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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Would you admit it in private?
  2. I had my doubts, since a rag wrapped in a plastic bagged, jammed in the plug hole like packing a cannon was working purty good.
  3. Damn, but you ask a lot of intelligent questions for a girl! I bet you like football too! Basement toilet. No pump. City Sewer. Problem is we got so much rain that the storm sewers could not handle the volume of water. When this happens, the storm sewer spills over into the sanitary sewer. When that gets overloaded, water backs up from the street to the house.. you get the picture. Corked the stationary tub so I did not get sewage coming up there. A neighbor suggested I cork my toilet with a tennis ball (it worked in their toilet) to stop it from backing up. When I did that, my toilet ate the tennis ball. I solved my problem, but I want to read some more comments before I give you the Final Jeopardy answer.
  4. I can pull the toilet if I have to, I was hoping to find an easier way, like flush it away!
  5. My basement was flooding - water slowly coming up through the toilet. A neighbor said he "corked" his with a tennis ball. I tried but the ball went all the way up into the toilet! How do I get it out? !@#$ing rain.....
  6. Sometimes people who can do this are ambidextrous. This is the type of person you want operating heavy machinery that requires each hand and foot to be performing unique tasks or the backhoe goes through a wall!
  7. Schobel is already what, 3rd or 4th in team history in sacks? Add to this that he has been playing WITHOUT a force at DE on the other side! Not taking away from Pat Williams, but I do not understand this at all.
  8. I am afraid to make a list. I KNOW I would leave someone out. I will have a ball with my old friends, and hope to make a lot of new ones. I have yet to be disappointed!
  9. I have walked in your shoes. Quit smoking over 8 years ago and after an initial gain, I now weigh 10 pounds less than when I graduated high school! I enjoy an occasional cigar (5 or 6 a year - usually at the Ralph) but that is not really "smoking". I used to smoke 1-2 packs a day for 25+ years. Two months is great - keep it up!
  10. And every year she will learn to play you better. Sent my baby off to college a week ago. Cherish every stage they are at.
  11. Um, that is what we refer to as "ambiance".
  12. I had my pork pulled at Sticky Lips. Does that count?
  13. No...resist....don't say it... he set me up... oh hell... personal reasons?
  14. Main Street is the real deal.
  15. No, bobblehad just EATS like he was R.Rich. I always count you as "highly something", heh. I will be there!
  16. You da marsupial, Scot-o-roo!
  17. What tailgate party?
  18. Note the smiley face, Mr. T; I never doubted you!
  19. I spoke with Lawton a bit after one practice. Did not see him in much action, but he was a nice guy with a good work ethic. I was hoping someone would see some potential and retain him. Hard for a FB to break into this team though.
  20. Take it off the kitchen table and put it in the malbox! Sheeesh, Mr. T, it ain't rocket science.
  21. That is some deep stevestojan. Knee deep.
  22. Sometimes I wish I had a parent! I guess we should both be careful what we wish for, Mr T. Back on topic: Happy Birthday, and qwitcherbitchin, Neuman!
  23. I just made you laugh. I already won!!! 242 hours to go.
  24. Rockpile: one car to park, please.
  25. I will say a prayer for him, and for you and your family. I am 51; this is too young! Be strong, positive energy is a strong power.
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