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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Yah... Hard to imagine that working out. Mariota may have the talent, but he's shy as a pup, with no presence in a locker room full of men... The player the Jets OR Patsies must NOT get under ANY cicumstances is Nick O'leary... I know, I know, -'He's just a Tight End!' NOPE... Nick O'leary is a tremendous athlete, and charismatic leader... His personality could make him a fan favorite, and his talent could make him a QB's best friend... I'd love it if we grabbed him... But we won't. -Hopefully he stays the hell out of our division.
  2. Haven't decided yet.. Always liked Orton, but thought he took too many sacks... Despite that fact, he's performed admirably... THE GUY LITERALLY HAS NO GOOD PLAYS TO CALL! Bottom line: If a good QB falls to us in the draft, we're taking him. I'm giving Orton the next 3 games... In my book, he's won a backup job for sure.
  3. Gailey's biggest mistake was hitching his wagon to the Fitz train which of course never left the station. Marrone is making a similar mistake with NateHackett... Hackett simply can't coordinate at the pro level. Drawing up two or three good plays in a half doesn't compensate for a multitude of three-and-outs, sacks, and otherwise wasted possessions. Can Hackett get better? -Anything's possible I guess.... What the the offense does vs. KC (with two weeks to prepare) will say alot... Our D has their work cut ot for them... Kelce, Davis, and Charles could run amok without some serious run support from The O....
  4. Here's what I'd give Orton right now... 1)A functioning O-line, if I could arrange it. 2) Another option at WR -Possibly Marcus Easley. 3) A second TE. 4) 5 Killer plays where he could use all the aforementioned. That's ALL this guy needs at the moment... The dump truck of money can wait.
  5. Agreed. It's a "walking dead" offense... Slow, lifeless, and UGLY as hell... We creep up on teams and take bites wherever we can... I get it... It makes perfect sense except for one thing. Good teams shoot for the head early... They're not going to wait until you're on top of them to knock your block off. Good offenses target the top of your D as well... YOU NEED TO SCORE TO KEEP GOING. -Television zombies keep walking in circles, or banging into the same wall until feeding time... This is Hackett's offense in a nutshell. Yesterday's Jets were the dumb teenage victims in a BAD horror flick. They did everything they could to get eaten by the slow, lumbering "walkers" they could have easily escaped. The zombie offense worked on the doomed, hapless, Jets yesterday. Against a real opponent, however, you'd just end up looking DEAD out there.. STUDY FILM Mr. Hackett.. And by "film" I mean Season 1 of "The Walking Dead"
  6. Fine... I'm interested to see what happens if we go that long without a 1st down vs. the Chiefs... a team that can absolutely score in BUNCHES.... keeping Hackett is like driving on a bad tire... it may work for a while, but sooner or later, something bad, and completely avoidable happens..
  7. Glad folks are starting to see the truth... I thank Mike Vick AND Geno Smith for gift-wrapping this game for our offensive staff.. As for Hackett... Don't leave the guy alone in a room with a birthday cake.. Guaranteed, it WILL end up on the floor somehow. FiRe. HaCkEtt. To-dAy. Man, it's good to be back.
  8. True. Their O-line is NOT what it used to be. Still, all these formulas on beating Tom Brady have yeilded little success IMHO... I think we're better served worrying about OUR attack the Pats D... Figuring out how WE score on them is a far better use of our time... I don't think there's anything we can do about Gronk. -He'll get his catches. And Brady will make his throws... I think whether or not we make OURS will be the deciding factor in this game... The Pats have shown that they can generate a withering offense.... I'd like it if we could do the same..
  9. Him being carried off the field last sunday was a revelation... You don't do that for a coach you don't respect on a personal level... Could he really be bonding with the players? If Marrackett's offensive woes continue to plague this team, they're both OUT OF HERE.. I expect Pegula to go with the hot hand after January.... So far the Schwartz has been a useful asset. Woulda been nice to see him work with Kiko...
  10. I haven't seen enough of Kyle in this offense to rule him out... I see no reason not to give him an opportunity... He's been crap at times in the past, but so what? -Guy could be a late bloomer. For the time being, I'm enjoying the experience and know-how he brings to an offense with significant issues... GO Kyle! and GO BILLS!
  11. Our o-line sucks at blocking on screens, and CJ also stinks. Etc. etc. I disagree on Chandler 100%... With a few exceptions, he's proved himself to be an excellent route runner, and sure-handed receiver... Lee Smith, is harder to defend because we really don't see him a whole lot. What I HAVE seen of Smith tells me we're NOT getting the best out of him.. Which brings me to my next question, which is What part do you feel Coaching plays in these failures??? Assuming that what you guys have said is true, how do you reconcile these things against the fact that Doug Marrone is a former pro O-lineman, AND pro O-line COACH... Nate Hackett supposedliy has offense in his bloodline, and was OFFENSIVE QUALITY CONTROL for the Bills in 2008-09! I get it, you think the TE's aren't good enough. -SO MAKE THEM BETTER. The O-line can't block worth s#!@. -CHANGE THAT. Who made this 53-man roster any-effing-way? How can Hack and Marrone POSSIBLY get any kind of pass? Bottom line.... There's offensive possibiliities this team simply refuses to exploit. Worse still, there's talent and weapons that go respectively untapped and ignored. That's the coaches fault, and they should FIX IT. -If they can't, then they're collective resumes are100% worthless. -No big deal. Just fourteen years and counting, people.
