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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. MS Walk is 1st Sunday in May. You can still sponsor me (or miss it again) for another month after the walk. You can contribute to the NMSS or any worthy charity whenever you want! I love being sponsored but it's not about me.
  2. UPS Blue? Did they give a date and time yet? (that's why it is called a delivery) Oh yeah, COMBOBULATIONS!
  3. If the tailgate is a Monday Night, I cannot make it. I would prefer the first Sunday game. That is my vote.
  4. Thanks! Lots of time left. I just realized this week that I was diagnosed with MS in 1994, so this is my 20th anniversary! I have had it longer, but it can be a "sneaky" disease - relapsng and remitting. The improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and a search for a cure have come a long way. http://main.national...o/family_rocks2
  5. BUMP WARNING! Just wanted to see if anyone was watching. This year has been a busy one, and this is hardly breaking news. NOTE: if anyone is in need of a last minute income tax deduction, here is your chance! Thanks to those who have sponsored me so far. Please pass the word, because I have a long way to go to reach my goal. Thank you! Here is my personal page http://main.national...o/family_rocks2
  6. $11,000 - Fixed! LOL I am looking thru files because I am missing $$ totals from a couple years. It is definitely more. I am going to see if MS Society has records going back and how far. Here is my personal page http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/family_rocks2
  7. fixed...Thanks! I am very pleased you already donate. Everyone helps in their own way. Sorry to hear it seems to frequent your wife's family. Everyone's MS is a bit different. Good luck to you and yours!
  8. It is that time of year again to ask for your help in finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, and providing help to those who have this disease. Since 2005, YOUR donations sponsoring me, my family, and friends in this annual Walk for the Cure have totaled over $11,000! Thank you! MS WALK 2014 https://secure3.conv...rc=bfDskFbPfMsg
  9. If the Bills ever move, I will need to find another team to be "mine". My friends are still on the Stadium Wall, except for Jack.
  10. I will respect him by keeping silent on what is next for this team/franchise, at least today. I have to admit the same thought immediately came to me too.
  11. My father was a founding member and officer of the Buffalo Bills Boosters Club, Inc from day one, so the Bills are "in my blood" since 1960. RIP Mr. Wilson This was expected but still a shock.
  12. Just heard it on the radio ten minutes ago. God Bless you, Mr. Wilson. Peace to you and your family and loved ones. Thank you for bringing the Buffalo Bills to Buffalo. Rest In Peace
  13. I saw the Temptations at Kleinhan's in 1971, does that count?
  14. ..and one of the links shows bad yelp reviews for the lawyer!
  15. They can use your ID to run up debts that steal your time to reverse and possibly your credit for years. Hard to put a $ figure on that, even if they never get a dime from your pocket.
  16. Nothing in net.
  17. They may deny the effect on Spring, but this is what a farmer there told me. He said it delayed his orchard and his grapes.
  18. I this a TBD-ism? Sounds like the Coach. heh
  19. Will have a post up for the MS Walk soon.
  20. They do have a program that reduces property taxes for retirees but I am not there yet...
  21. Per Kiplinger - Least tax-friendly states: 1. California 2. Connecticut 3. New Jersey 4. New York - my combined Town/County/School tax alone is almost $6,000 Most tax-friendly states (for retirees): 1. Alaska 2. Wyoming 3.Georgia 4. Arizona
  22. All roads in Livingston County will be closed to all but emergency vehicles at 3PM today (15 minutes). Just got to work (live and work in Monroe County), hoping roads are passable at midnight! Wonder what happens to people going home from work after 3PM - is that emergency travel? Do they arrest you?
  23. When I was a kid, my father worked at the Bethlehem Steel plant, and they could only work when the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, and seaway were not frozen. Frozen years like this hit many families like a drought hit farmers whose crops died. That seems like a strange parallel, but accurate. They tried "ice dams" in the spring for a while so the eastern end of Erie by Buffalo did not get so badly 'clogged' as it emptied into the Niagara River, but that was shortening the growing season all the way back to Dunkirk, hurting the orchards and vineyards there. The air coming off the lake was crossing corralled icebergs instead of water, and delaying Spring. Compared to weather, we are very small. It sure is pretty though!
  24. Just starting season 10 of Stargate SG-1. I had never watched the originals except the movie that inspired the series.
  25. I have heard that Montclair, NJ is nice. I used to live in several places Jersey but that was many years ago: Stanhope, White Meadow Lake, Lake Hopatcong, and Denville. It is kind of a purple haze in my memory now.
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