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Everything posted by #34fan

  1. Just because F/A added some depth, doesn't mean you don't target impact players in the draft. -Here's my all-impact draft. RD1: I'm OK with Wilkins/T.J Hockenson RD2: Hakeem Butler WR -Big, quick, RZ target. RD3: Nick Allegretti OG -Stud versatile O-line talent.. Run or pass blocking. RD3: Trade back in for Anthony Johnson WR: Physical, gets open, out-jumper... RD4: Joe Jackson DE -Dominant Edge...Draft sleeper. RD5: Tyree Jackson QB -Woefully underrated as a passer. RD6: Travis Homer RB -Hugely underrated EDB... Ideal candidate to sit behind McCoy. That's who I go to war with... Minimum of 5 NFL starters there... Maybe 2 don't pan out.
  2. A little closer to being a Chief now IMHO... If Tyreek gets the Axe in KC, Isabella slides into that gap. Little bastard is even faster than he looks.
  3. Look, from day 1 Hockenson helps us move the chains. If he's anywhere near what he was in college, the Bills start moving the chains AT-WILL.. Which, in case no one's paying attention, is exactly what the Patriots do to us. (Every single time ) No matter who your pick is at 9, you can't ignore that type of ability on draft day.
  4. Surprised it took this long.... Right wing extremism and Islamic extremism are star-crossed paramours... -Have been for centuries now.
  5. I said "ends up" -Not "back for a scheduled visit"
  6. What are the odds he ends up back in B-lo? -I'd say pretty fair.
  7. This wacky plan may just end in their execution. -Figuratively speaking of course.
  8. All true... Whether your'e with the dude or not, you have to admit he offers a unique perspective to this issue. Unlike most of the far-right punditry on this board, he's actually faced Muslim extremism on the field of combat. Killing them was the job he was trained to do. He didn't care very much for my conversation, but I thought he was OK. -A little damaged and wacked-out perhaps, But OK... Vaya con Dios, brother... I hope you get a handle on all that darkness you carry around.
  9. Try telling them that.
  10. Ok, Ok, Thanks for that... RIP John Candy. -Legend.
  11. If I'm honest, right wing extremist are equal opportunity terrorists... They'll shoot up anything from Churches, to Synagogues to teen summer camps. (Hans Brevik) They'll shoot-up peaceful Sikh temples (Wisconsin) Thinking they're Muslims. (They're not.) A bunch of idiot child-soldiers looking to kill anything that isn't white, male, and loosely attached to Jesus.
  12. Everyone knows it's not terrorism when the Christian right does it...-It's self-defense.
  13. Yah, but Chavez is dead. Trump could meet Maduro in a productive, worthwhile summit.... Like he did with North Korea! -Oh, wait!
  14. It's Quebecois, dumass. The cois is pronounced like kwah. Ya gotta lean into that sh-t.
  15. I guess you'd know better than anybody. Are you FKM? -A U.S.-Backed coup to overthrow commies in South America would be the most Reaganistic thing Trump could do at this point... A foreign-policy jackpot for Trump, and Trumpsters worldwide!
  16. Nick Allegretti. -Not as C but as OG.
  17. Yah, I just don't see a replacement to KW in EO... -And I wasn't the greatest KW fan... You could put KW in so many different alignments... 3, 4, 5T,... He brought the wood all day... Quick as hell on that first step. -Especially in his Younger days.... -Then there's the AAC (formerly C-USA) thing... Not exactly top tier competition for Oliver.... He's clearly got something... But at #9 he's gotta be THE guy coming in as 3T DT.
  18. An you'd pull the trigger on him at 9, essentially declaring him the new Aaron Donald?
  19. That's because they can't afford it, Junior.
  20. So you like Ed Oliver as a 3T DT in the NFL?
  21. For which he'll garner a 3-5 game suspension. -Pass.
  22. Worried he'll step on Josh's throat in practice.
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