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Westside Madness

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Everything posted by Westside Madness

  1. Now you are changing your data. Your OP discussed positivity rates not mortality rates. Don't move the goal posts now... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts#:~:text=Moving the goalposts (or shifting,side an advantage or disadvantage. Your basis for supporting fans in the stadium was that the positivity rate for Florida is under 5%. Your were incorrect. Then additionally, in the specific area, Miami-Dade, the positivity rate is almost double that rate. That was bonus material. So, this data (of which you don't supply a source), doesn't support your original position as it is a different topic. Just accept that you were wrong and that it is irresponsible for the Miami Dolphins to have 13k fans attend a game in an area that just recently dropped below a 10% positivity rate.
  2. No one said declining infection rates were not good news. My comment was in response to it being states that Florida was under a 5% infection rate and that was a supporting reason to justify that having 13k fans attend a game in Miami was a good idea. Also, grow up and read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man Then come back and discuss with the adults.
  3. 'Florida coronavirus: State reports 2,974 new cases, 5.52% positivity rate' https://www.wfla.com/community/health/coronavirus/florida-coronavirus-state-reports-2974-new-cases-5-52-positivity-rate/ I believe Friday was the only day it dipped below 5% (4.89%). And Miami-Dade specifically, is at 9.5%, almost double. And they are celebrating being under 10% as if its a victory. 'In Miami-Dade, the new case rate was 9.5%, the third straight day under 10% for the state’s hardest hit county.' https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/florida-adds-4684-new-coronavirus-cases-as-positivity-rates-remain-low/2281277/ But hey, dont let facts get in the way of your 'champ' argument...
  4. 'There is no weakness'. 23rd in the league in rush yards allowed. I know we are good. I know we will continue to be good. I just don't like the no weakness bit. Maybe its the you can always improve mantra or something. Now, the folks we signed to support the DL, maybe they have run stop ability that we were otherwise lacking. I read that AJ Klein is specifically a run stuff guy as a LB. I have a lingering fear of hubris. Go Bills.
  5. Unless they updated the article after most of these comments, it states that the NFL, not the Bills sent the survey. The Bills stated that it was not the team. Also, as someone else pointed out, they would first have to get past the Cuomo hurdle. I am done trying to have conversations with people about common sense. I am tired of having to wield science vs. the swords of ignorance. Go for it. Have fun.
  6. Not speaking for Gungy, but that would be true regardless of the QB. Why specifically would that be a good fit for Lamar in particular?
  7. Echoing the DH Gate folks. Bought 4 Allen Jerseys (or Jersey's if you prefer), Took a while to arrive, but no issues with any of them. The blue might be slightly off, but without an actual jersey to compare it to, I cant confirm. These were purchased before last season started if I recall.
  8. WGR said on Friday that media folks can start attending camp on Monday. They made a joke about binoculars as they will be a decent distance away as compared to prior years. With that, some camp news should flow starting tomorrow afternoon/evening...in theory.
  9. My understanding is that teams need to have spots open on their rosters to bring in people for visits/workouts this year. I think Sal C has mentioned it a few times. SO, how many people did we cut ahead of the visit?
  10. Contract chatter - He said he is not in any hurry to get a new contract done. He said 'I am not hurting for money'. SO, how is this him leveraging for a new contract? Family chatter - Someone said something about him not being with his family for 5 months. That's not the case. His concern is that his family and children would need to remain on quarantine for the duration of the season. He doesn't want that to happen. Again, stated in the interview/article. Jealous non-athlete chatter - He is not you. You are not him. He is working within the framework that he has. You have to work within the framework that you have. Yes, if we were all independently wealthy with an endless list of options, that would be great. That is not reality. This is in no way an attack on folks that have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. I see him opting out tomorrow.
  11. I am sure the same tens of millions would also like to be independently wealthy and not have to work, but what is your point?
  12. I didn't want to create a new thread and felt this belonged here: https://www.wgrz.com/article/sports/nfl/bills/pancho-billa-will-be-part-of-rover-headed-to-mars-on-thursday/71-b339fd01-5242-4def-991e-e0991efd9061 'His story reached a NASA engineer, and now a control chip inscribed with the name of Ezra Castro and his family will be launched into space.'
  13. Its also the 'wonderful' model that Capitalism flourishes (sarcasm) under. #bezosmodel As for the Bills and Dion, our current management have shown an amazing ability to be smart with the cap. However, they haven't really started handing out the second contracts yet. I am hoping they show the same acumen with those.
  14. Yes, like my parents not dying. I will not apologize for my motive. I am glad that the waivers (at least currently) wont matter for NY as neither you or any other fan should have the right to sign away liability for the risk you would pose to my family after you go tailgate on Sunday, then show up hungover at Wegmans on Monday with your mask around your chin. I wouldn't trust 80% of the population to babysit a garden gnome, let alone make intelligent, properly informed and non-selfish decisions. I hear the cries of 'but my freedom!' and all that translates to me is toddlers throwing temper tantrums.
