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Westside Madness

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Everything posted by Westside Madness

  1. NFLN and ESPN seem to be what most are watching on. I understand there is a CBS feed as well. Thanks for the reminder. I am on IPTV so I cant hit refresh here too quickly...lol
  2. I remembered about the draft yesterday and then forgot about it until around 2pm today. Def excited.
  3. Nick Saban's voice could put a crackhead to sleep...
  4. I was going to bring up ESPN to compare to the NFLN feed, but only one of the two PCs in this room have IPTV installed...
  5. Maybe when the draft starts, but a bit ago on ESPN, Saban was giving a boring lecture on play calling...
  6. I wasn't sure what feed to watch. I am on NFL Network currently.
  7. Pretty sure only 57 needed 32 hats...
  8. And Diggs is our second round pick? Hmm..
  9. If you look away from TO for a moment and stare at AB for 5 min, then look back at TO, TO looks like Fitzgerald...lol.
  10. I came here to echo the same line, we overpaid. Then I did some reading...didn't realize his age and 3 more years at around 10mm/year. That aside, I like the player himself. Seems like an inspired hard working man. We didnt get a discount, but we didnt overpay.
  11. Just because children haven't yet died, doesn't mean they aren't a vulnerable demographic. Then you get into immuno-compromised individuals such as those with Lupus or folks with a weakened immune system due to battling cancer. You don't have to 'keep up with anything' to follow this concept. But, to your point, lets assume an ailing mother is enough...
  12. Agreed, but then if they incidentally infect their new born child or ailing mother, those demographics are at risk of more severe responses and or death. This is transmittable before symptoms present.
  13. You used a Cali salary perspective in a conversation that was using a WNY salary range to skew your image in what was being discussed. I would said weird flex, but not really weird, just patting your own back. High(er) end jobs that you find in WNY pay much more in higher cost of living areas (such as Cali) to counter-balance...well, the cost of living. I am glad you have a well paying job in Cali with a family and life is good. That being said, yes, you can live comfortably in many parts of WNY (not all) with a personal income of ~66k. This assumes another person is also adding to that household income. If not, it shrinks where you can live, and puts a bit of a squeeze, but can be do-able. No one would hire you at your current salary in Rochester, NY. You would need to take a pay cut. Not saying you likely wouldn't still be well off (not curious either way due to the teenage BS you peddled earlier). I think the point is, don't derail the conversation just you rub yourself off. I am doing well as compared to the WNY market. As a household, we are in great shape...and oddly, we still haven't bought a house as we are cleaning up debt. As another poster added, sometimes how you manage your money/debt/expense ratio is as important as income. Back to the topic: Yes, these players are playing for additional shots to make it upstairs to the NFL, even if its just the practice squad at first. I like that it gives us more football and that it gives them more exposure. Win/win.
  14. Indeed. My gf is Irish and left handed...not a ginger though. She has to be warmhearted to put up with my shenanigans...
  15. I trust left handed people as much as I do gingers.... Thanks for the clip, but the one pass was out of bounds and the other two would be INTs waiting to happen.
  16. My dad popped back into my life when I was 13 and lived nearby. He watched the regular season and then invited me over for each of the playoff games that led to SB XXV. Watched the rest of the SB seasons and then my fan hood faded around 96 until I moved to Orlando and became home sick around 2002. Been a consistent fan since then.
  17. I have my boys this weekend (2.5 hour drive to pick them up tomorrow). Saturday begins with maybe rolling out of bed at 11am. Putting on my $17 DHgate Allen jersey over a long sleeve grey bills shirt. Yelling at the teenagers to shower/get dressed so we can leave. Head to mom's across town for brief visit and gifts before racing home in time for the game. Figure out what stream will reliably play the game as my antennae met an raged-fueled and untimely demise around week 3 due to stuttered reception. Once stream is up and running, advise boys that they may dig into the pizza and wings left over from what we will likely order tomorrow night. May give Bella's a try as Leo's have been messing my orders up/forgetting the blue cheese...but I digress... Open a Southern Tier IPA, pour two fingers of Evan Williams and watch the game with my boys. The younger one's interest will wax/wane depending on the flow of the game, but the older one will stick with me for the full game. After the game, the older son will go to his room and game while I prepare to watch the NE/TEN game...with additional IPAs...
  18. While I don't disagree with what you are selling, the 8-8 is a winning record nonsense is incorrect and illogical.
  19. 'Can’t believe we have to play on wild card weekend like plebs.' Spoilt little twats.
  20. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001092047/article/silver-ron-rivera-ready-to-roll-into-next-hc-job I don't typically start threads, but I didn't see this anywhere and didn't see where it might fit. I took two things from this article: 1. I see where McDermott got his fire for the culture change approach. Reading Ron's comments, I could feel Sean in there. 2. I am so glad that the Jets are planning to stay with Gase. I don't want Ron in the AFC East. Gase is a dumpster fire and Flores is new, so will take some time to see what he can do.
  21. Thank you. Got it. I see my error. I mean if KC loses tonight, and next week and HOU wins next week, they flip. I want them to lose of course. EDIT - I mean win, this no chance of playing us in the WC.
  22. Thank you. Got it. I see my error. I mean if KC loses tonight, and next week and HOU wins next week, they flip. I want them to lose of course. EDIT - I mean win, this no chance of playing us in the WC.
  23. Ok, I said BUF vs HOU was a lock. I was told it was not a lock. I then said 'good call' to the person who corrected me and then stated how it appears that KC could swap positions with HOU. Then there was a flurry of confusing posts. So, first off, I am not how sure how my preference can impact the outcome of the 2019 AFC playoff picture. That being said, I want the Bills to play HOU. Second, how am I confused or incorrect? I am eager to understand the mire in which I currently find myself. Thanks,
  24. Good call. If KC wins tonight and next week and HOU loses next week, they flip seeding. Go Bears!!!
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