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Westside Madness

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Everything posted by Westside Madness

  1. Ahh, just seems like a lot going on in that URL. You know you can just post the .pdf here right?
  2. cloudfront.net being in the URL...yeah, I am not clicking on that. A Google search on that yielded some mixed results.
  3. Agreed, this is deceptive. You pick one stat and measure or you clearly state what stats you are grading on. And to make it even better, you get combative when someone points out what you are doing. #foxnewsdatametrics
  4. It has been stated repeatedly in various threads here and on all NFL related broadcasts. Pay attention.
  5. Down the center, just not long enough #thatswhatshesaid
  6. But what really is a catch? Glad it worked out...
  7. My boys turn 14 and 12 in January. They had zero interest. They started playing football this past summer/fall. I was watching a game recently and noticed them both slink into the living room and make their way to the couch. They liked comparing what they were seeing to what they did or faced. Was a cool moment. I was a lucky and unlucky kid. I was 12 when I got into football and the Bills with my dad....in 1990. First 4 seasons all superbowls...
  8. find the others....circle the wagons....arm yourselves with leg lamps and go down fighting...
  9. I feel as if this is a complicated question. On the surface, yes, they are amazing to watch. McCoy making impossible cuts, tyrod rolling out and not knowing if he is going to run or find a WR break loose. The secondary, when they are ball hawking is also good fun. So, if I were not a Bills fan, I would love watching the Bills. As a Bills fan, I have more vested. I ignore the amazing plays once we start to have 2-3 3 and outs. I ignore our secondary's success when RBs are cutting through us like hot butter. So....mixed bag.
  10. Out of 70,000 or so attendees, you think you will be the only Bills fan in attendance? Statistics man...
  11. T-Bomb - It was painful to read this thread. It is clearly apparent that you do not understand what racism is. For oppression; in this case the denial of team celebrations, to be considered racist, it would have to target one 'race' of people. If he were to apply this to only the white players...or only the black players, then it would be considered a racist act. Applying a rule to the entire team which is made up of various 'races' (nationalities), is not, nor cannot be racist. So the premise of your question is flawed. As you are being accused of being a race baiting troll, at least get better at what you do. Stick with topics that can easily be flipped into racism correctly, such as 'did they bench Tyrod because he was black?'. See the difference? Tyrod is black, the head coach and OC are white. That could be argued as a racist act. What you proposed simply cannot. Part of me is confused on why I am helping you become a better troll, but I can respect a well done troll, not the hot garbage you produced today that doesn't even make sense. The argument that could be made on the celebration subject would be if McD did it, would he lose the team because he doesn't have the clout that Belly does. Of course, as a race baiting troll, you are not interested in that. Fine. Just pick viable subjects for your trolling. It is sad that my half black son has a better understanding of such topics that you, who I am assuming is a grown person. ...carry on
  12. First half of the season: 'If you want to protest, you have to do it the way we want you to.' Second half of the season: 'If you want to celebrate a touchdown, you have to do it the way we want you to.' There is a segment of society that just cant operate on a daily basis without something to complain about. And, yes, you have the right be an unhappy sod about it. I just cant imagine living my life that way. Although, the people who refuse to use turning signals can go die in a fire...
  13. In the office today. No motivation to accomplish anything. 'Working' from home tomorrow. Plan is to motivate and get a few things done today so I don't have to do anything tomorrow from home. So far, I ordered a USB desk fan on Amazon and bought two shares of Twitter. Slightly off plan...
  14. Good sir, I demand that you send someone to my workplace immediately to clean the coffee that I have spewed onto my screen. Hop to it.
  15. Your threat appears to bear no fruit. Its been 3 days. I was and am still curious what sort of lunacy you have planned.
  16. And that's one of the points I was trying to make. We didn't get tangable value. Because he doesn't have tangable value...to us at the least. His presence goes against the new philosophy. Removing him leaves us with a hungry and overachieving roster. A solid platform to build upon.
  17. A few things: Those complaining that we traded an 'asset' for too little. Assets are determined by the market value, not the original purchase price. If I buy a stock at 150.00 per share and the next day it drops to 10.00 per share, its valuation is 10.00, not 150.00. Dareus was an overall #3 pick. While he flashed ability that warranted that valuation, his later actions; drug use resulting in suspensions as well as a seemingly casual attitude towards his role on defense has significantly reduced his value. We bought a stock high and it plummeted. We are simply selling off to end the ordeal. This leads me into my next point. Addition by subtraction. McD and Beane made a point to airlock anyone who didn't fit their profile of the right type of player for their team....except Dareus. Why? The contract. Cutting him would have hurt more than trading him. Until today, they didn't have any offers for him. So, with this new culture, the new Bills. Few penalties, giving 100% every play the entire game, we have a 100MM player with a half assed dedication playing about 33% of snaps. He needed to go. We are being celebrated as a team doing well with a lot of young/unknown players. Having a large price tag player, not fully contributing and with only part of his heart in the game on the team hurts us. In my opinion, he was gone the moment McD and Beane came on, they just needed to figure out how. Today, they did. Even if we didn't get a 6th rd pick for him, I support this move. New team, new philosophy and if you dont fit, you need to leave the locker room. The players we have are playing their asses off...all the way to 4th quarter 0:00. Thats a team I support. /rant
  18. Not worthy of a new thread, but I am curious how many penalties we are averaging per game as compared to the two years previously. That alone is a huge advantage.
  19. As a rookie, he needs to be hard on himself. I dont want a first year player saying 'well, i played pretty well, it is what is is'.
  20. Can you string these into a cohesive thought? I am not sure what you are saying here other than complaining about our WR contingent.
  21. We are 3-2 and still lead the AFCE. I am curious to see what they do during the bye. That being said, Tyrod needs to make decisions. He spends so much time in the pocket, when he drops back, I could get up, drive to OP, walk in and sack him before he throws/gets sacked. That has to change.
  22. That is literally the point of this post... As another posted said, why not put the effort in and call people out by name instead of a blanket call out that has the effectiveness of a wet sock.
  23. As mentioned in other threads here, McCourty admitted that he blew the coverage, not Gilmore. It was a cover 2 and that was his responsibility. That being said, the game wasn't won by one play. I also started Brady, Hogan and Pats D/ST. 10 total points. Still happy.
  24. So you are saying instead of day 3 draftees, UDFAs and bottom feeders, they have recently drafted OL in the higher rounds...unlike what they did previously. So, wouldn't that make it different than the Jauron era? How does saying its the same as it was, then pointing how its different than it was, reconcile in your mind? The impression I am getting is that you would have liked MORE OL drafted than they have. I suppose one could agree with that.
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