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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Um, yeah. The styrofoam is not very tasty though.
  2. Thanks for settig the record straight. I would see you there, but R.Rich took my seats! The Bills don't suck, they are just learning a new system.
  3. It's on West Main Street near Rt 490. You will not need a map.
  4. Yeah, no offense AD, and here is my middle finger to show my sincerity!
  5. Lisa is not coming up for this trip. Rich is bringing a buddy from (I think) Erie, PA. Thanks, I will enjoy the plate. For anyone LOCAL: Update - Rich should be at Nick's in a half hour (1:45 PM EST). Maybe I will see you there!
  6. Actually it is a 75 mile radius. I thought the area that causes the Syracuse blackout is between Naples and Bristol - just a few miles of land that is mostly marshland, pasture, rocks, or water. The western-most part of Syracuse TV viewing area. More cows live in the area than people.
  7. We do not meet on a regular basis, but we always post it here when we do meet. It varies but every 4-6 weeks. Of course you are welcome to join us! That would be at Nick Tahou's on Main Street (in the cultural district) Usually it would be a Friday at noon. I am waiting for Rich to call, since he is driving a LONG way for a Garbage Plate. Sorry if anyone eles's plans were screwed up by this!
  8. He is currently north of Ellicottville and will be here later than expected. I am hanging back for now. He is going to call me when he hits 490.
  9. IMPORTANT UPDATE! Message on my answering machine this A.M. from R.Rich Time will be more like "12:30ish" instead of noon. If you can, adjust your schedule accordingly! Keep an eye on the wall this morning, I expect Rich may call again with a better ETA when he gets closer.
  10. Before the season, I did not expect that all the games would sell out. Arizona was on my blackout list. Time to get out the walkman!
  11. <bump> LAST CALL!
  12. I remember him from the tailgate - a really good kid. I do not have to tell you this but you know that you raise them right, point them in the right direction, but then the time comes when you cut that string and let them fly their own path. It is never easy, but it is the way it is done. Be proud he chose something he believes in. Keep us posted on how he makes out (and how you are handling it too). I hope you can make the Jets game; I will be there but do not have an extra ticket.
  13. Leftover home made chicken pot pie and fruit.
  14. That is OK because three is a crowd anyway, right? See you tomorrow!!
  15. The first time I ventured out to find the Two Bills Drive group, years ago, I went by myself. Yes, I had met some of the folks, but I was nervous as hell! All I knew was that when I got there Bob Lamb would have a ticket for me. So, I show up with a 6 pack and a walkman (to listen to Van Miller) all by myself, if I could not find anyone. Anyway, I found the usual crew (Bob lived in Buffalo then) and never has a group of "strangers" made me feel more at home. They fed me, introduced me around, got me a cigar, it was amazing. How do you become part of the "inner circle"? You already are by logging on here and being a part of this community. I wish I could be there Sunday - enjoy!
  16. Happy Birthday (early) !!
  17. Personal issues?
  18. Sshhh, be vewy vewy qwiet! The secret password is "lori". stevestojan, I can't make it until next week. R.Rich is sitting in my seats this Sunday. Hello Cindy! I thought that was you! Factoid: TSW parties are open to all benign sentients!
  19. Danger, Will Robinson! Pictures may spark a conversation you do not want.
  20. At least she likes football! Glad you had fun.
  21. I will add my congrats to the Sox for putting together a steamroller end to the season! Enjoy the moment!
  22. Like I would click on a link from someone named collegeguy that said "here are my boys'!
  23. Do her hind legs fit in your boots?
  24. My family cat and me live in the same space. I don't stevestojan in his food dish, and he stevestojans outside. It is an arrangement that works for us. I would not have a cat by choice. I don't hate them, I just have no use for them, unless they are good mousers. The only animals I abuse are Dolphin fans.
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