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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. If any season ticket holders are able to buy tickets for my 'group' please send me a message or reply with a way to contact you. If you are so inclined, we can work out price and method of payment that is mutually agreeable. Jay, thank you once again for doing your best. What more can we ask?
  2. Do I make that picture by typing "smiley face and I would like a beer"? Just wondering. I have been around since the Cookie days myself, Howard. Favorite Bill was Tom Day. I shook his hand when I was about eleven. Was your Mom's name N.J. Sue? I feel this thread drifting towards the pickle juice jar. Got any tennis balls? My sh*tter is clogged.
  3. Pictures for Jack: Family Rocks https://www.flickr.com/photos/upstatenychapter/17179381037/in/album-72157651941216429/ the walking dead: https://www.flickr.com/photos/upstatenychapter/17188228339/in/album-72157651941216429/ The lovely Mrs Rock: https://www.flickr.com/photos/upstatenychapter/16758988903/in/album-72157651941216429/
  4. I have been here since Scott was designing the first logo and e-mailing folks to write articles to get things started. Many folks have me beat on "post count" though! A lot of folks have spent a whole lot of time making this place "home" since then.
  5. Well, another walk is completed. We had beautiful weather - sunshine and mid 70's. We took the long walk, 5 miles. I hit the wall around three miles but pushed to get a second wind and actually jogged the last 100 yards. I am sore all over and tomorrow may be hell, but it was worth it. With a several at the wire sponsors on line and a couple checks, the total came to (drum roll please) $1,365.00 You people never cease to amaze me. When I left for the walk this morning I had recorded $960. TBD Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Cugalabanza The Tomcat TBD Fezmid Mr Info Boyst Mr. WEO tsaikotic papabear ? Cowgirls Fan Doc Others Jane P Dunk Marcie and Dave Grace B Arlene H Bilby kimm Jwalk2000 Lou P dsmack Jesse G Karen and Fred R
  6. Off to the WALK. FYI - we are at $960 in sponsors as of two minutes ago. $40 to reach $1,000.... You ROCK!
  7. We are 10 hours away from the start of the MS Walk and $155 away from reaching $1,000. Come on Jack, you can get us to a milestone. I will send you pictures!
  8. The health industry sucks, no doubt. SSI and SSDI suck worse. Add Medicare to the mix and you can just about forget getting through the bureaucracy without legal assistance.
  9. I am doing just fine. Thanks for the kind thoughts! Sorry if it came across as a negative post. At one time in the past, some of the "millennials" were ragging on the "boomers" for ruining their lives.
  10. Medical insurance is currently closer to $8K per year out-of-pocket for the wife and me. That is already planned into the budget when I retire. Some of it will be covered by Medicare, but I will carry insurance to fill the gaps. Her SSI will not be a lot, if she ever retires, because she is self employed. We have maximized her SEP every year to compensate.
  11. I have four grown children who I can count on to help me and the wife as best as they can if needed, but I have medical insurance for a reason. If you have a chronic illness, how do you pay for it? As many of you know, I have multiple sclerosis. Just two pills I take daily would be $84,000 per year if I paid for them out of pocket. Added to those two prescriptions: blood work, GP visits, MRI's, vision and dental expenses. How could anyone cover that without insurance? Read The Millionaire Next Door for some good advice. You can have a great life and save for the future if you do not piss away all or more money than you bring in. If you use common sense, you do not have to be cheap. I worked for a company for 25 years. I contributed the maximum into their 401K, they matched my contribution to either 4% or 6%, and they had a pension plan! I thought I had it made. They sold us to another company, and paid off our 'pension due' in a lump sum. I rolled my 401K and pension check into an independent IRA (not their stock). The unlucky ones who were not laid off or took early retirement, got screwed out of their pensions when the company went belly up. We are a very close family. No BS or drama! When my mother-in-law needs assistance, I will welcome her into our home. She can stay as long as we can care for her. I only wish our other three parents were still here! But seriously, I can provide a home - but who would pay the medical expenses? With any luck, I will be able to retire in less than 18 months, LONG before SSI alone would be enough to support me if that was my only source of income. Save for the future and retire young enough to enjoy it.
