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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Remorse for what? -Not doing it sooner? TT will never be a quality NFL starter... That said, he is without a doubt, the BEST backup in the league... I want him to stay... I DO NOT want him to start. -Not for us... Not anymore.
  2. Hindsight doesn't make you smart.. However, It should make you smarter... If you've made some really unproductive decisions in the past, perhaps you should revisit those as a guide for the future... Whaley's pattern of questionable decision-making isn't the biggest problem... The problem is that his process doesn't seem to be improving... The past few years have seen the Ravens in a downward cycle... Maybe Ozzie's lost it? -I've been tracking their FO moves as much as ours... If they can turn things around, we should be able to also.
  3. D was about as disciplined as Rob's grey, greasy hair...Happy I don't have see his unkempt, unruly, salad on our sidelines anymore.
  4. B.U.S.T. -You heard it here first, pal.
  5. Um... Why does this sound remarkably significant?
  6. The drawback is you have to take responsibility whether your privy, or not privy.... And here I thought "privy" was just a euphemism for "the sh!tter"... Oh wait! -That's where we're at!
  7. Shaw would NEVER do that... Like I said, he's had some productive NFL stints... He knows how to recruit... He's doing what he's doing now with HIGH SCHOOL talent... In the pros, he'd be a great scouting counterpart for ANY GM.
  8. Ok, but let's drill down even further.... The people who thought Tyrod was a starter in the first place ARE NO LONGER HERE! -Rex, and Roman were either wrong or COMPLETELY CLUELESS about a host of other things too... TT should be kept here.. -As a BACKUP!.... It's what he's been ever since leaving VT.
  9. Dave Shaw, HC Stanford... Solid NFL Chops.... Success in coaching stints with the Raiders, and Ravens... This is a guy with NEW IDEAS, that can come in here, and win games... I know the Tree locked him up Long-term in '12.... Maybe now he's in a spot where he can entertain offers....
  10. Rebuild? -More like a tear-down, and flip.... There's TONS of rot in this organization that needs ripping out.... Tpegs was just a new coat of paint... That won't get it done... GUT the dam thing, upgrade, and modernize... If we do, we could put something VERY attractive on the market real soon.
  11. Some people are just BORN shrewd... Destined to make the right calls in whatever they're about.. Ozzie Newsome, AKA "The Great OZ" is one of those people... Some notable mistakes... -MANY celebrated successes. http://www.espn.com/blog/baltimore-ravens/post/_/id/26469/celebrating-ozzie-newsomes-60th-birthday-along-with-his-best-five-moments-with-ravens It sounds weird, but I'm not sure Doug Whaley is the actual GM of this team... He seems to get sent out of the room on an awful lot of critical calls.... Is his job simply to accept the blame for the folks who actually DO make the calls? Whatever the case, Whaley needs to steal a page from Ozzie's book.... Better yet, -STEAL THE BOOK. In my line of work, I've often reached out to competitor's for input... GET ON THE PHONE, DOUG... If Oz chooses to talk to you, LISTEN to the man! If he doesn't, just follow the HUGE breadcrumbs he's dropped throughout his GM career. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/team/staff/Ozzie-Newsome/d15bf396-96c8-4050-aead-27a541ac2855 Imitation is a sincere form of flattery... It's also a place to start if you're not sure how to go forward.
  12. OJ Howard - BAMA Trent Taylor - LOUISIANA TECH
  13. I think he'd be a phenom at WR. -Ted Ginn JR. on STEROIDS.... Can't wait!
  14. The same POS defensive philosophy that got him fired in NO...
  15. Everything sounded GREAT until you said Jay Cutler!
  16. Yah... He's done... Watching him get man-handled this year made me wonder why anyone even took a chance drafting him. WAY too undersized to play DE in the NFL.
  17. Hey... I'd LOVE the guy at TE... I just don't think he's anywhere near ready to be HC of anything...
  18. I've never seen a GM so comfortable with being KEPT OUT OF THE LOOP in my life!!! -How can he possibly be OK with not being "privy" to the details of a major team decision??? If that's true, (and I'm not saying it is) Whaley comes off as being a bit of a p*ssy... Not what I'd want from a guy charged with fixing my team.
  19. Four consecutive AFC Championships, and five consecutive championship game appearances is SOMETHING, my friend... A very big f!*#king something...
  20. This buffalo is gay... We can use it for "pride" week with a rainbow colorscheme....
  21. BACK TO THE FUTURE! Throwback 90's Uniforms!!!!!
  22. Since the superbowl era started, We've NEVER done anything in the white Helmets... NEVER...
  23. Sure, he can play under pressure.... Unfortunately, Tyrod can't DELIVER under pressure... The critical difference between a backup, and a starter.
  24. Best case scenario? -90's throwback unis... Worst?...Current Unis...
  25. He told the absolute truth... I'd rather have him in the front office than Whale-LIE, that's for sure.
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