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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. It is that time of year again to ask for your help in finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, and providing help to those who have this disease.


    I was diagnosed 21 years ago, and I am still standing! :thumbsup:


    Jack, please pin this post (don't bogart me). :w00t:

    Since 2005, YOUR donations sponsoring me, my family, and friends in this annual Walk for the Cure have totaled almost 12,000!




    Facebook Page - search for Family Rocks


    Thank you!

    MS WALK 2015



    Just about anything by Heinlein, really. About every two or three years I go on this Heinlein jag and binge-read damn near all his books, in publication order.


    Also: Dune. I've read that book maybe 18 times, and every time I read it again I find something new.


    I am the same way with Heinlein, Herbert (Dune), Asimov, and a few others.

    Sometimes I will see a book at a yard sale that I own and I have read.

    I will buy it cheap and randomly give it to someone I think will enjoy it.

  3. I would just like to introduce myself to the board. I have read it practically everyday for about ten years but never commented until now, it seemed like the time is right. I have been a Bills fan for about 35 years. I was born and raised in Rochester but reside just outside New Orleans now. I have always wanted to get on here and talk Bills football but the negativity and put downs of others differing opinions caused me to hesitate. I decided to add my two cents and hopefully add some insight and humor.

    So you will have to let us know if you come north and we can go to Nick's for a Garbage Plate.


    I am from Buffalo but have spent most of my life in Rockchester.


    Differing opinions should be welcomed, but that is just my opinion

  4. The stories regarding some of the talent that didn't show is pretty interesting. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Bob Dylan, The Stones. All invited but for reasons didn't show up.


    Some could not get through the traffic. Most ended up coming in by helicopter.


    Sha Na Na was there because they won a contest at a bar (at least that is what I heard).


    Too many did not make the movie or soundtrack cut - mostly due to record label conflicts.


    Honorable mention to Richie Havens. He was one of the few there at the start, so they found him a guitar and asked him to play anything to calm the impatient crowd. He played all the songs he knew and then started making songs up - improv.


    That got us the song "Freedom"


    John Sebastion forget the words to his own song

    Canned Heat was audio only inthe movie and soundtrack.

    CSNY, Suite: Judy Blue Eyes was unreal


    Jimi and the Star Spangled Banner in the A.M. gives me chills.


    No, I was a tiny bit too young to have been there.

  5. So what is this your extremely dim witted defense of the current regime?


    I hear a song coming around, "Hakuna Retatta!"


    Proteus, when was the last time a Bills game on Christmas week was worth watching?


    With this team, you take whatever enjoyment you can get, with no other expectations.

  6. Did anybody see the penalties called on the INT returns? They didn't show them on the replay and they seemed questionable. 76 total yards lost on those penalties.


    On one play they just called the penalty on the "receiving team". Did they all do something?


    KO is terrible. 3rd and 1 and he slides two yards behind the line of scrimmage? Playing the best QB in the NFL and you don't dive for that? Playing for the post season?


    Nice of him to get a few garbage TDs and Yards tho


    We were screaming when he did this! He had the first down by just letting his momentum carry him forward instead of sitting down. That was a gutless play.

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