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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Sorry, but Right-wing hate factories and angry little men with blogs are inherently disqualified... Apparently YOU get your walking cues from DC Tom... Though I'm surprised by your newfound respect the sanctity of personal opinion...
  2. Not a single reputable news agency took his comments that way... Only the makers of dim-witted internet noise saw an opportunity there.. Pathetic.
  3. For years DC Tom has been a reliable source of stupid for TBD members who require his garbage in their diet... This includes a horde of developmentally disabled adults inspired by his inane, uttelry vile, posting.... Only DC Tom would hack-off part of a statement, THEN apply an inapplicable mathematical principle to it, and THEN use it to heft his FALSE narrative over a too-high fence that its NEVER going to clear... Kaepernick said: "To me, this is bigger than football.. And It would be selfish on my part to look the other way... There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave, and getting away with murder" I'll continue to sit. "I'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed To me this is something that has to change. When there's significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent, this country is representing people the way it's supposed to, I'll stand." Now, what part of that statement screams 'Help me, I'm being oppressed'??? No reasonable human being could draw that conclusion... But again, we're talking about DC Tom... I've seen CHIMPS with better reasoning capabilities..
  4. Gatorman must've been your math teacher, because your application of transitive property is wholly unsound... Big surprise there... Anyway, I was wrong.... you'd need to evolve a few million years to become that muppet on your avatar... It's scary to think that people like you are allowed to vote..
  5. You said the following: The man made NO SUCH CLAIM... Which makes your statement 100% bulls#@&... End of story...
  6. EX-ACTLY!... Kaepernick never ONCE claimed that he was personally oppressed! -Showing solidarity with a cause isn't the same as claiming it as your own.... Tom, you and your merry band of mental patients lose again!
  7. Boy, I sure hope they study your brain when you die... And by "brain", I mean the three-pound BONE in the middle of your head that triggers the nonsense- fountain from your mouth... Until then, perhaps you can find me ONE instance where Kaepernick said that he was, in fact, oppressed... That angry muppet in you're avatar must be a self portrait.
  8. This thread was graduation day for some of the space-cadets on this board....
  9. What's truly absurd is spouting the evils of impressment, and conscription under the crown, whilst looking the other way on the issue of slavery, and human bondage... I have an idea.... Let's not look at ANY of the issues that spawned the war of 1812 through the lens of modern American morality... It brings us right back to where we should be... With you having the absolute right not to like what Kaepernick is doing, and him having the absolute right to keep doing it.
  10. It's not history if we're still using some racist slave owner's adapted drinking song as our national Anthem... Modern Americans are entitled to have misgivings about singing it.
  11. -Funny! -If you were around in 1773 the melody would be the equivalent of "pop goes the weasel" People might find it hilarious that it was turned into a national anthem... Why do we sing this song? Is it to honor our country, or just it's fallen soldiers... If it's the latter, maybe it should be a different song...
  12. It was a good win versus a one-win team with a bad defense, and a sketchy QB situation... Ten more games to go.
  13. Yah... LYNN'S OFFENSE has things clicking along quite nicely.... Thank you Rex for firing Roman. -He sucked.
  14. Fine.. Call them the founding fathers... But I don't have to consider myself their son. I was one of the first to question Kaepernick's motivations on this board... The timing of the protest to me seemed odd... It still does, to be honest... It was only through some of the vitriol I witnessed here, that I decided to revisit the entire issue... My stance on Kaepernick remains unchanged... I question his sincerity, but fully back his, or anyone else's right to protest this way... What I uncovered about Key, and the war that spawned our national anthem changed me somewhat... Key was a middling lawyer from a wealthy family that showed up that day to secure the release of a prominent doctor taken prisoner by the English...) I found much evidence that he didn't support the hostilities against the Brits one bit... In fact, many Americans at the time, considered the declaration of war to be a move to annex more English territory. Key wasn't just a slave owner, he was also a fantastic bigot... One who didn't see a future for blacks in this young country... He literally wanted to send them ALL back to Africa! Even when I put this in context of the times, It doesn't leave me with a good feeling... Here was a privileged man who experienced a moment of inspiration while observing a battle he wasn't even CLOSE to fighting in, from a war he didn't really support... If I'm going to question Kaepernick's motivations for not singing this song, -why can't I question the motivations of the guy who wrote it?
