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  1. Somehow i'm not surprised by this. I've been to a few NFL games in my life, and the Dolphins fans around us at that game were the worst I have ever experienced. Guys were screaming obscenities at the little kids in front of us wearing Bills jerseys through the whole game. On the drive out of the lot we had 4 or 5 groups of guys yelling at us and threatening to fight us just because we were wearing Bills gear. People really suck.
  2. Holy crap, I just won on that safety. Definitely in the running for the game of the year so far.
  3. First nomination as Most Outstanding Player…started all 11 regular season games played before suffering a season ending injury.
  4. The cameraman was waiting for the same run play up the middle for a loss that I thought was coming.
  5. The good field position comment actually pissed me off for some reason. How much do these guys get paid to sound like idiots on TV every Sunday?
  6. I second the best fish fry nomination for Hoaks. Having that last name does not in any way make me biased.
  7. I guess coordinators are much smarter than I am, but I just don't understand half of our play calls. Can we not run a running back anywhere but right up the middle all the time. I wanna pull my hair out when we run two plays up the middle for 1 yard then have an incomplete pass when they blitz. I don't blame Rex for this. His defense did their job, our offense is terrible. For god sake try something different on offense in the second half. Please!!
  8. I dunno, but they just said on NFL insiders like 2 minutes ago that something was going on with the trade and it may fall apart. Has the team officially announced his arrival yet?
  9. Why did they just say on ESPN that the Cassel deal may fall apart?
  10. The drive towards the end of the game where they are down by 4 with a chance to take the lead again, and they call like 3 fade passes to the end zone, almost made me break my TV. Even after all the mistakes it was still there for the taking, and they call three bad plays in a row. All they had to do was keep doing what had worked all day. If our HC is still here next year, the OC sure as hell better not be.
  11. Our offense is terrible. Run up the middle, run up the middle, screen pass, punt.
  12. Just saw on the ESPN bottom line that the Bills are interested in trading for the #1 pick. Not sure what it means, but the story seems to be picking up speed.
  13. After what I just saw on that Andre Johnson catch challenge, I have no idea what a catch is anymore. What is up with this crazy week in the NFL??
  14. I grew up in Miami and I can tell you they are all fair weather fans down there, always have been. People only show up when the teams win. With that said I can guarantee that there will be a completely empty Baseball stadium there all next season after what that scumbag owner did this year.
  15. I would be happy with Romo, meh about Vick, and I would be annoyed if they signed Rivers. Did anyone else see him bitching and pouting the entire game last night? I wouldn't want a QB like that anywhere near my team.
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