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Westside Madness

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Posts posted by Westside Madness

  1. 5 hours ago, Putin said:

    So Lamar Jackson is now on top 10 running backs ? 


    Not sure if he belongs with the RBs, but he is def not top 10 statistically as a QB. 25th in yds, 26th in comp %, 17th in TDs and 18th in QBR. Not bad for a QB in a run first/option play offense, but there is no rationale for inclusion in top 10 QB in the league.


    Even if we look at rushing, he only has 3 rushing TDs on the season.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 3 hours ago, newcam2012 said:

    Gonna be a blood bath. No way the Bills can stop the Chiefs. Our defense made the titans look like a good offense minus two starters wrs. Our only hope is to out score them. The offense looked like ***** too. Allen regressed, oline was bad in all facets, wr drops, etc...I calling for a 38 to 17 loss. Hope I'm wrong. 


    Get a bucket to catch all that sky...

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. His tweet was not ambiguous or confusing. #readingcomprehension


    I am not fully on board with the 'they have 2 more days to game plan than we do so they have a massive advantage' train, but have fun on that ride.


    Biggest issue in my opinion is day by day, they don't know who to game plan for. i am sure they are focusing on TEN, but I am also sure that someone in the building has been frantically prepping KC film as well. To another poster's point, I almost hope there is another positive, so the schedule can lock down and the team and get back to normal practice/game prep as they would on any normal week.

  4. In years past I would never draft Bills payers in fantasy. Partly because of the homer comments and partly because very few were statistically good due to the teams lack of success and troubles at QB. Every once in a while I might pick up their D or their RB, but certainly not one of their WRs or QB.


    Its 2020. I didn't expect to be watching football. I also didn't expect to be in a fantasy league. I drafted Allen and Diggs. Being excited about the Bills winning AND fantasy football success normally don't go together, but hot damn.


    Unrelated but crazy; Matt Ryan has similar stats as Allen in the first two weeks. 700+ yards and 6 TDs. The Falcons are 0-2.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Mayfield wasn't in a stable situation his rookie year and did well.    Darnold, sure.


    I wasn't looking at one year, but thanks.


    Mayfield, Darnold, and Rosen all experienced dysfunction/turnover at the GM and or HC/coaching staff level and I would grade their 'success' (over 2 years and YTD) as markedly below Jackson and Allen. 


    Edited to correct "3 years"

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 7 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Reading their boards, they have decent takes for fans in their position. Pretty much: Burn it down and put it in Joe Douglas's hands.


    My only knock is cutting bait on Darnold too soon. But after 3 years in that dumpster fire, I'm not sure he'll be salvageable. Too bad, too. Kid had talent and potential.


    If you think about it, of the 5 QBs taken in the first round, only two ended up in stable team management situations; Allen and Jackson. I don't think it is a coincidence that those are the two that have had the best success thus far.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. I read about 50 of the 73 or so pages of their gameday thread. I love seeing the progression of emotions from hopeful arrogance to crushing depression and defeat. Sadly, reading many of the comments does ring back to several years where we were in that boat.


    SARs did show up toward the end of the thread saying something about how the victory means nothing, we should have beaten them by more and Allen will injured in the next week or two, etc.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Buffalo619 said:

    Exactly. I don’t care about a players race, personality, or opinions.


    Do your job, entertain the the fans and go home.


    Celebrities and Athletes have one objective, to entertain. Nothing more. As fans, we sometimes confuse them for role models when really all they are are sell outs. Lebron for example. 


    Who decided that you and your 'critical thinking' friends get to decide what their jobs are or aren't? If they should be role-models or not? Was there a meeting I missed? Was I not invited?


    I would like to register to be an active participant in these discussions.


    Celebrities; actors, sports, music or otherwise, have been role-models for years. The current environment might just not be your cup of tea. And that's fine. Culture changes and sometimes when that happens, people feel let behind or excluded. I think that the NFL and the other leagues will be ok if you and your group of 'critical thinkers' decide to boycott.





    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, dwight in philly said:

    what "tired schtick:" i (assumed you spelled schtick right) just sick of   politics in sports  because its all disjointed, and based on emotion , not fact 


    I wasn't going to call you out, but since spelling and grammar is the road you want to take, please explain 'divulge into it' from your first post.


    I mean it's going to say 'end racism', not 'end racists'; you aren't in any danger.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  10. 1 minute ago, BUFFALOTONE said:

    These are the facts that the Sun Sentinel has been laying out for weeks, the information contradicts itself entirely and has been for months...the info you post is the same skewed source my man. 


    So, you make a statement stating figures from sources you don't trust, but you only acknowledge that you don't trust these sources when someone states figures that contradict what you posted.


    Got it.


    I have work to do, I have no more time for this childish game. I think my point has been made. Have a great day.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Just now, BUFFALOTONE said:

    I'm pretty sure I stated facts but how is this for confusion and over hype,  read the last sentence Sir...this has been the narrative for the past month. 


    State officials have tallied 602,829 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began, according to reports from the Florida Department of Health.

    As of Sunday, 10,534 have died from the disease, including 72 additional people reported Monday. The total also includes 137 people who live elsewhere but died in Florida.

    The daily total does not reflect deaths that occurred in the past 24 hours, but over recent weeks.



    Now you are changing your data. Your OP discussed positivity rates not mortality rates. Don't move the goal posts now...


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts#:~:text=Moving the goalposts (or shifting,side an advantage or disadvantage.


    Your basis for supporting fans in the stadium was that the positivity rate for Florida is under 5%. Your were incorrect. Then additionally, in the specific area, Miami-Dade, the positivity rate is almost double that rate. That was bonus material.


    So, this data (of which you don't supply a source), doesn't support your original position as it is a different topic. Just accept that you were wrong and that it is irresponsible for the Miami Dolphins to have 13k fans attend a game in an area that just recently dropped below a 10% positivity rate.

  12. 1 hour ago, BUFFALOTONE said:

    So the virus declining isn't good news here? Beats the alternative. 


    No one said declining infection rates were not good news. My comment was in response to it being states that Florida was under a 5% infection rate and that was a supporting reason to justify that having 13k fans attend a game in Miami was a good idea.


    Also, grow up and read this:




    Then come back and discuss with the adults.

  13. 'Florida coronavirus: State reports 2,974 new cases, 5.52% positivity rate'




    I believe Friday was the only day it dipped below 5% (4.89%).


    And Miami-Dade specifically, is at 9.5%, almost double. And they are celebrating being under 10% as if its a victory.


    'In Miami-Dade, the new case rate was 9.5%, the third straight day under 10% for the state’s hardest hit county.'




    But hey, dont let facts get in the way of your 'champ' argument...

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