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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=skaket+beach&rlz=1C1AVSA_enUS456US460&espv=2&biw=1600&bih=775&tbm=isch&imgil=MJ2kFiJYrYUaVM%253A%253BVBmIkJDlfOcxiM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.johnshorephoto.com%25252Fcontents%25252FPhoto%2525252520Galleries%25252FOther%2525252520Destinations%25252Fimage-20110704_js_0096-ns%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=MJ2kFiJYrYUaVM%253A%252CVBmIkJDlfOcxiM%252C_&usg=__BnCmHhJLoTluwH2G3SrxAMJHAZU%3D&ved=0CFAQyjc&ei=Rv0rVYTZDpPkgwTTpoLADQ#imgrc=1RTMk3127I2JfM%253A%3BNVXrrShasIBHIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fstatic.uglyhedgehog.com%252Fupload%252F2012%252F10%252F28%252Fthumb-1351463674126-_dsc0025.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.uglyhedgehog.com%252Ft-73513-1.html%3B600%3B399 Skaket Beach is very cool. When the tide goes out you can walk a LONG way out into in the Cape. Wear water shoes! Also, we took bicycles to take the ferry to Martha's Vineyard. Getting there by car on the ferry can take forever!
  2. It was at the Rockpile, probably 1964. Bills vs. Jets. We were in the covered end zone. I do not remember who won, but a drunk fell onto my lap from the row behind us and in front of us a Jets fan puked orange tango on a lady and then tried to wipe her off with his coat. Funny what you remember when you are eleven.
  3. Thanks for the help!
  4. +10 pass the moonshine.
  5. My friends and family, and I will be in a casket.
  6. Bump it to 15, but come time to order - it could vary up or down a bit.
  7. I saw the Who my first time, around 1972 in the Rochester War Memorial, after the release of Who's Next? First time I heard any of that album. They were at their PEAK complete with Keith Moon. Tickets were $6.00 I saw the Who again in the early 80's (Who Are You?) at the Ralph. Great sound but could not see the band well. The field was packed so tight, and it got so hot and compressed, they were showering the crowd with water hoses and people were being passed on top of the crowd (not unlike surfing) to first aid stations under the stage. When they were playing "Love, Reign O'er Me", it started to rain. Tickets were $15.00 At least now they can show the band on the three screens. I am probably going to pass on the current "Who" with Daltry and Townsend, unless it comes REAL close to home. We may go see the Stones. I would like to see them since I never have, and that is MY bad. Update - tickets in the upper deck end zone away from the stage start at $150. Nevermind..... We already have tickets for Carlos Santana in Canandaigua in August. Lawn seats $30.00
  8. My job is internet technical support and I get a couple of these every week. "They found thousands of malicious files on my computer and charged me $299. Now my computer is locked." Hey, the bad guys can't get in unless you open the door!
  9. April 2 Status: My TBD friends and others have me at $220 so far with about a month to go! Thank you for sponsoring me, and if you have been procrastinating - time to click on the link! Any all all donations are GREATLY appreciated. http://walknyr.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?px=1850699&fr_id=25287&pg=personal Happy Easter or Passover! TBD Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Cugalabanza
  10. Thank you for sponsoring me! AFTER you woke me up and brought me coffee!
  11. ..and JJ still thinks it is funny. and so do I.
  12. It is that time of year again to ask for your help in finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, and providing help to those who have this disease. I was diagnosed 21 years ago, and I am still standing! Jack, please pin this post (don't bogart me). Since 2005, YOUR donations sponsoring me, my family, and friends in this annual Walk for the Cure have totaled almost 12,000! http://walknyr.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?px=1850699&fr_id=25287&pg=personal Facebook Page - search for Family Rocks Thank you! MS WALK 2015
  13. I am going to guess 10 tickets, Jay. I will send out an alert to my hoard. thanks!
  14. Excellent closing quote to NY Times article: “The only reason you mock something is when it doesn’t live up to the ideal,” Mr. Stewart said. “There’s a huge difference between what these journalists are doing on the ground, and the perversion of it that is the 24-hour news networks.”
  15. I feel like Nancy Kerrigan, "WHY?"
  16. Very good book; very average movie. Of course that is just my opinion.
  17. I am the same way with Heinlein, Herbert (Dune), Asimov, and a few others. Sometimes I will see a book at a yard sale that I own and I have read. I will buy it cheap and randomly give it to someone I think will enjoy it.
  18. I met "Angie" a few years ago. I listened to her speak and bought her book. Tragic story told in a very factual and non-judgemental way by a Polish ghetto survivor. http://www.amazon.com/Angies-Story-Barbara-G-Appelbaum/dp/0971068658
  19. Robert A Heinlein Stranger in a Strange land Isaac Asimov Foundation Trilogy C.S. Lewis That Hideous Strength Ray Brabury Martian Chronicles Something Wicked This Way Comes Kahlil Gibran The Prophet ...for starters
  20. I feel bad for a close friend who has loved the Patriots forever. It was hard enough to suffer through all the 0 for 4 jokes as a Bills fan. It was hard to listen to all the OJ jokes. I can only imagine he must be feeling right about now.
  21. I am not being negative. I am basking in the glow of perpetual mediocrity. (50 year fan here) I am tired of the resounding mantra "We are number two". I want to see someone take charge and just WIN a championship before I die.
  22. So you will have to let us know if you come north and we can go to Nick's for a Garbage Plate. I am from Buffalo but have spent most of my life in Rockchester. Differing opinions should be welcomed, but that is just my opinion
  23. Some could not get through the traffic. Most ended up coming in by helicopter. Sha Na Na was there because they won a contest at a bar (at least that is what I heard). Too many did not make the movie or soundtrack cut - mostly due to record label conflicts. Honorable mention to Richie Havens. He was one of the few there at the start, so they found him a guitar and asked him to play anything to calm the impatient crowd. He played all the songs he knew and then started making songs up - improv. That got us the song "Freedom" John Sebastion forget the words to his own song Canned Heat was audio only inthe movie and soundtrack. CSNY, Suite: Judy Blue Eyes was unreal Jimi and the Star Spangled Banner in the A.M. gives me chills. No, I was a tiny bit too young to have been there.
  24. Objectively, he is a better QB than I am. Like me, he is not a starter in the NFL on a winning team.
  25. Remind me not to p*ss you off.
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