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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. AND was a reliable pass-catcher... -Hands as soft as butter...
  2. We had the perfect change-of-pace back to spell McCoy in Karlos Williams.... Stupid to cut that much potential loose...
  3. Get him back in a Bills uni, and get back him on the field... There's time to turn this around, folks.
  4. Whaley+Rex+Rob=DUMMIES! -Admit it, Karlos was good for a TD or two today! #bringbackgreasemode
  5. Say Whatever you want, -we could have really used Karlos Williams out there today... Dumb, dumb., super-idiotic move to let GOOD TALENT waste away on somebody else's practice squad...
  6. One season into his career I knew Gilmore sucked... Still, I Can't believe HOGAN abused him like he did today... Gilmore absolutely got taken to school.
  7. Surprised she didn't give Eph a dose already... If Eichorst promised not to sting her, she woulda given him a piece back in season two...
  8. It's Cardale, people... Get him in there, and get him some reps....
  9. I have a suspicion that Quinlan might sting Dutch, then, instead of breaking her neck, ride off into the sunset with her.... The girl will literally sleep with anything that moves.
  10. Killing the master is all Quin is living for... The POS forced Quin to give the only mother he ever knew the "Capri Sun" treatment... That episode was really messed-up.
  11. Butt's ok... I'd prefer a stud athlete like Howard, tho...
  12. If we want a tiny WR, we should draft Trent Taylor from Louisiana Tech.... That little F___er is awesome.... But at 5'8" he's probably doomed to UDFA... Where we'd likely pass on him.
  13. Eph has absolutely no qualms about killing that woman. -Wife, of not... I think that Mexican chick that electrocuted herself on the subway didin't die... The Master might just turn up as her.... I also think Quinlan is a lying SOS... Those ancients didn't die.... He saved them, and now is the one tasked with bringing them their gruesome supper.
  14. F___ that... For 2017 it's OJ Howard or BUST!
  15. I have NO IDEA who Ed Eagan is... -Should I?
  16. JMO, but the acting could be ALOT worse considering the subject matter.... I think the producers really lucked-out with this cast.... Setrakian (David Bradley) is also Walder Fray from GOT... Mr Fet (Kevin Durand) has a recurring role on History Channel's "Vikings" -also played bit-parts in a TON of movies and TV shows... Corey Stoll (Eph) has done some fairly big-budget movies recently... Like I said, I really like the show.... It's got me believing that some effed-up s#!* like that could really go down! Then you missed Eldrich Palmer collapsing on the floor, and POS Eichhorst yelling -"Nurse!" -Sounds simple, but it was freaking hilarious.
  17. Gonna miss Angel de la Plata....Strain's the best hour-long drama on TV when GOT isn't on...
  18. Holy sh!*#, You guys are STILL here?! Quit picking through the ashes of your bombed-out argument. -There's NOTHING left, i assure you..... It's saturday, for crying out loud... Get out and DO something...
  19. Oh no you don't... You and DC Tom's preposterous claims have been debunked... That's a wrap... I'm not interested in starting a discussion that will likely end in the spouting of racist rhetoric... Good-day.
  20. Again... "This stand wasn’t for me. This stand wasn’t because I feel like I’m being put down in any kind of way."
  21. In your mind have you been pulled over unjustly or had bad experiences? CK: Yes, multiple times. I’ve had times where one of my roommates was moving out of the house in college and because we were the only black people in that neighborhood the cops got called and we had guns drawn on us. Came in the house, without knocking, guns drawn on my teammates and roommates. So I have experienced this. People close to me have experienced this. This isn’t something that’s a one-off case here or a one-off case there. This has become habitual. This has become a habit. So this is something that needs to be addressed. The assertion by DC Tom that Kaep is presently claiming to be an oppressed hundred millionaire is bulls#!&... THE END.
  22. NO! -The argument is that DC Tom can't make up sh___ the man didn't say! -Something we established on the previous page... Kaepernick went out of his way to say that the stand wasn't for him! -Period. This is what happens when you take moron lessons from DC Tom... You get REALLY good at it....
  23. And there it is.... He said CLEARLY that the stand he took was not for him... He also said he didn't take it because he feels like he's being put down in any kind of way... He speaks about rough experiences he had as as a young, black, college student, but that's it.... DC Tom & sons tried to set this up as a hundred-millionaire crying out oppression... I'm glad now everyone sees through that BS.... Kaep may say things in the future that I may disagree with. -When he does, I'll have no problem calling him out... Tuel, this was a good find... I'm hesitant to apply blanket absolution to every police organization in the united states... I think some PD's definitely operate in "those" types of jurisdictions.
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