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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. Good for her. I am glad she won. I hope every child like this wins a lawsuit.


    Then maybe people will finally stop having kids when they cannot afford to have kids then.


    Parents should do everything within their financial means to pay for college or give some type of assistance, it is the obligation of a parent.


    The you are 18 now get of the house parents make me sick, selfish bastards. You have kids to try and give them the best chance in life to succeed, and you make sacrifices for them.


    As father of four fantastic adult 'children', I believe this has to be mutual.


    Everybody wins.

  2. Been a long long time since we Bills fans even had a game that mattered enough to get pissed off about....so for me that's a moral victory.....and so somebody's got to say it so I wil - there's always next year!


    I have been saying that since 1966, and it tastes really bad.


    I am trying to figure out how to be a Bills fan without caring if they win or lose.

    As it was said earlier, I have seen this game scenario100 times, and I am sick of it.



    Time to take a step back and think of better things for a few days.

  3. If the band is paid to perform, they should be declaring it as taxable income, right? :D

    If they donate their time, they can deduct their band fees and expenses they would have earned for a paying gig.


    If they can and they want to donate their time, great. If not, it is a free choice. Do not get upset.


    Every year I walk and collect money for MS. I am SO thankful for donations, but NEVER get upset if someone does not sponsor me.

  4. You got a point, but it isn't the "grossness" factor that gets me. I can sleep in a mud hole in the middle of malaria riddled jungle (well hope I don't get malaria ;-) ). For me, its all about taking ownership of the mattress. A hotel you sleep on it and leave.


    How much more are we really talking. Just cut somewhere else.


    I understand. I just found it funny the way people reacted, like a mattress slept in by someone else was their Kryptonite. :D

  5. I don't feel good about that at win at all. O Line is an embarrassment , Orton had 2 unforced turnovers, bad fumbles . Thank God for our D. Rbs getting hurt is no excuse


    Not pretty for sure but in December all anyone will see is wins and losses.


    Marone was not strutting. He knows how lucky they are and he knows they have a ton of work to do.

  6. Last year I got the flu right after Christmas. After a week I realized it was more than a bad cold and went to the doctor, who diagnosed it as H1N1, AKA Swine Flu.


    Man, I was sick for two and a half weeks. If I had fluid in my lungs, I would have been hospitalized.


    It sucks being that sick and it also sucks that our time off at work is all "PTO".

    I usually do not get sick, so getting the flu cost me a week's vacation as far as I was concerned!

    I also do not consider being bedridden and contagious "personal time off". If I could have made it to work, I was contagious for over a week.

    I could have wiped out the call center!


    Does anyone else get the flu shot? I got the shot yesterday and no side effects.

  7. I ran into tons of Pats* fans actually from out that way. Turns out it is cheaper for them to come to RWS and stay a night in a hotel than it is to go to Gillette. And with it being a long weekend for many, the conditions were right for an invasion.


    That is exactly what my daughter, who came in from Connecticut, told me.


    As far as Patriots fans, they were as well behaved as BILLS FANS. :bag:


    There were a bunch in 127 and they were HUGE a-holes. Taunting, calling names, picking fights, cursing people out. One or two might have gotten booted, but the security response was pretty lackluster.


    This sounds like the Bills fans in 337 at the home opener.

  8. The Patriots scored 16 points off of three Bills Turnovers. The Bills lost by 15.


    This is a fact that drives me absolutely crazy. You cannot do that as frequently as the Bills do and EVER be better than a .500 team.


    You will beat bad teams or perhaps catch a good team loafing, but a team on its game will have you for lunch every time, if you are buying!

  9. Wondering about what. SF is full of people who make and follow their own rules. We called it the city of unenforced rules. We were in the city two weeks ago and took the bus. I was blown away with the number of people that entered through the back door and didn't pay.


    We were in SF at the end of August.

    I have never been approached by beggars more times anywhere.

    We were 'stalked' twice by goons in different areas of the city, Luckily after NY and Toronto, we can spot them a block away.

    I think brothels are legal.

    I was offered pot about ten times. :w00t:


    We stayed in Chinatown for a week and had a great time.


    SF = few rules


    NYC Chinatown = You order, you Pay!

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