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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. And that's the thing I feel folks will start to get as the season wears on... A runner with Fred's intelligence doesn's need to be fast.... If this season ends up like I think it will, WE may be the ones feeling really dumb...
  2. How about "Placeholder for Chad kelly"
  3. I'm giving Goodwin three games to prove that he's anything but useless.... Andre davis should have gotten his spot, as far as I'm concerned.
  4. Chris Hogan is what he is.. He'll never be anything more... Already reached his ceiling and looking for a soft spot to land when he comes down.... Guess that's us... Shoulda kept Davis. -More upside.
  5. Maybe a simple, understated, affair like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjAnmlEN8rI But without the open infidelity to his wife, and (alleged) mob connections.
  6. More considration for what Fred did while he was here... ideally, I would have preferred more separation between him and the scrubs that were easy decisions..... Although, in the last few hours the acolades seem to be rolling in... There's a chance I wasn't the only one up in arms over how this happened.
  7. I wouldn't have him play.... It'd just be a classy farewell to Jackson #22
  8. Recyclables! How funny!I Let's just say I might have done it on a different day... That would have been Fred's day. I remember so many days when Fred was literally the only thing happening on offense... Of course he was on his way out... I would ve let him go out differently.
  9. Probably leak it to the fans in advance... Perhaps let him dress one more time in the last preseason game. -Go out for the coin toss... Something... If only to inspire the next generation of leadership that replaces him... As this discusion unfolds, things are being done that make me feel better... Still not an ending I would have preferred.
  10. who's asking for guarantees... I think Fred deserved a fonder farewell for being a team-leader, moral compass, and productive performer all these years.. Common, yourself, man! I don't GAF what anyone says, putting him out with the camp trash is no way to treat a standard-bearer like #22...
  11. Put me in the camp that HATES, HATES, the way this went down... Sure, Freddy's days were numbered, but to toss him out with the camp trash seems unconscionable.... Congrats to Wrecks and Whaley on their first BUSH-LEAGUE move...
  12. Confounding and very frustrating... I have no idea how RG3's head got so far up his as$$.... Too soon for us to use the "B" word, but things aren't looking good at the moment..
  13. I've always thought Easley was underrated as a wideout... However, yesterday I saw something that made me think twice... Marcus was really sucking wind after a couple of those plays... Doubled over at some points.... How's his heart? -Can we totally dismiss that heart scare he had a couple years back? I like the kd a whole lot... Prefer it if he stayed on this side of the turf.
  14. What is that worth if you're never on the field? It's a question of durability... Or, in Goodwin's case, the complete lack thereof.. Davis, and thompson appear to be healthier prospects IMO..
  15. And always hurt!
  16. Dez Lewis can go to the PS, Hogan is a cut, Palmer is a cut, Thigpen is a cut, Goodwin should be traded for something healthier and more useful...Davis and Thompson BOTH make my active roster. Man, that would be one solid WR corp!
  17. Tobias Palmer, Marcus thigpen, and Chris Hogan can go... Nothing against Hogan. He was adequate.... Better than I thought he'd be... However Thompson and Davis could be outrageously productive... These two can be fashioned into weapons.. Hogan is just Hogan.
  18. Rex got sh*tcanned.. -It's pretty much a fact at this point. And I would hope that they've been 'calling around' for the last couple of weeks... Ever since it became obvious that we don't have a legit stater at QB. We don't...Unless his name is EJ Casselrod, and I've been looking at this all wrong from the beginning.
  19. Wow... You actually expect people who need to sell seats and merchandise to be forthcoming?
  20. No? - So when is it actually feasible to take some sort of action? You know.... To prevent impending failure... Is it when you havent had a playoff win in over 20 years, or a berth in 15??? Do you put all your chips on the wisdom of a 4-12 coach that got sh*tcanned from his last gig? OR would you at least call around to see what your options are? -Maybe locate that motivated partner... I know what I'd do..
  21. We're the deer, and the oncoming headlights are QB ineptitude... Should we stand there and let it hit us, or do something about it? By all means TRADE... perhaps not for Mettenberger, or Perhaps not even EJ, (Even though it could be the best thing for him).... DO SOMETHING to improve our lot at QB.... Not doing anything is just plain ignorant.
  22. Nice thought... But if Rex was that smart, he'd still be coaching the Jets.... EJ is no brainiac either. One of the major downfalls of EJ's career was coming in contact with fellow mental midgets Hackett and Marrone... He literally didn't get a chance to become what he could have been... I suppose it's unfair to call EJ dumb... EJ was more like a BLANK SLATE with the potential to be filled-up with all sorts of good stuff... As long as someone reasonably smart was holding the chalk, EJ had a chance... Fast forward to now.... EJ is once again a blank slate... A little dirty from all the bad chalk that had to be erased, but nonetheless EMPTY.. Years have passed with no progress (through no fault of his own.) The question now, is whether to continue, or abandon the project altogether... Possibly giving EJ the fresh start he deserves.... I can see myself backing this option... I think KC would make an excellent trade partner for this venture... They need help at WR... We definitely need help at QB... EJ plus a wideout (Goodwin or Hogan) for Chase Daniel would be an awesome deal for both parties.... That's just a rough cut... Not sure what that would entail, but I tink it'd be great for EJ to be around one of the sharpest minds in the game (Andy Reid), and I think Daniel's arm is underrated at this point in his career.... That's the pistol... there's a full clip inside, and one in the chamber.... Just needs a finger to go ahead and squeeze. -Any takers?
  23. Sure, the ninth win count's, but it shouldn't since the Patsoes didn't GAF about that game.... They were already headed to the playoffs where they would eventually win another SB as our guys watched from home.... Not saying we regressed.... But I don't think we got significantly better...
  24. Guess we'll see.... He didn't make the 2015 list I saw.... http://www.nfl.com/photos/0ap3000000491568 I'm hoping the three Bills that did will make a contribution significant enough to change the outcome I'm expecting.
  25. NOPE. No playoff calibre QB's in this bunch.... Whether or not one can emerge is anyone's guess... I really don't know about Charles Clay... That's my honest opinion based on everything i've seen of him the last couple of years... I'm witholding final judgement 'til I see #85 in a few games.. There are definitely other question marks at the TE position.. Not sure how much more Fredex can take either... Would love to hang on to Boobie.. Brown is a cut...
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