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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Short-intermediate target... Lord knows we need more action in the middle of the field... Kolby could be our Julian Edelman quick-hit threat. We still need that BIG guy tho... 6'3" or better... The Bengals are checking out this Alonzo Russell kid, and the Redskunks are having a look at Reggie Diggs... BOTH are UDFA's and IMO, better prospects than Dez Lewis... One or both might get cut... I'd love to bring them in for a once-over.
  2. Jax, If that's anywhere near true, it's one of the WORST contingency plans ever devised... I mean c'mon, why draft first rounders, when there's weathered veterans available? Seriously, It's not like the team hasn't made the playoffs in 17 years. Here's the thing... if those six teams felt there was a CHANCE that the goods were damaged, did Lawson do himself, and his new team a disservice by saying unequivocally that they were not? -Was it ignorance or deliberate disinformation? Did the team do ITSELF a disservice by underestimating the extent of the injury?... Was due diligence cast aside at any point becasue someone felt they NEEDED to make a sexy pick @ 19? -If so,who's decision was that? and what other information may have been cast aside so this kid could get drafted? Let me be clear... I think Shaq Lawson has the highest of ceilings.... Still, what good is a ceiling in a house of cards? I'd just like a little more straight talk from the grownups in this organization.
  3. So, This ROOKIE can play through an entire NFL season on a bad shoulder, but couldn't make it through the offseason without a recurrence??? HOG-WASH. Also, if by "contingencies" you mean what Kirk Cousins was to RGIII, who's our "Kirk Cousins" in this scenario?
  4. I think we grabbed a tremendously gifted player... Albeit an injured one... I think a few teams may have stayed away because of that injury history... I'm FINE with the pick, but I'd still like to know the truth about the prognosis..... Jax, you say he could have "played through" this injury at the NFL level, but how can you be sure? -The Bills announced he had a "occurence" which is technichally a re-currence of the condition in early May. See here... http://www.si.com/nfl/2016/05/16/buffalo-bills-shaq-lawson-shoulder-surgery Here's something else you may want to look at. http://wivb.com/2016/05/16/shaq-lawson-to-undergo-shoulder-surgery/ If Rex turns this situation into a day 1 contributing starter, (in whatever scheme) I'll certainly take my hat off to him.
  5. What conclusion did Rodak Draw, Jax?... SIX teams flagged this injury.... The kid was clearly pretending that it's no big deal... "If i didn't have surgery my freshman year, why would I need surgery now?" Well Shaq, -It's been two years.... i'm no doctor, but stuff kinda gets worse if you just ignore it... How could this kid say that there was "no truth" to the report??? As a fan, i don't trust ANYONE involved at this point. -Not Shaq, not Whaley, not Rex, and certainly not the medical and training staff! I wonder how T-pegs feels about being shined-on by everyone he absolutely needs to trust on these issues? -This does not bode well for the season OR the future of this FO... Very suspicious IMO.
  6. Wow.. You know your in the dog-days when the hottest topic is an undrafted, PS, TE that nobody's ever heard of... That said, I have a sincere question... Has this team completely given up on Nick O'leary??? I mean WTF... This kid was a bona-fide STAR at FSU... I've got to think that a legit OC would have a place for that somewhere... Disappointing.
  7. Oooh I'm sorry, -We were looking for "some low-life fans won't give a damn" -Gonna cost you a thousand.
  8. Check this out, and then tell me again this kid couldn't use a little more in the education department... Especially with regards to the media... http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/15426426/buffalo-bills-draft-pick-shaq-lawson-denies-needs-shoulder-surgery Our training and medical staff could use a little refresher course as well... Although they've figured out how to set things on the "positive spin" cycle. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000662965/article/bills-rookie-shaq-lawson-to-undergo-shoulder-surgery
  9. What! Tony Sparano Jr.is our Tight Ends coach???
  10. Well, technically it's his stepdad's basement... And BOTH of you live there.
  11. Finding my typos won't move you out of your mom's basement.
  12. Sorry, but The kid comes off as being a little dumb... Every peice of film, and media I've seen on Lawson led me to say that... It's not an endictment, but an admonishment... He's a young guy who left school as a junior... I hope he continues to further his education... Whether that happens or not, I hope he reaches out to someone for help in the area of public speaking.... Collecting, organizing, and vocalizing his thoughts... Whether he plays this year or not, the media is going to be ALL OVER him.... You can bet I'm not the only one with this perception.
