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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Wrecks should have never been hired... I knew he wasn't getting us to the playoffs the INSTANT he promised he would.
  2. TT would make a SUPER solid backup for a kid like Cardale...Move EJ to 3rd string where he belongs...Whoo-hoo, the Jones era begins in BUF!
  4. Bills fans will go... Especially if they let us play a Div. Game Vs, the Patsies... Wembley doesn't have enough seats.
  5. If Tyrod craps the bed, he should be DONE for the year.... Fake QB GURU Dave Lee should be fired before he hits the tunnel...
  6. EXACTLY... -He's a "Kim" QB, and I'm starting to REALLY like that woman's style... If Kim wants to see Cardale, #7 goes in. -Period.
  7. WHY would be targeting anyone other than OJ Howard???...
  8. FEAR keeps a lot of nerds from getting laid... START CARDALE!
  9. Yet we tolerate rookie performances from a six-year vet?! .-It's ridiculous! -If I have to look at CONSTANT rookie mistakes, I'd BETTER be looking at a rookie.. Start Jones NOW!
  11. Romo sucks... Even when he's healthy, he ain't worth the price of admission... Pick some other choke-artist.....Phil Rivers, for example..
  12. Ugh! -The excuses, and blustery, blow-hard pressers... Definitely the WORST thing about this Rex Ryan experience..
  13. Cardale never lost a start while at OSU... What he DID do is win a National Championship there... in a playoff system, no less... Starting this kid's career off with games that don't matter is 100% bass-ackwards thinking... -Typical of Wrecks Ryan
  14. It's a damn shame... Handing Cardale a team with no hope is a terrible idea... If he has something to play for, I know this kid will win.
  15. I can't imagine PIT letting us beat them ... Not after watching Tyrod go poopy in his pants vs. OAK... They're bringing the wood this Sunday, and Tyrod is in BIG trouble.
  16. In every ecosystem on earth OLD, injured, or otherwise ineffective predators are selected against in terms of survival... -They just don't make it.... In the NFL, they get to hang around for decades past their prime... Bogging down front offices with their ineffectiveness... infecting other sidelines with their mediocrity... Feeding on whatever they can find. Sadly, once you hire one of these scavengers, you become one yourself... Doomed to pick at whatever scraps they drag back to the den... That, unfortunately, is who we've become... Nether Rex or Whaley have been apex hunters in this league for a long time... They recruit other inferior specimens to fill out our roster which consistently gets us nowhere... Our conference mates in NE, are a CULTURE of predators.... Beginning with the owner, and ending on the field with the QB... Bill Bellichick is cunning, silent, and ruthless in his pursuit of prey items... Brady, the same. -The Ryan brothers are clumsy, boisterous, and juvenile in their approach... NOT top predators.... Tyrod, for all his speed can't bring down large prey... If T-pegs is smart, he's looking at Matt Patricia as a HC candidate... Maybe Tom Coughlin as a GM.... I say we go discovery-channel on these mofos, and get dominant again! -GO BILLs!
  17. Got a sinking feeling that Ryan Bros, Barnum and Bailey circus is just getting started.... Season is poised to turn into a three-ring sh_t-show
  18. He also said we were'nt giving up on Karlos, and "Get ready, because we're goin!".... At this rate, we could see Cardale by the second half vs. PIT
  19. Not if he doesn't fix that mickey-mouse delivery of his... I agree with you in part.... Wentz is too big of a talent to let that slide... Perhaps we can loan PHI Dave Lee to help figure it out..
  20. He's clearly doing wonders for Tyrod... Just like he did for Pickspatrick back in '12. Then there's all the work he put in Tony Romo which... -Oh wait, never mind.
  21. I totally thought we were gonna win by at least 10... Hook, line, and sinker.
  22. -OR fact, perhaps?
  23. I said it months ago, and got panned (per usual) .... Wentz's mechanics are awful, and have finally become an issue.... http://sports.yahoo.com/news/theres-something-wrong-with-carson-wentzs-throwing-style-and-much-of-nfl-has-caught-on-011427565.html I would like to take this time to also point out that Cardale Jones' mechanics are (In my humble opinion) -excellent... Not sure where I'm going with that, but take it for what it's worth.
  24. Tom Muthaf-----in' Coughlin, -Dat's who! Coughlin + Cardale = Playoffs -End of story.
  25. I'm telling you guys it's frickin' Cardale.... I'm like Morpheus looking at Neo... He IS the ONE...
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