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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Mike-up Garrison Sanborn!
  2. Graham was the dictionary definition of a wasted pick. Hopefully this means a bigger role for Marcus Easley.... Btw, I have my suspicions about Chris Gragg... Not impressed with him at all lately... Not sure he's a true tight end.. JMO
  3. EJ may not be the best or the brightest, but I STILL say his worst enemy is that miserable playbook. It's like Hackett and Marrrone haven't figured out what he's good at yet. Took 'em forever to figure out that T.J. wasn't the type of receiver EJ needed. -Mostly because T.J. sucked, but also because he's just too small ... It'll be another miserable season before they realize Chris Hogan is barely a pro. Why does it always have to be this hard?
  4. EJ has to run.... Run like there's no tomorrow... Love him or hate him, NO ONE respects this kid's arm. That's thanks, in part, to Nat Hackett's lousy playcalling. EJ is going to have to MAKE them respect his arm... -By getting them to respect his LEGS. Granted, it's risky. -No risk no reward. More designed runs. Two tight end sets to create mismatches. That's the only way we have a chance.
  5. Solid, Solid, leader... Does it the only way it should EVER be done, -By example. I know about the knee, but I'd still snatch him up in a second.
  6. I like Orton... Liked him alot more coming outta Purdue many moons ago... Shoulda got him then... That said, I can't see a SINGLE WAY he helps this team as it currently exists... Orton isn't mobile at all. Lousy pocket presence.... I see him on the turf alot, if he ever needs to start for EJ... Shaping up to be a rough year folks.
  7. Tebow. Do it Doug.
  8. By using the term "Dark Side", You may have inadvertently plugged DC Schwartz as the next head coach... "Schwartz", after all, means "Black" in German... "The Schwartz" was also the invisible power from the movie "Spaceballs" If this defense continues to perform, "the Schwartz" will be a shoe-in for the next HC... In which case, I'll be glad he's "with us".
  9. Not gonna lie.. I thought SJ was a selfish, undisciplined, distraction-machine... I was totally indifferent when they traded his a$$ ... I still am. That said, I'd take him back IF he gets cut... There's a chance he will have grown from the experience... Maybe focus, and not take stuff for granted so much. Plus, take a look at our receiver corps... Not saying it's awful, but there's definitely some weak spots in there. Looks like Graham is staying. -Why, I have no idea... Hogan is a hard worker, but I don't see any big-play ability with that guy..... One or BOTH of those guys should go. -Graham STILL can't catch, and there's NO WAY Hogan is better than Stevie at anything whatsoever. So send him on back Frisco... Let's see if he's changed any...
  10. The Packers have observed this kid's potential, and like what they see... He won't win any character awards anytime soon, but sometimes a troglodyte is just what the doctor ordered. -15 years and counting, people...
  11. Alot of us would soil our undies if that ever happened... -For varying reasons of course. I think the 90's are the way forward when it comes to throwbacks. The first time we wear them, we'll destroy whoever we're playing... Then the fans will want more, and we'll probably get it.
  12. I was thinking more like five grand, and NOT kidding. Bottom line: It is a FANTASTIC cause. The more they get, the better.
  13. EJ, Thad and Jeff ALL looked better before spending one full season in Hackett's offense. I'll tell you what I can't deny.... Nat Hackett has taken three young QB's (with varying degrees of talent) and turned them all into crap. This guy needs to be stopped.
  14. I'm IN! -Maybe Tim can do something with this BS college offense.
  15. None of our QB's look very good. -And it's not completely their fault. The entire offense from top to bottom is AWFUL. It's not designed to efficiently move the chains. Nat Hackett has got to be one of the worst OC's in the game. If we're going to run a college offense, I don't see how bringing in one of the best college QB's in recent memory can hurt.... Give Tebow a call, Doug!
  16. Very clean, edgy, futuristic look. Instant attitude for those kids at UB -I WISH the Bills would follow suit.
  17. We'll beat the Raiders, the Vikes.. -Probably split with the Dolphins, and win one more game we shouldn't. That's four wins that I can see. Some teams, like the Packers, Bears, and Broncs will simply blow us out of the stadium. -NO CHANCE. On the bright side, the Marrones will be gone, and a new era of football led by Golisano or Pegula will begin. -Hopefully that means good things.