  13. Now comes the "I know you are, but what am I"? portion of your shmuckery... No thanks.
  14. I think everyone wants to see him succeed on the field.. IMO, some self-improvement would help that process along..
  15. Well written post! Even some of the bored, shiftless, petulant, lemmings on this board could help Shaq out.
  16. Compared to Shaq? -Without a doubt. -And what Moron would be against a kid improving himself?
  17. If Shaq is ever going to reach his potential, he's gonna have to get WAY smarter... At the moment, he's just a big, dumb, physically gifted kid...While he's healing,, Shaq needs to hire an expert to help him with public speaking, and should probably take a few classes, (now that he can afford them without a scholarship.) Sure, he can be great, but Lawson needs to develop as a human being before we start expecting all these great things from him.
  18. I think Tump is sort of copying REX... Either way, it seems unlikely that either of them can deliver on their blustery promises... The Schwartz was with us... Now the farce is with us... Can't wait 'til him and Rob get a house-flipping show on HGTV
  19. Red Helmets... Royal Blue Jersey.... Red Socks.... All else is FOLLY!
  20. Yah, because he name-dropped just about everyone else... Tetaverde... Pennington... Bledsoe... "Meh" QB's you could probably leave off your resume and be fine... I don't like Dave Lee... And what's this crap about not throwing for two weeks, then all of a sudden throwing 60 balls???.... This Jagoff is trying to injure someone's rotator cuff... Then there's the lip-service towards EJ... Most of which sounds like a total crock of s___.... Thanks for the post OP, but i probably shouldn't have listened to it.
  21. Last season? -Um... Rookie QB? Out of decency Tampa should have given him another season... I mean the guy JUST started putting that team together... Chip Kelly crashed, burned, and exploded in PHIL ... Yet here he sits with a shiny new team to destroy... Jack del Rio keeps getting gigs at HC as well.... Why? -I have no clue... Neither of those two ever took a (professional) team to a Championship as HC... Lovie's not perfect.... Players have to "buy-in" to his style... Guess we'll see how well you stomach the excuses, bluster, and B.S. from Rex and family this season..
  22. I honestly think it's cool that you know him... And I totally believe the bit about spending time with his family, and so on... Still, I'm pretty sure that if a HC vacancy opened up here around the time he was canned, he'd be in the running... There is a wealth of information in that guy... I'd have no problem taking three or four years of his championship know-how... People forget the work Coughlin did with the expansion Jaguars in the 90's... How he made the playoffs four times in a row, and took them to the AFC Championship game after ONE YEAR of existence!... I like Coughlin's style, and believe 100% he would have turned things around at NYG sooner rather than later... Under Lovie the Bears had teams that underachieved for years... However, as HC, he took them to a superbowl WITHOUT a top 10 QB (By passer rating.) in Rex Grossman.... I honestly felt he was wronged by the Suckaneers, and was headed in the right direction... He's a very dignified guy... Not known for blustery, hot-air filled, post-game pressers...Even without the "Rooney rule" I see no reason why he shouldn't be in the running for ANY HC vacancy.
  23. In fairness to Carpenter, we were the most penalized team in the NFL last season.... We drew more flags, and lost more yardage than any other team.... That lack of discipline will put ANY kicker, no matter how accurate, in crappy situations... I put that aspect on Rex..
  24. Yah, I think they do... -Janky is frickin' awesome... To your point, however, they may reconsider some other first round picks... Derrick Gibson '01... Fabian Washington 'o5... Michael Huff '06... Jamarcus "Purple Drank" Russell '07... Darrius Heyward-Bey '09... etc... Look, we're talking about the Suckaneers here... Last time they went to a SB they had the #2 Kicker in the league in Martin Gramatica... They may not have needed him much to win it, but they had a great season which he played a key role in... I don't blame them one bit for building their team this way.
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