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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. McDummy is a lousy HC... And Brian doughball will run any offense he touches into the freaking dirt. McBeaneboll has proven they 1) cant draft 2) can't develop talent 3)can't make picks in FA. -These losers miss in just about every relevant category. Is Allen looking better? Sure he is. -But looks can be deceiving. If he doesn't get the support he needs on the field. (TE, OT, C, G, RB) I look for him to take giant steps back next season.
  2. If McBeane goes Ed Oliver in Round 1, I'll have concrete proof that they're boneheads. We need the top 2 OL prospects in this draft (OT, OG) ... I love me some Chris Wilkins, but this is THAT important.
  3. I sincerely hope he does... -With any luck it'll be the Jets or Dolphins.
  4. Farewell Kyle Williams... Hellooooooo Chris Wilkins!
  5. If it's Chris Wilkins, I am 1000% OK with it... -That's the dude we need... Apologies to all the Ed Oliver fans out there!
  6. Vaughn is an effing MACHINE....Put him in our new offense with Johnson, and Tyree!
  7. TANK. -Do it right this time, and we might just find that Franchise TE, WR1, WR2, DT, DE, OT, C, and G we desperately need. Do your draft homework this time, McBeane!
  8. Forget Harbaugh… -I'm ready to bring in McCarthy!
  9. Nuh-uh... -Complete the tank. Let's see what McBeane and the rest of the boneheads do with the '19 draft.
  10. And where's he coaching now -Arizona State? You play to get to a superbowl. -And win it.
  11. Love it... Would've been better off tanking last year, but i'll take the draft position in '19 to load up at OL, and DL.. -No more wins please!
  12. The Bills beaten by the only HC in the division worse than McDoomed? I just don't see it. Bills: 24 Jets: 14
  13. Because he's been killing it with college players ever since he's got to Tuscaloosa... Plus, he's got a killer supporting staff... Bills 42 Bama 14... Back-door 4th quarter TD kills the spread.
  14. She is... By killing my hopes and dreams one by one until I'm an empty husk of the energetic, adventurous young man she married... Other than that she's great...
  15. Fact: Girl-punchers make me sick. Only way I'd put hands on a chick is if she's armed, and trying to kill me. killing me slowly, like my wife has been doing for the past 11 years is allowed.
  16. Tiger Woods kicked a chick when she was on the ground??? -Link now please.
  17. Bills By 28.... Coaching would be a huge factor in this contest, and sorry, but Bama would have an advantage there... I'd expect Bama's defense to shock the skeptics with their ability to disrupt Allen's process, and keep him off-base... -Bama loses, but covers by half a point.
  18. I'm in!... he could be the second WR we take after Anthony Johnson.
  19. STHU, you Nazi Pr__k! Say the 'tards who want to hold off the four Branches of the U.S. military with handguns. So, civilians with handguns held off the U.S. military in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan?! -Oh, Ok ... You have literally lost your f___ing mind this time, Tasky.... True.. It also comes from jagoffs who value their right to play soldier over everyone's right to live without fear of random carnage. Yup. it's right there in his post! -TYTT sees private gun ownership as a potential means of resisting Tyranny:
  20. Thanks for helping us get rid of Tyrod, Nate!
  21. As negative as I tend to be these days, that's really something to be proud of.. -GO BILLS!!!
  22. Wow... Short-sighted AF! Is he looking for an OC gig??? -I really wouldn't mind, at this point.
  23. I'm sorry, but WTF are you talking about???? Are you one of these wacky guys that think your puny small firearms can do anything whatsoever against the US military machine, should it decide to back a tyrannical, totalitarian government?... Dude... They've got sh_t that can thin-slice your entire family from 5 miles away!... You and the other hicks gathered to defend your freedoms would never, -NEVER even know what hit you.... To quote the Rhino: That's exactly what this misguided fervor for the 2nd amendment is.... Because you wouldn't be able to do a damn thing in the unlikely event of military Tyranny.
  24. I'm not talking about state and Local... I'm talking about Federal guidelines that must be met before someone can legally own a firearm.... As well as more stringent guidelines for sellers to follow. Enough carnage! Retardation, is chalking up these dead kids to the price of freedom.
  25. You used the "E" word, I didn't.... -Nor would I.... We need modern-day legislation, and stringent policies to keep guns out of deranged people's hands. Anyone who isn't for that, at this point, might be deranged as well.
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