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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. This"foot" thing is getting pretty old.... I cant help but wonder if Watkins is "damaged goods" at this point... Do you trade a troubled past for a better future?
  2. Wasn't directly referring to Clinton, or Snowden, or Assange... They're not the only ones that have/had access to classified info... People have done a lot more damage to this country under the banner of "liberty" is what I meant.
  3. Rivers throws too many picks. -Period. I get that he's fantasy GOLD, but that doesn't equate to elite status on the field in real time... Talks too much trash... Poor leader. (perhaps as a result of the aforementioned).... and again, Rivers throws WAY too many picks at critical points in close games.
  4. Agree here... Size at WR could be a very big help....The addition of Hunter at 6'4" could work out if the two build a chemistry.
  5. Brady was out, The Rams aren't a very good team, and Carson Palmer is a frickin' geriatric case... When we're 12-4 with a first round Bye, I'll be the FIRST person with my hat off to Rex *(gulp)* and Rob... 10-6 with a wildcard berth is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM standard....
  6. Beginning to sound more, and more like a nagging, career-ender... I like JJ... He brings alot to the game.... I hope my instincts are dead wrong in this instance.
  7. So Dennis Thurman is a sock-puppet for the Ryan Bros... Big surprise there.
  8. He recently learned that with Fitz, 12 will get you 6... (12 mil will get you 6 picks per game.)
  9. McCoy beasted... Palmer stunk it up... Arians failed to prepare... Throw in the fact that your #1 deep-threat wideout is only 5'10"...
  10. Oh quit yer trolling! Everyone knows I meant TOSS the seared tuna cubes in a bowl with HALF a teaspoon of sea salt, a PINCH of diced Tarragon, a tablespoon of Olive oil, and a dash of lemon juice... Do that BEFORE you drop them in the salad... My cubes are fairly thick, so I do a 15-second sear on all four sides.... If your QB doesn't come out savory and delicious, -It's because Dave Lee sucks at his job...
  11. Look, If I thought Cardale was "Raw Salmon", I would not be out here stumping for him.... I see your point though... It works ONLY if you have zero belief in this kid's ability... Try tossing a few cubes of seared ahi tuna on top of that same salad, sprinkled with some diced Tarragon and lemon juice... THEN spend the next few weeks trying to get your girlfriend to shut up about it... You see, she didn't know how good it was until she tried it...I think the same principle applies to jersey #7... Give him a chance... Might leave a better taste in your mouth than you expected.
  12. Extending broken plays into punts shouldn't go to his credit... TT has ALOT to prove tomorrow.
  13. Aaaaaand the bag of ice is dumped into my lap. -Thanks.
  14. Not hold onto the ball like it's a newborn infant, for starters... But hey, let's watch the game tomorrow... There's a chance, that under a new coordinator, Tight-wad may do different things... I'm open to being fair.
  15. Sorry, but this news hit me like a 100mg Viagra ... If false, I've been brutally led-on, teased, and left wanting by some cruel wench.... If true, Tom Coughlin is the PERFECT choice for a mid season replacement... Did I say perfect?... Because I actually meant PERFECT!... They could be waiting for NE.... To see how Rex's FAKE 46 does vs. a backup QB... They'll start getting things in order if the AZ game ends as predicted.
  16. Here it is folks! -The BLUEPRINT for ruining a young QB's opportunity to develop... Attach him to a losing effort with the explicit promise that NOTHING he does matters at this point... MIRE him in the stench of a failed season so he can carry that demoralization into the next year... Nothing against the OP... It's a common, but completely bass-ackwards sentiment... What the *&%$ is so wrong with letting him fail? An 0-2 QB owns the most lucrative contract in the game right now!... Why not introduce Cardale to the notion that his performance MATTERS absolutely... That he CANNOT take this lightly... While your'e at it, instruct our O-line to protect the rookie, or get replaced... Bring the offense in closer with the run game, screens, and comeback routes, so that #7 can move the chains easier.. This way he can build the confidence to take greater risks going forward? IF Tyrod soils the sheets tomorrow afternoon... Cardale should be IN next week @NE... Not EJ... If you're going to get rookie errors, why not just start your rookie?
  17. I'll tell you Beliichick's secret... You guys ready? Besides pushing the rules to the limit (Sometimes further) -It's the LITTLE THINGS... Tiny, miniscule details and observations about the game that 99% of other coaches dismiss as unimportant... From measurables of the players he drafts.. to putting together a final roster.. From the practice environment... to the locker room environment... He controls it ALL with seemingly meaningless decisions... When you're like Belichick, you've ALREADY considered a scenario where you lose Brady and Garoppolo... This is football, and things happen... Not only have you considered it, but you've also developed a contingency plan to mitigate those circumstances... He's like that... Look at his face... Does he seem like the "think happy thoughts" type of guy? Or does he seem perpetually worried... Imagining scenarios where he might lose, and correcting them in his head... Poring over the opposing teams DETAILS in ways most people can't imagine... Most of his disciplines can't even SNIFF one molecule of his coaching success? -Why? Because he isn't a teacher. He's a powerful manipulator. -Crennell... O'Brien... McDaniels... Not worth half as much without his subliminal direction... Under him, They weren't "coaches" as much as "tools" operating under his order... He's studied them, and knows (better than they do) how to access their greatness. Which is what this whole conversation is actually about... Bottom line: If Belichick is anywhere near as dark, as many of us contend, it's because "the devil" is truly in the details, and BB has mastered those to point someone like Rex/Rob Ryan can't conceive... You wanna beat Bill Belichick?... -That's easy... -Surprise him.
  18. FEAR. -Fear the risk won't pay off.... Fear that he'll outperform the veteran backup, they've pinned their hopes to... Fear that his natural instincts may be better that Dave Lee's PATHETIC instruction... Fear they'll be exposed as idiots for not starting him sooner.. Soon the decision may be taken from them.
  19. It was Karlos Williams! -Unfortunately, he got the munchies, and ATE all the bread and butter he could find.
  20. For the record, I really do wish the Ryan Brothers well.... On their NEXT coaching gig.... Whoo-hoo! -So long, suckas!
  21. All those mofos talked too damn much... They never got the SILENCE part down...
  22. AND Give him whatever the hell he wants... -Even if that's a new GM
  23. Personally, I thought Brissett looked AWFUL tonight.... ANY other team in the league loses to the Texans with that kid under center... But... Leave it to the Patriots to give that kid exactly what he needed to pull this off... That... Would be wonderful.... To think I lived long enough to hear talk of benching Brady in favor of Jimmy G... Too much to hope for.
  24. It's freaking PRECISION football... Everyone follows the team mantra, and does their job...They don't beat you... They force you to beat yourself....
  25. Keep him under pressure... Force him to make bad decisions with the football... IMO, that's our only chance...
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