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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Having rough starts don't ruin QB's... Having ZERO starts can... Adversity either builds character, or exposes the complete lack thereof... Let's see what the kid's got.
  2. And Dave Lee is STILL here, why???? -Does anybody know what that guy does besides make mediocre QB's worse???
  3. Dude, Cardale has SO much upside... We were fortunate to grab him when we did... Put him out there... This kid is a winner.
  4. What coach? -Dave Lee? Lee is a HACK and has been for years... Lets END this charade, shall we? 1)FIRE DAVE LEE! 2)Throw Cardale in wet vs. PIT.... Time to get back to winning, folks..
  5. My bad... I was temporarily blinded by other aspects of his blistering offensive capabilities... -Oh wait, that was Derek Carr...
  6. Hey, Back off buddy!... TT didn't throw any interceptions... AND he's even starting to learn how to throw guys open!
  7. Lemme help you guys out... CAR-DALE JONES!.... CAR-DALE JONES!.... If you're there and shouting this every time Tyrod messes up, something is bound to change...
  8. On a serious note, watch your @sses up there guys...
  9. Sounds like another offensive piece our coaching staff has NO CLUE what to do with, and no intention of using once they figure it out... Go ahead, and prove me wrong, Rex.
  10. Forget it.... -He's bound to hit a bong or two in the next few years... -Possibly gain some post-pubescent weight.... We'd just end up cutting the little loser..
  11. Can't argue that young players need reps... I was never a J-Will guy, but I hope you're right in your belief that he'll deliver... Let's see if his foot can hold up.
  12. LOVE IT!!!! -Now , that is a man who's ALL-IN!
  13. Oh, he's not just any-old backup... He's the best in the league.... TT is a guy that can come in, and definitely NOT lose a game for you... That's worth ALOT in the NFL... -Just not 27.5 million... If it's any consolation, I think part of the problem is Dave Lee... WORST quarterbacks coach ever... That mofo needs to go...
  14. You mean he's gonna show his HURT... He's just as fragile as the rest of them.
  15. The neutered-Bears, and the Suckaneers?! - John, you have to be joking! -As long as Tom Brady plays in this division, NOTHING except an equally dominant quarterback will supplant his ownwership... Period... For all his athleticism, Tyrod cannot WILL games to an outcome, like Brady can....That's a key difference between a backup, and a starter...-The intangible "will".... It's what separated Russsell Wilson, and Dak Prescott from their unfortunate predecessors... It's what made Flutie the better choice to start over Johnson... It's what led Kelly to 4 consecutive AFC championships... Settling for someone who's merely "good enough" gets you precisely what we've got. -Nothing.
  16. I think he went in dirty from day 1... He knew it, and probably let Steelers staff know... With the injuries to PIT's RB corp, there was talk about Karlos being promoted to the active roster, but now we know why that didn't happen...
  17. Oh, put a sock in your fat, putrid, judgement-hole... Have you ever played at the pro level, and dealt with concussions?... The kid made a mistake, and I forgive him.... He had a skill set we could have really used... I support bringing him BACK if he ever gets his life under control.... That, however. is unlikely considering the way our FO threw him out onto the street! -Kid needed a little guidance... Boy, did he ever come to the WRONG place.
  18. The whole game was a SHOWCASE of throws Tyrod can't make!
  19. I think the FIRST thing he did after we cut him was go home and get high... I also think he was high as hell when he made those syrupy 'goodbye Buffalo' tweets before leaving town.... I think so because it's probably what I would have done... Jobless with a newborn kid, a stupid baby-momma, and a limited skill-set?.... Pass that bong over here, please! But yes, he has a future if he wants it... Gonna be a hard road back, tho..
  20. No.. In my opinion, we didn't... 1) Richie Incognito left a graphic, profanity-laced, message on a team-mates voicemail... While he's always been edgy, and belligerent, I don't think he qualifies as an off-the-field risk... And let's own it... Belligerent white-guys with character concerns don't face the same judgement by this society... Look who's president-elect, for crying out loud . 2) Harvin? -Really?... He's scored exactly ONE frickin' TD in his time with the bills... He's not a risk, he's a complete waste of time... 3) Dareus is simply into OBD for too much cash... 6-year 96.2mil with 60mil guaranteed? -They're reluctant to let such a significant investment go... MIke Williams, I NEVER, NEVER, Liked.. That pickup was just brainless.... Timing didn't help Karlos' case either ... If you recall, the FO was under fire at the time for drafting injured players... Whale/Rex had to make it look like they were taking a stand.
  21. I HATE to keep doing this but the Patsies as an organization have employed two convicted cheaters, a convicted murderer, a RB-pothead, and a TE that slammed a former team-mate ON HIS NECK! -They are well beyond the need to justify the behavior of their components... -Why aren't we? How much of an opportunity? -What'd they do? -Hand him a jump-rope and say "get busy, kid?" Quitting pot AND fatty foods cold-turkey is no easy task.... I bet you're stuffing your self-righteous face as we speak.
  22. It's been 17 years.... I think we should take more risks in general... I only get pissed when we make half-assed attempts to harvest the best from these young talents.
  23. If it's any comfort to the whiners, Colin Kaepernick won't sing it at all...
  24. And um... How many superbowl rings have they won in the last 15 years?... We're in the same division and can't make it to the playoffs for crying out loud... Aaron Hernandez is, was, and always will be a piece of sh__... -That's a fact... The Head Coach himself isn't above a little douchebaggery in order to get ahead... So why is NE able to manage these pieces of sh__ in a way that works out for the franchise? -Part of that answer HAS to be, "Because they're willing to try" The BS, bluster, and moral paltitiudes, are getting a litttle old... Winning cultures clearly don't require every player, (or coach) to be choir-boy-like in nature..
  25. I wonder how Dak Prescott's fortunes would have turned out, had he not been taken by Dallas... He had OTF issues as well... How can we consistently NOT get the best out of young players? I think it all goes back to the FO... The way talent is perceived, and managed on a elemental level... To be fair, the latest CBA, and it's condensed offseason program could have an effect on the way players show up in July.... http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/16582740/nfl-veterans-affected-condensed-offseason-program In general, this management responds poorly to crisis... Our playoff record the last 17 years kind of crystalizes this.
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