  18. Don't hurt yourself trying to imagine this, but Spiller does have his selling points... Decent speed, good attitude, -good work ethic... It's not his fault we drafted a kick returner to be a running back. When selling a used car, do you disclose every single thing that's wrong with it? Yes? -Good. To some people it still won't matter. They'll pay because they feel they can do something with it that you can't or won't. Some GM coulda had a hard-on for CJ since '09... Maybe he feels we've been using him all wrong, and squandering his talent... Either way, why not put him on the block? See what kind of interest there is? He doesn't help the team enough for the idea of trading him to be a sacred cow.
  19. Let's see,.. Cant' find the hole... Can't run between the tackles... Guy can barely stay healthy, and is largely ineffective when he is... Why not let him go to someone who feels they can do something with him? Package him and TJ for a second round plus a later round pick...
  20. Strikes me as weird too. I don't remember Dixon being that bad.
  21. If EJ has another crappy outing in Pre-seaze, and Tuel, by some amazing twist of fate, improves significantly with the 2's, the decision on who to start @ PIT may be taken from the coaching staff. Whaley is staring down the fifteenth year without a playoff berth, and the absolute certainty of a new owner. If Tuel gains substantial ground operating Hackett's offense, then the GM has to do his due diligence.. EJ could be a bit butt-hurt, but who cares? Tuel could go out and get injured, but I think It's worth the risk. We should pull out ALL the stops to avoid yet another season of TERRIBLE football.
  22. Give EJ a little incentive,,, Start Tuel with the 1's vs. Carolina! Tired of all this coddling and grooming.. Let the best player win, already!
  23. Wow. I can't believe you just came out and said it... And I'm glad that your'e glad. However, I think we'll BOTH be glad if this fourteen-year playoff drought ended this season. I could care less about EJ's personal feelings right now... What has EJ done to be anointed the undisputed starter at QB? Why shouldn't he have to fight to establish himself as the #1 QB? -Honestly, if Tuel is that bad, then what the heck are you afraid of? A responsible coaching staff MUST do it's due diligence to ensure the absolute BEST product makes it onto the field. All else is FOLLY!
  24. I LAUGHED at the notion of Tuel being taken as a UDFA. He was a lousy college QB with mediocre arm strength... I never thought he'd make the roster, but with limited competition, it wasn't hard to imagine. That aside, EJ manuel has yet to separate himself from his understudies. -When we took him, he was the best QB available. Of that, I have zero doubt. However since that time EJ hasn't progressed in a way that would make him a viable NFL starter. Yah, I know about the injuries, blah, blah... Plus the OC is TERRIBLE. -All that is understood. Still, there appears to be more questions about his ability to operate the offense. -Why is he still blowing through his progressions? What's with the dowward trajectory on his shorter throws? -Three batted balls in one series is pretty alarming. All these things are leading me to believe that Jeff Tuel is a bigger threat to EJ than we think. And if he's not, then he f#*ing SHOULD BE. Jeff throws a nice ball. Jeff is calm going through his progressions. -Moves OK in the pocket. Jeff's accuracy doesn't seem any worse than EJ's at this point. EJ is bigger, stronger, and allegedly more mobile, but at this juncture, I CAN'T honestly say he's a better QB... Therefore (Drumroll please) JEFF TUEL SHOULD GO WITH THE 1's AT CAROLINA. Give him the start. See what he does. If he stinks, we lose nothing. It may even help expedite the decision on backup QB. If he's awesome, then EJ has a major problem... Could be the kick in the pants he needs to get better FASTER. If Tuel can operate Hackett's dry, primitve, and predictable offense better than EJ can, then he should be given consideration as starter. It's only fair. I'm nowhere near being a fan of his, but if there was ever a "Tuel time" -it's now.
  25. Those batted passes were kind of a big deal.... Sammy's technique is also lacking... I'm wondering how these more complex plays are going to unfold. Doesn't seem to be any offensive chemistry at this point. Chris Gragg looks to be a wasted pick. -TJ pretty much confirmed he was the same...(*sigh*) When the Marracket regime falls, it's nice to know that the Schwartz will be with us.
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