  12. I absolutely HATE your offense bro... Not doubting you know tons about X's and O's, but sometimes it appears that you have NO CLUE how to put it all together... Shouldn't a good offense be able to create mismatches, and misdirections for opponents? Why does our offense seem to rely 100% on the speed of it's players? It's like a foot-race from the coin toss, and if we're not the fastest, we barely score..... Where's the trickeration? -Where's the GOTCHA!? We have depth and talent at the RB position, but you insist of pounding the hell out of the same two backs! -News flash, Boobie Dixon is a PUNISHING runner, as well as a sure-handed receiver... Why doesn't he get used more??? You are ridiculously predictable... You'll bring in Boobie or Tank on an OBVIOUS SITUATION, like 3rd and goal... The opponent will stack the box, and we won't score. Your claim to fame is having a daddy who coached Montana, but what have YOU done? Besides take a sorry college team, and improve it to mediocre? Where's your imagination? -What do YOU bring to this game? Here's what you SHOULD do going forward... Practice multiple TE sets to help out your immobile QB... The best QB's in the business rely on the high-percentage completions that a solid TE can deliver. Peyton... Romo...Brady.. Solid TE play facilitates the success of their offense... Multi TE sets also create mismatches that are hard for secondaries to react to in time...Screens with Boobie Dixon are a good idea too... With a full head of steam, he's a daunting task to bring down.. Bottom line... Don't squander Orton's experience, CJ's speed, and Sammy's atleticism by doing things the same way as the past year and a half... Pull out the stops.... By the end of next week this team can have a different future.
  13. Who among you just figured out that Freddy was THE MAN? Seriously, I'd love it if this team helped him get to the playoffs... Guy can BALL.. One of my favorite Bills of all time....
  14. Absolutely agree... While Orton did'nt play a terrible game, he still owes the Schwartz and Dan Carpenter a beer...
  15. Orton's only hope is to get rid of the ball quickly... We can't hold off DET's passrush, and Orton isn't one of the more mobile QB's in the game. Kyle needs to get that ball OUTTA THERE, or get buried alive in blue jerseys. Even if he does get passes off, I wonder how accurate he can be under those circumstances... Not feeling good about this game at all.
  16. I really wanted Ansah for our defense in '13... wasn't meant to be I suppose... Could be a career day for some DE's... Our o-line really neeeds to step it up...
  17. This... Was Hackett limiting the playbook due to EJ's inexperience??? If so, he needs to open that puppy up with Orton... Let's see if him and his playbook are worth a damn.
  18. Our O-line has been sketchy lately, and in the past, I recall seeing Orton take alot of bad sacks... Our receivers are also very undisciplined. -JMO... Anything can happen, I suppose, but I don't see it at all... I don't see the current playbook as being freindly to Orton's style, OR playing to any of his strengths... It could be that the playcalling was limited due to EJ's inexperience... If that's true, Hackett is going to have to PROVE to me that he has a means of moving the chains effectively... As of right now though, I don't believe that he does.
  19. I expect to see Orton on his back alot. -Initially anyway... Even if he finds time to throw the ball, I wonder what Chemistry he will have with WR's that are so undisciplined?
  20. You'd better be right... 'Cuz if you're not, Kyle Orton is ska-rooed out there! Guy has a decent enough arm, but ZERO escapability.... When you combine that with Hackett's crap offense, and poorly coached receivers, It don't look pretty... -Guess we'll see.
  21. I'd like for Orton to be thrown into the mix too... Not because I think he'll be a phenomenal success... My hope is that an experienced vet like Orton can stand up to Gnat Hackett's tomfoolery. Maybe change the stupid plays.. Maybe a surly character like Orton is man enought to call Bulls#3!@ on Hackett's know-it-all disposition... That could change things for the better.... One can only hope... Fifteen years and counting.
  22. Hackett stays, and Sammy NEVER turns into what he's supposed to... It's that simple... Hackett should GO.... And if Marrone don't like it, he can go too.... Those two coached one of the chittier college offenses I've seen... They had their chance. -It's over.
  23. The plays. They SUCK. We don't have a short yardage game at all. Two tight-end sets, and a big, dirty, target in the end zone is how it's done We have talented RB's that can help us move the chains, but an OC who has no clue how to use them... The Giants are killing with this Larry Donnell kid.... and the Broncs are cleaning up with Thomas and Thomas... Our BONEHEADED staff have made this game harder for EJ...This, at point in his career when he needs the most confidence. I'm convinced that EJ's accuracy issues, field-vision issues, and protection issues are ALL coaching issues! FIRE GNAT HACKETT! -Nip this BS in the bud.
  24. What I said: Your nonsensical translation: Dude, you weren't even CLOSE. FTR, I stand by every single word I said... If Bortles takes that jive-turkey team into that hornet's nest and wins, then he's definitely "on his way" -Which, of course, does not mean "there." it's a signficant mile-marker, and will raise more than a few eyebrows. Mine for sure. - Anyways, nothing to argue here... I just wish your grade school teacher did a better job.
  25. Neither one of you read the entire post... if you did, then a maggot has better reading comprehension. -Sorry.
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