  15. I will set my expectations on responses accordingly. The 2020 NFL season is not likely to start. Even if it does, it is likely to be put on hold and then cancelled shortly thereafter. Training camps haven't even started yet and players from several teams have already become infected. Players are not going to be restricted as far as who they engage with outside of the team. The moment the owners try to make that enforceable, players will refuse to play and the season halts there. Due to that, it is likely that throughout training camp, infections are going to pop up sporadically. Teams will attempt the isolate, quarantine, come back in bit, but that's going to make camp almost impossible to get through. Now, given the above, if one player...one coach...one deflated football gets badly sick, its a wrap. There will be too much risk, players will refuse to play, the players association will have their back and its over. Now you have to look at infection rates across the country and team located in high infection states, citing FL and TX here, there is a higher chance of the players becoming infected (already happened) so there will be cries of inequity vs. states that have a low infection rate and are dealing with less infection. That will stop the season. There have been several situations where patients have tested positive for the virus, gotten better and then tested positive later, in some cases more than a month or so after recovery. This is further supported by studies that are showing that antibody degradation is rather quick. After being sick, you could test negative for antibodies in 2 months. So, the 'let them all get the virus and get better' folks need to step back. It was terrible and irresponsible as a suggestion, but it is likely also pointless. I don't see positive tests as the measure of concern for the pandemic. I mean, it is but not in the ways it matters. I look at new hospitalizations. specifically new hospitalizations vs. discharges and weighed against hospital capacity. Brazil is clear indicator of that and Houston is going to be the next to follow. Death counts will rise dramatically when there are no hospital beds available to support the incoming patients. I am not sure what sort of emergency plan they are working on developing, but I heard they were at 97% capacity in Houston before the last weekend. I want football to happen. I just cant imagine it actually coming to fruition. And honestly, I don't want to watch the game if players, coaches and anyone else start coming down sick in the interest of $$$. And my name isn't Debbie...
  16. The extremists on both sides are quite funny. If nothing else, this just about makes the Bills and Pats twinsies. Strong pass defenses that can force coverage sacks. Not quite as good vs. the run. Both have unproven offenses with a QB that can run when needed. Josh's lack of Cam's experience is balanced with Cam's age, wear and injuries. Both teams have capable backs as well. If...and I repeat if, Cam can pick up and understand the offense AND not piss off Bill with his antics and need for attention, he will start and I don't expect it to be a dumpster fire. It is possible that he doesn't start and is put in for certain packages/drives. I don't picture Cam as the most studious of players. Ocho Cinco was humbled real quick when it came time to learn the Pats O. I do not expect an entire re-write of the Pats offense for Cam.
  17. But how contained is it really? The general response in these forums to anything non-football related and tied to any form of social issue, is a flurry of non-surprising, but still eye rolling comments. And I mean WELL BEFORE COVID-19 and the George Floyd murder. Given the demographic that make up a large portion of Bills fans/season ticket holders, I shouldn't be caught off guard when it happens, but often I am. <-- guessing this line wont earn me many fans... Another poster said something that mirrored my feelings. Lately when these types of threads take the dark turn they often take, more posters have stepped up to be the voice for logic, common sense and decency. I see a glimmer of hope out there... *puts on flame resistant onesie* <-- didn't like the proper word for obvious reasons...
  18. This used to be my stance as well. We had some bad defenses when he was our QB. I felt that point forced him too often to try and cowboy it to keep the ball in the offense's hands. While I still feel this way to a degree, I have to also admit that he is extremely hot and cold as a QB and much like Jameis' 30/30 performance, teams can't succeed that way. I see Tyrod in a similar light; can be damn good, but not consistent enough to be a starting QB. I am glad he has found a way to stay in the league. He truly has fun playing this game and his teammates love him.
  19. I was in Vegas at the end of Feb, beginning of March. We were decently represented for the Sabres game I attended. I saw the new Raiders stadium, looked impressive. I joked at the time about coming back for the Bills game, but I knew that was a pipe dream.
  20. Its nice to find someplace where I, at 42 years old, feel like a baby in comparison... I am sorry you all have lost this person/player. I might havr to check out some old game film as I am not familiar with this player. Certainly sounds like he was well respected.
  21. ALso, I forget who's room it was, but there was one dude in the bottom right with braids that looked pissed off. Then looked like he was arguing with someone.
  22. ESPN and NFLN are now showing the same feed...
  23. I have NFLN 1080, NFLN 720, ESPN 1080 and ABC on easy toggle...lol. If one crashes, on to the next.
  24. Looks like I am going to have to bounce between NFLN and ESPN. WIth the pandemic, the traffic hitting the IPTV servers is nuts.
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