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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. So are you voting for best Mom or best MILF? 😎
  2. I wish! Just another bald guy with glasses! 😄
  3. It is AMAZING what ten days can do! With FB donations and Two Bills Drive, Family Rocks! has now reached a total of $1,100 - above our goal with a few weeks to go! Thank you my TBD friends. You are the best! 😃 Gugny Mr. Info JayRubeo Greybeard *Add Exiled in Illinois to the TBD list! (edit 5/10) You can still donate if you would like. See link earlier in the thread.
  4. Wow! Sponsors have hit $595!! From TBD this includes Gugny, Mr. Info, and JayRubeo! Maybe I will hit my goal in a few weeks after all. Thank you my friends. 😉
  5. Gugny and Mr Info are my MS Walk sponsors from TBD. I am grateful to the support I have received. I am at about $470 of my $1,000 goal with a month to go. I have a few other sponsors, not connected to this group. Thank you! 😃
  6. Now the people in Woodstock, Kingston, Saugerties, and other places an hour or so bus ride to the City are seeing property values rising so quickly, they cannot pay their taxes and many are not able to afford to renew their lease when it runs out and the rent has tripled. We stay in Woodstock for several days with friends every autumn, and we have had to scale down our rental. It is sad for the locals, in my opinion. It is a beautiful part of the Catskills that is becoming suburbia
  7. For me, NYC is memories. It has been close to a decade since I went there. I have always loved going there, though. I I first went to NYC when I was about 19, arriving around sunset just to spend the night tooling around Times Square, Greenwich Village, and soak it in. The place totally blew my mind (this was in the early seventies. I was with friends who knew where to go, and where not to go. Went back a couple years later to go to Chinatown, and later a David Bromberg concert in Central Park. The seventies in NYC was a circus - wild and crazy. We got home to NJ just after dawn. Decades later we went back for a vacation, and had so much fun we went back almost every year. We always stayed in low end hotels on 34th Street, 42nd Street, in the Big Apple Hostel right in the center of Times Square and Broadway, and once in a VRBO condo in the financial district. This was the first decade of the 2000's. We would leave Rochester in the early AM and reach the Lincoln Tunnel in about 5 hours. If we got to our hotel and parked by 7:30 AM, the traffic was little problem. We would then grab breakfast and catch a nap. On the first vacation, we saw the WTC from the Liberty Island Ferry, passed the Statue of Liberty, and went to Ellis Island. Going to a Yankees game was an annual event, at the old and new Yankee Stadiums. As the years passed, we watched things going downhill. We stopped going there before the Trade Center Memorial was finished. The last time we were there we were in Bubba Gump Shrimp under a lockdown and bungled terrorist bombing a few building away. Looking out on Times Square was like a CSI episode: black vans, dozens of special forces, bomb specialists in armor, etc. Luckily it was a failure to ignite a VW bug full of propane tanks. When it was safe we just went about our business. It was amazing how everyone just took it in stride. That did not stop us from going to NY, we just spent our time more with our daughter in Connecticut. I would LOVE to go again one day. I really miss the "free" years of just wandering around the city: Times Square (John's Pizza), Central Park, the Seaport (Pier 17), Battery Park, Chinatown, and Brooklyn. Now I do not know if it would be a fun place to go and stay for a few days. I always said that if I lived in NYC, I would want to be a multimillionaire, with no job to decide my schedule, and I could afford a nice place to live, a driver, and money for all the things the Big Apple has to offer.
  8. TBD has been my single most source of sponsors for well over a decade! This has become a real family event raising over $24,000 since 2003, thanks to the spirit of paying it forward by our many sponsors. No donation is too small (or too big!). We are participating in the MS WALK in Canandaigua as an In-Person OR Virtual Event on May 22, 2022 starting at Sonnenberg Gardens, Family Rockpilewith a one mile and three mile course. All proceeds benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. On a personal note, I was DIAGNOSED with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 1994. I know now that I had MS before then, because there were times when things were “not quite right”. I would tire easily, and walk with a slight limp. My vision would be blurry and I sometimes felt like I was seeing double if I did not concentrate on an image. The nature of a relapsing-remitting disease is that it can “come and go”. I am doing well enough that most would not know I have iMS unless I told you! Family Rocks
  9. Eagles. I have seen some great Bills teams and some wannabees. I survived the seventies. I survived the playoff drought. I enjoyed the years they were competitive and I love them today. I have been waiting for an NFL Championship for a long time. IF the Bills win it all next year, it will be 57 years. What is the point of the question again?.
  10. I did not like the half time music, but that is not unusual. There is music I love and music I dislike. A lot of people enjoyed it. "Combined With a total of 21 Billboard No. 1 albums and 43 Grammys across the stacked lineup, this show will be one to remember." NBCDFW
  11. 30 degrees with no rain is balmy!
  12. After five decades of going to ice bowl games, and not being a fan of getting home from night games at 2AM, I finally decided a warm couch and big screen at home was better for me!
  13. That would be an option, especially with the late game, if I was traveling alone! If I am lucky I will catch some of the 2nd half on the tube.
  14. Who owns the rights to The Who's songs? Sometimes during lean years whole catalogs of music are sold off and the new owner can use them any way they want.
  15. When various internet chat rooms and sites started popping up and e-mail was something new, I would sign in everywhere I could as "Rockpile". My father was a cofounder of the Buffalo Bills Boosters Club, Inc and we went to quite a few games at the old War Memorial downtown. I had a Bills jersey made with "ROCKPILE" on it which caused me to meet several TBD people at training camp, tailgates, and games. Back in the early days here, we even had e-mail domain names like "rockpile@ twobillsdrive.com"
  16. I was there. It was like the ball was being slapped back at the punter.
  17. I will be on the road from Connecticut to Rochester Sunday, or I would have replied to you or grabbed a cheap seat. THIS GAME CAN DECIDE THE AFC EASTERN DIVISION CHAMP, FOLKS!
  18. Not everyone saw the game. Some of us were interrupted by our lives while trying to watch the game, so a thoughtful recap is worth reading. I am not paying for other news media to read what I can read here for free in one forum, often written better. I skip the threads I do not find interesting without criticizing the author, unless they really hit my funny bone. Nice read, "Shaw". I enjoy your threads.
  19. When I was at the Rockpile in the AFL days downtown, a guy near us was drinking from an orange juice container while cheering for the Jets. After a while he got quiet, then puked on a lady in front of him. Then he tried to wipe the puke off her. I was a kid and don't remember what happened after that! At another game, also at the Rockpile, a guy walking behind me fell and literally landed on my lap. When he stood up he tried to apologize but I just told him to go away (I was afraid he was going to hurl). He got to the railing above one of the concrete ramp entrances and people were hollering at him and laughing. One guy yelled "Jump!" I drank my share when I was younger, but realized I was missing half the game in the beer line or the crapper, so I limited drinking to moderation before and after the game. Others can do as they like but leave me alone!
  20. That would be me! GO BILLS! 🍺
  21. Thanks for putting so many of the things that were making me sick into a post. I did not have the energy. I love the Bills but I am tired of all the excuses. I think they will be lucky to be in the playoffs.
  22. Some people believe that it is their right to stand 100% of the game. I have MS and standing for the whole game is VERY difficult. Standing when there is a reason is fine!
  23. The coldest game I was ever at was also windy, so the chill factor was negative 28 degrees. Now I have been to a lot of cold games with no complaints, but that was the tipping point for being too cold for me to be outside at the game.
  24. Thanks for the birds eye review of the game. Your description of the game and the fans from a personal perspective, not just X's and O's, almost had me smelling the roasted peanuts.
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