It ain't exactly a secret. Bellichick had a handle on him the last two years, but it looks like that handle has flown off.
  10. Nice... Place looks old-world... If I were MJ, that's where I'd grab my steaks.
  11. I'd like to second that... I don't recall any talk of him being at risk for morbid obesity... Wow... Just wow...
  12. I suspected as much. Purveyors of fine beef don't need to stoop to that level.
  13. While I agree that Michael Jordan is both douche, and douche-bag... I find his complaint 100% legit in this instance... These Dominick parasites are clearly using Jordan's name, and celebrity to hustle steaks... Perhaps a hundred-thousand dollar lawsuit won't fully convey to others that this is a bad idea. Five mil definitely sends that message. I think there's a bigger question here that everyone's avoiding... And that's; Is the quality of Dominick's steaks worthy of trademark infringement on the best Bull to ever play the game? I've never had the opportunity to sample Dominick's Prime Rib, or New York strip. Perhaps a fan in Illinois can shed light as to the worthiness of the beef sold by these leeches...
  14. I'm hoping this team has the courage to move on from Byrd... Just like we've moved on from Buddy, Chan, Wanny, Fitz, Kelsay, Wilson, Sheppard, Barnett, and Merriman. This secondary DOES NOT need Jairus Byrd in order to succeed. I've seen his numbers, and I've seen the guy play. We can do better.
  15. I'm much more excited about FS/CB prospect Duke Williams... Kid is focused, hungry, and crazy-talented. Byrd better have his s___t together before TC...
  16. Valid point. He may have also wanted distance between himself and the baboon hatchery that was the 2012 Jets. -I'm still laughing at Rex's expression post-butt fumble.
  17. If we had won super Bowl 25, and Putin stole THAT ring... -I'm afraid it'd be on like a MOFO!
  18. Dude, that'd be so frickin' sweet... Byrd doesn't know a thing about this new defensive backfield... Guys have changed positions, and most are brand new! We've changed too much in the last four months to be held hostage by a hot/cold safety. Trade Byrd for a high pick, and bring on blitzapalooza, baby!
  19. Note to Bills Secondary: -You can take the Patsies stuff when they're at your house. Also, Ralph would have swung on the guy. -Just sayin'.
  20. He sure didn't do good against us in the last go-round.. All that aside, I don't think Tebow is there to do anything but practice the read option. Bellichick won't be caught off guard by the Bills young, thoroughbred, QB... Because of TT's athleticism, Massacheatsus can practice things with him that they can't practice with Brady. -That's my theory, anyway. TT may not even make their final roster cut.
  21. Laugh heartily. -But for a second round pick and a couple mid-rounders, I'd cheerfully trade him away... For a first, I'd wear a dress while signing the paperwork. A good eye doesn't just see talent.. A good eye recognizes when that talent has reached it's limit. Somewhere out there, in some needy franchise's FO, there's a CHUMP with a brain that works a bit like yours. I say we FIND THAT GUY, and get a deal done before he's fired by the people he let down. There's a buttload of fresh, young, talent going into TC... Call me crazy, but the I think the Bills secondary has a future with or without Jairus Byrd.
  22. Good one.
  23. I could give a crap about his season stats. When you watch the guy play, he's average to good. Not great, and not nearly disruptive enough for my liking. Byrd had a great rookie year. -Fell flat the next. With the exception of a few lucky breaks, he's pretty much worked his way back to the middle. He can be upgraded....I'd welcome a trade with open arms.
  24. JMO, but he's truly not that good... Watch a few hours of game tape, and you'll see Jairus standing in the end-zone while numerous touchdowns are scored on us. He's average, at best in coverage, doesn't anticipate well, and lacks flat speed. I say let him go... Wish we could have have taken Swearinger, but Duke Williams will do just fine.
  25. I'm not a fan of him as a player, but I think Kolb was a very good signing. I really like the experience, and competition he brings to the offense. Kolb just isn't a #1 guy.... To be fair, Tarvaris isn't either. I'd be content with either one of those two as a backup, and Tuel (I can't believe I'm saying this) as a project third stringer.
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