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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. I am basking in the epicurean glow of my cheeseburger/white hot Garbage Plate, with everything and extra meat sauce. Most restaurants are now serving plates but NONE compare to the original at Nick Tahou.. Good seeing Rich, Jack, Jay and Diane! See you Sunday around sunrise!
  2. last minute "bump".
  3. See you for Garbage Plates at noon! WNYTBDGPS always kicks off TBDAHOT festivities!
  4. Please upgrade me to one prime. Thank you.
  5. See you there!
  6. The Amazing Spider-Man visited Cheeky and his sister this week. It was very cool! People have been so kind to my grandson and his family. https://teamnaaman.com/2019/09/the-amazing-spider-man/
  7. I would need to contact them through a medium. I never really knew them. I get along with my adult children.
  8. Sounds delicious!
  9. ONE - General. Thank you Mr. Hammer, Sir.
  10. Thanks for the link to the story, Sig1Hunter. Cancer really sucks, but the children are so inspiring. Also, the parents learn first hand what really matters in life! Luckily, the Smilow Cancer Center at Yale University Childrens Hospital is only about 20-25 minutes from their home. Since you asked about the socks, I believe the penguin socks are going to be available again soon (made to order only). They just finished a t-shirt campaign, which included hoodies so I hope to wear that soon. FB page is Resilience Gives. Cheeky has a FB page "Team Naaman" or search @teamnaaman. There is also a journal at teamnaaman.com, with a link to GoFundMe. It is amazing how many people lend a hand, especially when they first hear of a child with a serious illness. Cheeky was in touch with Pancho Billa through his Mom and me on Twitter, so he was special to our family. I want to see if JayRubeo wears his penguin socks with his kilt at the home opener tailgate!
  11. No, but he points at me and says "Hulk". Size is relative!
  12. His parents are my heroes. Son-in-law working two jobs and daughter is staying home with Cheeky from her lucrative career. At one point this winter, my grandson was in the pediatric ICU for several weeks. His liver was shutting down and kidney function almost nil. One parent or grandparent was there 24 x 7. He almost did not turn the corner and it was very scary. The chemo almost killed him until they found the right "mix". He is much better now but will be on chemo and steroids for a while. He takes his meds orally and actually eats solid foods now, so he is officially in "maintenance" for a couple years and hopefully will be leukemia free. Thanks TBD for all the kind thoughts. He is pointing to his Penguin socks. They were a fund raiser and I get some eyes raised when I wear the with shorts. Good news is no feeding or chemo tubes and fuzzy hair trying to grow back in!
  13. My grandson is doing well, if you can imagine a two year old with "roid rage".
  14. I will never quit the Bills unless they leave Buffalo. That said, I will probably just watch games on TV in the near future. Just going up for the day, it is hard to spend under $200, even in the nose bleed seats at the Ralph. Even this year, I may just go to a bar after the 20th Annual Tail Gate.
  15. Thanks. Catch you at the tailgate. Now I just need a game ticket!
  16. Jay, please cancel my shirt. I will be at the tailgate but do not use paypal or venmo. ty
  17. One exception to that for me was The Kinks doing Lola. L-O-L-A
  18. One time a popular band, may have been Tom Petty, said: "OK, this is the part where we leave the stage and come back after you holler and clap for two minutes. We are now back." and then played "the encore".
  19. For #20? No, I am coming to the tailgate with no ticket to the game and play it by ear.
  20. I made probably 17 of the 20 tailgates. I know I was at the GAME for the first tailgate but with another group (you know who I mean, Scott). You tailgated with us the year before TBDAHOT #1.
  21. 1 XL for pickup (maybe at Nick's?) rockpile
  22. Nah, she was standing next to her Mom. (at least that's what she said) Whenever I am going to go on a fairly long walk, I use the walking stick for balance. I made that stick at least ten years ago to hike in the mountains, and always used a walking stick when I backpacked, even forty years ago! Unfortunately I have had to give up mountain hikes and backpacking, so I walk for a CURE!
  23. Come closer, I will show you!
  24. This was not even all of our crew. At least six others were not here yet.
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