Some people are just BORN shrewd... Destined to make the right calls in whatever they're about.. Ozzie Newsome, AKA "The Great OZ" is one of those people... Some notable mistakes... -MANY celebrated successes.
It sounds weird, but I'm not sure Doug Whaley is the actual GM of this team... He seems to get sent out of the room on an awful lot of critical calls.... Is his job simply to accept the blame for the folks who actually DO make the calls?
Whatever the case, Whaley needs to steal a page from Ozzie's book.... Better yet, -STEAL THE BOOK. In my line of work, I've often reached out to competitor's for input... GET ON THE PHONE, DOUG... If Oz chooses to talk to you, LISTEN to the man! If he doesn't, just follow the HUGE breadcrumbs he's dropped throughout his GM career.
Imitation is a sincere form of flattery... It's also a place to start if you're not sure how to go forward.