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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. My vote is for the Band. They put together a fusion of rock, beebop, blues, country, folk and even classical that inspired a new form of music. The Eagles were a product of that fusion. Eric Clapton went to jam with them to learn what they were doing. They are also on the cover of Time Magazine 1/12/1970. Take A Load Off Fanny.
  2. They need to study Bruce Smith's film. Start with the outside arc and spin to the inside. Poetry in violent motion. Oh, stevestojan, I did an ON topic reply!
  3. Check out WFUV online (Fordham University) they are playing the new REM all day, sprinkling cuts through the play list. wfuv.org
  4. The original b&w Night of the Living Dead was very scary. I saw it at a drive-in!
  5. Ah yes, #63. I guess I scanned it too quickly! The monkey should have been in technicolor though!
  6. No flying Monkeys? As a young kid, The Wizard of Oz scared the living crap out of me!
  7. All I know is that when I go to the Jets game in Buffalo, I really do not want to see the "same old" stevestojan I have seen in the first three games.
  8. Every Sunday I am optimistic. Then I see the same old mistakes and fubars and avoid any post game comments because I am sick of the smell. Like many of you, I wear my colors proudly, waiting for something to turn around. I am not going anywhere but... I Am Tired Of Waiting!! Feels like 1984, not 2004.
  9. Cool, I have not been flipped off yet today. I think the main point being made was that Jones would have moved the team years ago. Ralph kept them in Buffalo where they belong, and as an owner does not suck, really. But that is just my opinion.
  10. Ralph Wilson is the only founding member of the American Football League that has kept his TEAM in the original CITY. The ONLY one. So Stephen, if you would rather he had sold the team and you were cheering for the Los Angeles Bills, than I guess there is no explaining the enormity of the above achievement.
  11. Coming from Lori, Rubes, that is like winning an Oscar!
  12. This is why I do not B word about OT posts. I would rather have a laugh, get informed, or share a "family moment" any day, than come here after a loss and see 100 negative posts! Nikki called me yesterday in the first quarter. She had flown to Cleveland (from Brooklyn) for the weekend and was watching the Bills at a sports bar. She just wanted to talk through the game with another fan, because the Bills were only on the small screen with no sound. I am sick of all the negativity. I feel it too, but cannot sit here and read it. Mondays are tough enough!
  13. You know back in the 80's, everyone blamed Ralph for being tight with his wallet. He hired Polian to run things and spent what was necessary to build a great franchise that held together for a decade. It was a dynamic GM that put together players and staff to get the gameplan done. Everyone was on the same page. This team reminds me too much of 1981. Who's on first? At least I will be able to buy end zone seats and sit on the 40 yard line soon.
  14. In that example, too, the defensive back was sprinting past Shelton on a beeline to Bledsoe. Had Shelton popped him then returned to his route, it would have bought Drew 3 seconds easily. Alternately, if Shelton was his #1 choice, Shelton's action would have worked - run past the coverage and have the ball delivered immediately. Just a stevestojan play.
  15. Shelton has done this a few times, and DB takes a sack and everyone disses the OL. <sigh> When I first saw the subject, I thought Drew got new carpets for his house.
  16. You KNOW I am there!
  17. 15 yr old boy = boner
  18. 27 years ago, my oldest was 18 months old and we were preparing for her 1st camping trip with a bunch of young hippies in Pennsylvania. Special prayers and hugs are being sent as I type.
  19. Last time I put together a nice inexpensive package through Dell, I was ready to buy until I had to add in $150 for tax and shipping. All of a sudden not such a great deal.
  20. That was a joke, tater. Sorry if that was not apparent! You going to be at the Jets game?
  21. I think if they were competing for a role in a movie, Kerry is the better actor. That is about as far as I will discuss my political opinions here.
  22. I was just about to point that out! DUI checkpoints are not racially or culturally motivated!
  23. I am wearing my colors today just to piss off the bandwagon jumpers. If they go 0-16 I will wear the Bills colors on Friday!
  24. An urban techno assclown. GOD I NEED A GRABAGE PLATE!!!!!
  25. Deep as as 11 foot poll.
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