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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. I was going to say "The Drop".
  2. I have to work the help desk until midnight, but they will have the game on flat screen wall mount tv's all around the call center! No sound but at least the occasional glance. *-)
  3. 2011 and 2012, started 32 games, had 35 tackles. Not to disrespect the man, but...
  4. After THREE games, I am not ready to talk about NEXT year. But knock yerself out.
  5. I would give him an F today. He will get over it but he had no game today (like the majority of the team today).
  6. I am ok with the way he goaded the defenders, but on the penalty against him he bumped helmets. I also strongly agree that he was WAY down the crap list for the team today. So much crap today, so little time.
  7. I am over 80 google map miles from the Ralph and have neither the time or money to go to every game. NFL rules make me local. If a home game is blacked out, oh well! Sucks to be me. Who are you more annoyed with, the whiners who complain about the blackout or the lazy fans who make you eat your unused tickets?
  8. Wow, I have know Idea what I did to deserve the 'kudos' but thanks! Was it the three gulps of the moonshine? I intend to be there every year on opening day. Look forward to seeing you again.
  9. I have to echo everything you said, Jay. After a wet and cool weather start, everything was blue skies and sunshine except for the final score of the game. I will not even try to name all the old and new friends I spent time with. I am afraid of offending anyone, if I do not mention them. The larger tailgate area did seem to curb the multiple TBD sub-parties from previous years. Thanks Scott. People, food, camaraderie - all combined to make this a family reunion. Your younger buddies fit in very well with MY grown children and others in their 20's and 30's - I think I mentioned to you that they were the next generation TBD'ers. Staying at a hotel instead of a wet tent was a first for me, LOL! Also, thanks to all for making my friend, Harry feel comfortable and welcome. He was a 64 year old tailgate and "live" NFL game virgin. He was impressed.
  10. Eric, it now looks like we are booking a hotel room and will need only one parking spot Sunday. General parking please. We will arrive early Sunday and hope to see you at Danny's - probably 8PM Saturday or later. thx
  11. I was there! Jim Kelly and Ken O'Brien were co-MVP's in that loss, which REALLY ticked off some Jets fans.
  12. My first thought, too.
  13. We will be there (4 of us) but not until at least 8pm. Scheduling conflicts.... update: if the weather really sucks, we may not be there until Sunday. I am not setting up a tent in the rain, possibly after sunset!
  14. Hey, Sid! You coming to the opener and tailgate? I will be there as usual.
  15. I am not opposed to smoking pot. My opinion means nothing. I do want to avoid the legal hassle if caught, even if it is only like getting a traffic ticket. I am opposed to violating the agreement you make with your employer. I make squat and I do not smoke pot, because I could be randomly tested and do not need to jeopardize my job. Why should a rich athlete be exempted from those same rules? JayBaller10, I get pulled over for random DUI checks fairly often, since I work the midnight shift. The police ALWAYS assume I have been drinking. When I had long hair in the 70's (as opposed to no hair now) I used to get pulled over all the time. That was profiling but not racial. Yes, I was pulled out of the car and frisked too, but I was smart enough not to CARRY anything that would get me in trouble. One time I had to unpack all my luggage. This was on the Thruway. I was livid, but I preferred keeping a low profile, and had no cash for a lawyer. I am not down playing your point, just saying... sucks to be different when it comes to the law.
  16. At #3, he can be inactive - at least he knows the playbook. Is there there another #3 QB you see as a viable alternative to Kolb? That is an honest question; I respect your feedback. That is assuming Tuel can really be #2, of course.
  17. Doc, I was at camp today and Kolb is pitiful. Tuel looked much better. Unless Kolb does a remarkable turnaround, he looks like #3.
  18. ...and remembered the 'good old days' the WNYTBDGPS used to take up two or three full tables! It was nice seeing you, my friend!
  19. I will make sure I am there at noon! see-ya!
  20. Who is IN? I am trying to make it... lots of family stuff to do today. Jay, by any chance do you have Jason's air mattress ? I should have asked a week ago!
  21. Happy Birthday, Harriet!
  22. How is Art Donovan LESS relevant to current football than many players discussed here? Just curious... 'Fatso' is a hilarious look at pro football back in the day. Players came to training camp to get in shape. Take his stories with a grain of salt but I would have loved to sit down with him and plenty of beer and sandwiches and listen to his "tall tales" laced with a lot of facts!
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