  15. NO! Like I said, that's another thread.... Start it, and I'll follow you over there to repeat what I'm about to say... Which is that the idea that your "guy" (or guys) made the SINGLE GREATEST contribution to human history makes for a pointless argument! -KEEP your opinion... I don't share it, but it's noted. Meaning what, exactly?
  16. Greatest in human history? That's another thread... Many people did many things to advance humanity to this stage... Many sacrifices were made by countless heroes unsung... In the last 24 hours, I rediscovered a part of history I thought I knew... I knew about the omitted verses in the SSB, but chose to put them in context of the times... The fact is, If you were a slave owner, you also owned part of the murder, rape, abuse, and degradation those people endured under that system... F. Scott Key, from all accounts wasn't the worst guy in the world... Some of the info I gathered speak of him freeing many of his own slaves... Even defending blacks in court on numerous occasions... However... He was an owner.... He helped perpetuate that greedy, heartless, blood-soaked, machine known as the slave trade... If our society truly represents freedom of choice, and expression, then we HAVE to respect the choice of some African- Americans NOT to observe a poem written by a white, slave-owning lawyer about a ferocious battle which he WATCHED from the safety of a ship EIGHT MILES away....
  17. Tom, It's very hard for most normal people to stoop to your level... Whatever your psychological issue is, It reigns supreme on this board... I can't insult someone I truly feel sorry for.
  18. Yes, All of them... That'd be a fair assumption. Of course, you could also assume that NONE of them could have perceived American society the way it is now... I think if any of those mentioned above written our national anthem, their morality should be held up to the light as well...
  19. I've been up all night discovering that what I THOUGHT to be an issue in the war of 1812 was purely irrelevant. As it turns out, this song, and the war it belongs to, has even more debatable aspects... http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-10-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-war-of-1812-102320130/ In the interest of enlightenment, and historical accuracy, I've deleted one of my previous posts... I maintain that the star spangled banner is one of the most misunderstood hymns in existence... Aside from being a poem grafted to a 16th century DRINKING SONG, the politics of the man who wrote it are questionable at best by modern American standards... Francis Scott Key stood for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT America than the one we live in today... The more Info I gather, the more I realize that the entire issue of the National Anthem needs to be revisited... My apologies to the board for any inaccuracies conveyed by me.
  20. It's highly debateable.... At the time, It was not uncommon for deserters of the Royal Navy to Join the crew of American Merchant ships... The concept of Territorial waters was loose, if not nonexistent in most places.. The Crown had a policy not dissimilar to "stop and frisk" -Except they could actually produce a warrant. It's a fact... The tune for the star-spangled banner was written in 1773 for a DRINKING song... Stop being such a whiny little girl..
  21. Anyone ever tell you you're a real d___ sometimes?... Have one of your grandkids read you the dictionary definition below... Ballad Bal-lad - 1. A narrative poem often of folk origin and intended to be sung. consisting of simple stanzas, and usually having a refrain... In this case, the verses were set to music written back in 1773... I know the song, the poem, and the history surrounding it... Just FYI, The Crown's fleet was used for all manner of law-enforcement... From putting down uprisings, to babysitting ports, to enforcing blockades.... The Royal Navy may not have been operating like a "Law enforcement entity" at Ft McHenry, But they were still very much the preeminent authority on the seas...
  22. It was a legal practice in England under King Edward, common during wartime, and practiced since the 1200's .. Great Britain was still the pre-eminent world authority on land and sea during this time... They still held land and colonies in the Americas apart from the 13 they lost in the revolutionary war... For years after the revolutionary war, they continued to fight a proxy-war with the colonies by arming Native American tribes that stood against American expansion. Refusal to recognize American citizenship was not not strange at all, under the circumstances.... Secondly, How did you cook up some crazy correlation between this and anything to anything that happened in Nazi Germany?
  23. Cool post... But a youtube link to Muddy Water's "Champagne and reefer" woulda been cooler.
  24. Booing is an expression of how a fan feels. -You shouldn't be able to ban, or curtail it in any way... However, fans who cross the line should be BOOTED and JAILED... spitting, throwing stuff, etc. just brings national shame to our already embarrassing franchise. Keep it classy, B-lo!
  25. One good hit, and it's Good-night for Goodwin... I'm lovin Powell, and O'Leary's contributions... Keep Charles Clay in the mix with big-framed Hunter in red-zone packages (even as a decoy)... That ought to be plenty.
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