  12. THREE DAYS WEEK TO GO!!! There is plenty of time to pitch in, if you can. http://walknyr.natio...287&pg=personal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to my amazing sponsors! Today's update: $755 TBD Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Cugalabanza The Tomcat TBD Fezmid Mr Info Others Dunk Jane P Marcie and Dave Grace B Bilby kim m Jwalk2000 dsmack
  13. I was laid of in 2007 after 27 years. I spent 20 months at Corning Tropel, "contract-to-hire" as quality engineer, took about a $12K pay cut, and was laid off again. Worked at a small manufacturer as a quality manager. That lasted for 12 months until they fired me for not completing engineering tasks I specifically told them I was not trained for and had never done, before I signed the offer. Dropped another $8K too. That was difficult, because I was treated like dirt for too long but had to get fired to insure I would get unemployment. After a year on unemployment, I took an internet help desk job, that did not pay well, unless you were starting your career, but it was full time with good benefits. I needed that because two pills I take daily for MS would be $84K annually out of pocket. Four years later, I am still there but looking to make another change. I will keep this gig until another is found. As far as salary? I make now what I made almost 30 years ago. So much for Baby Boomers living the "high life". LOL
  14. When do you expect the ordering to start? I do not get on the computer every day and do not want to miss out. Thanks, Jay You are my hero.
  15. The Rockpile Sections is up over 20 tickets now. TY
  16. Good one! I am not PC. Ticket scalpers are bottom feeding scumbags. If this offends any Native Americans, please read on: From the Urban Slang Dictionary, "Someone who purchases large quantities of goods (usually tickets) early with the sole intention of re-selling them at a higher price at a later date (closer to the event)."
  17. EIGHT DAYS WEEK TO GO!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to my sponsors! Today's update: $515 TBD Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Cugalabanza The Tomcat TBD Anonymous Fezmid Others Dunks Jane P Marcie and Dave Grace B Bilby
  18. Capitol Records would not let them use The Crackers or The Honkies, so they became simply The Band.
  19. Good luck with the Fan Advisory Board tonight, Jay.
  20. Now maybe we can have more Two Bills Drive, and less off season Two Bills Drivel. Rock On!
  21. Prayers to you and your family. Compared to ALL, MS is a walk in the park. Take it a day at a time and be your best. God Bless, Rockpile
  22. Thanks to my sponsors! Today's update: $315 TBD Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Cugalabanza The Tomcat Others Dunks Jane P Marcie and Dave http://walknyr.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?px=1850699&fr_id=25287&pg=personal
  23. Just a bump! We are up to $280 - just wanted to let you know. You can sponsor me here http://walknyr.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?px=1850699&fr_id=25287&pg=personalor go to Facebook and search for the group "Family Rocks". rockpile From the MS Society: Where Does the Money Go? As efficient, effective stewards of our donors’ contributions, we make sure that more than 79 cents out of every dollar we raise goes directly to improve the lives of people living with MS through programs, services and research. To move us closer to creating a world free of MS, last year alone, the Society invested nearly $50 million to support more than 380 new and ongoing research projects around the world while providing program services to over one million people. Our supporters’ generous contributions help people affected by MS by: Helping fund cutting-edge research aimed at finding the cause of MS, more treatments and, ultimately, ending the disease forever. Providing resources and information for people living with MS about a variety of issues through newsletters, publications, education seminars and conferences, and at-home teleconferences. Providing direct support and financial assistance for the FDA-approved medications, medical equipment, counseling services, respite, care management, college scholarships, and other emergency assistance. Supporting emotional health and physical well-being through a network of self-help groups, a peer support telephone program, wellness programs, and more! Reconnecting families affected by MS by coordinating family and social programs, couples retreats, kids camp, and other family support programs. Driving change through advocacy at the federal, state and local level to benefit people with MS and their families.
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