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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Calm is not a motivator... There's a time for calm, and it's not when you need to pickup a 3rd and 5.... Also, if he's injured, what kind of injury is it??? He may not the best QB option if that's true.. Tyrod got just one first down the entire first half!... i can't put that entirely on Roman even if i wanted to.
  2. Nice-looking deep balls that any college rookie could make, but that's it... Abandons his progressions, and locks in on one receiver... Roman is NOT innocent, but I Can't justify that kind of performance at home, coming off a div. win... Tyrod's leadership is lazy... Throws are not decisive... No urgency getting back to the LOS in between plays... He's Michael Vick v2,0... Only Tyrod won't grab yardage with his feet... Poor use of his skill set by Roman... wasted chance to distinguish himself by Tyrod... Seems he's just a backup after all...
  3. Does air canada serve wings?
  4. Pleasantly surprised by Karlos... Very unique sttyle of running.., Power, speed, and agility on display at the same time... Impressive.
  5. Okay fine.... for me, it was the overthrows... And the ball-holding... Tyrod seems to overthink it too much... I understand your need for further proof... i wish I had some.... To me, these are not very good signs... I remain open-minded, but pessimistic about Tyrods long-term effectiveness.. We'll see vs. NYG... It's a big stage vs. another superbowl winning QB... If you guys are right, i'll tip my hat to you..
  6. Yet no one has ever accused Lindley of being playoff CALIBRE... Which was the term I used.... We've all seen tremendous performances from Fitz, and T. Edwards... Shame on me for needing more time to make up my mind on Taylor... Feel free to use words like "franchise" if you wan't... I'm not anywhere near there yet, and may not be for some time.... .
  7. I should ask you the same.... Too many three and outs, and stalled drives... Not sure who was responsible, but the playcalling lacked lethality... Karlos Williams looked great, and LB's were flat-out studs yesterday... I like Tyrod... He's the best QB we've had in a while... Terrific arm strength... great athlete.... Not yet a playoff calibre QB... Which is what we need.... A win against a lousy team, and a terrible coach does not equal a playoff berth or a won division... Tyrod still has much to prove. Right back atcha! Dude.... I got in some big trouble insulting Ryan Fitzpatrick on this board... And caught just as much heat defending Russell Wilson... The fact that I question Tyrod's brain power has nothing to do with race. -At all... I swear.
  8. All great news... Very glad to see the fans so excited about Tyrod... he's very talented.... However, as well as he's performed, NOTHING about Tyrod's game says "playoff QB" to me... There were several bad overthrows and a few outright misses @ MIA... And yes, sometimes he still holds the ball too long... Have to see how he hadles the Giant's D..
  9. Still too much hesitation.... A couple very bad overthrows... Very nice dime to Hogan, but T-pain is still just a talented placeholder to me... Bring on Chad Kelly! Whoo Hoo!
  10. Power run=Karlos Williams... -Mcoy does his best work in space.... Tyrod needs to establish himself as a running theat before getting any respect as a passer.. No reason why we shouldn't win this one @MIA 31-17
  11. "It's only week three!!! -Relax" -Or some such NONSENSE....
  12. Couldn't have been more embarassing than the in-game gaffes.... What a S__t-show.
  13. Less gab, and less time in front of the cameras would do Rex Good... He's just as much to blame for yesterday as anyone else.
  14. LOL! -What moron gets attached to a career backup after two stinkin games??? -I've been watching Tyrod since his early games in Vatech... I've seen him progress through the years... I'll vouch for his ability.. But he's just never been incredibly bright, or creative.. If he's hiding that aspect of himself, I'll happily accept being wrong.... I just don't think it's there... -Coudn't hope for a better placeholder for a real NFL starter, though....
  15. Please. He's been around for three years now... Sure, he's vey talented, but the football smarts just aren't there... Ilike the guy... -Grade-A backup... But too much hesitation... If he keeps holding the ball so long, I'll start calling him "Tightwad' Taylor.
  16. Seems as though Tyrod's ceiling is Michael Vick... No Higher... Could be enough for a playoff run, but nothing really deep... He's the perfect placeholder for Chad kelly.
  17. Tyrod's legs. -Especially in the red zone.
  18. Love it! BRA-DY CHEAT-ED! followed by four claps, then repeated until Gisele whips off her bra and starts beatng fans with it.
  19. Here's a chant we can ALL get behind... "BRA-DY CHEAT-ED!" (clap, clap, clap, clap) "BRA-DY CHEAT-ED!!!!" -Louder and louder until Gisele wants to kill us all!
  20. 31-0, 38-0, and so on...
  21. True... But this strategy doesn't win against massacheatsus... They're going to score points on us. We're going to have to put up points to keep pace.. Wasn't impressed with our red zone work either..
  22. Nothing even remotely as close as you guys expect... Colts 34 Bills 17 -Maybe.. That Colts offense could be eviscerating with the rigt opportunities.... Too many unknown quantities on our "O" for me to be optimistic. Here's hoping I'm dead wrong.
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